Perhaps the greatest pleasure a person has is sex. Therefore, today we will talk about products that cause and increase the desire to engage in it, and are also able to quickly restore sexual performance. They are called "aphrodisiacs". You can easily buy them in pharmacies and sex shops. Let's take a closer look at this topic, and also find out which aphrodisiacs can be called the most effective.
Even our ancient ancestors knew about the miraculous properties of wormwood. It has always been part of various potent arousal mixtures. These drugs included absinthe, which in later hours was recognized as dangerous. Now you can easily buy this aphrodisiac in a pharmacy in the form of capsules. In this form, it is recommended to be taken by women.

Our next hero is ginseng root. Moreover, it can even be attributed to the so-called "heavy artillery". All drugs that contain this substance are aphrodisiacs. These funds are also common in pharmacies, and they are in fairly good demand. You can safely use ginseng even when sexual arousal is simply absent as a result of depression, stressful situations, overwork, and hormonal disorders.
Hit parade of aphrodisiac products
As a rule, all aphrodisiacs in pharmacies are made on the basis of products that contain these stimulants. We will now consider them with you. It doesn't matter whether you take a pharmacy remedy or prepare a light dinner from the products on this list, you can provide yourself and your partner with an unforgettable evening and even a night. All this will help increase desire in both men and women. So, our list will start with the most effective products and continue in descending order.
The first place unconditionally belongs to celery. He is the undisputed leader among the products that contain aphrodisiacs. Unfortunately, there are no drugs based on this product in pharmacies. As far as food is concerned, this stimulant is best cut and drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with cheese. In this case, dinner will not only be delicious, but also promising for sexual partners.

It's no secret that seafood, in addition to he althy protein, also contains aphrodisiacs. The leaders among marine life are oysters. They rightfully belong to the second place among the food that can cause sexual desire. Their meat is rich in zinc, which can positively affect the sperm production process. It also includes dopamine, which significantly increases libido (sex drive). Ask in pharmacies for preparations made on the basis of seafood. As for food, before putting an oyster in your mouth, it is highly recommended to put a drop of lemon juice on it.
You should buy this miracle only in stores and outlets that are famous for positive reviews and have a good reputation. Otherwise, you run the risk of purchasing a stale product that can cause significant damage to your he alth, and along with the he alth of your sexual partner.
Fruits, berries and nuts
Next on the list we have bananas. This is just a storehouse of useful substances. After all, they contain B-group vitamins, potassium and enzymes. All this will not only help you increase your sexual desire, but will also provide you with the necessary energy to have rough sex. The best solution for a romantic dinner would be a salad in which, in addition to bananas, there will be almonds, strawberries, peaches, figs and mangoes. All this also applies to aphrodisiacs, and we will return to these berries and fruits later.

The next thing we will look at is avocado. First of all, it is a fairly high-calorie fruit. It is rich in folic acid. It is simply indispensable during physical exertion, which includes sexual contact. Here you can let your imagination run wild. For dinner, both a salad from this product and a Latin American sauce from it, which is called guacamole, are suitable. Concerningavocado-based medicines, they can also significantly improve the quality of your sex life.
Now back to the almonds. This nut is able to well stimulate the production of hormones in both men and women. He, like bananas, can replenish your body's energy reserve for sex. Surprising is the fact that the aroma of almonds is able to positively affect sexual desire. Therefore, before a romantic night, it would be useful to take a shower with an almond-scented gel.
Back to peaches, strawberries, mangoes and grapes. Their juiciness, sweetness and smell are able to excite sexual desire. When purchasing these products, be sure to check that they have a fragrance. In its absence, there will also be no positive effect on the body.

The next product is an egg. It will also be very useful for the upcoming passionate night. After all, eggs contain B-group vitamins, which help reduce stress and anxiety. But the latter can be the cause of a weak erection or even its absence. In ancient cultures, there was even a custom that a man consumed a raw egg before sex.
The liver also belongs to aphrodisiacs. It has a positive effect on libido. For dinner, it is better to serve it as a pate. But figs, which can set you in a sexual mood, will be an excellent dessert in the form of sweets, which will turn out after dipping them in hot chocolate.
The smell of garlic, no matter howstrangely, it is able to increase blood flow to the genitals, and this will have a positive effect on erection. Garlic is best served for dinner with toast, which is smeared with olive oil and sprinkled with herbs.

Well, let's finish with bitter chocolate. This product includes a considerable amount of antioxidants that will help women maintain youth, beauty and passion. Therefore, do not neglect a few pieces of chocolate after dinner.
Buy not only aphrodisiacs in pharmacies. These substances are also found in everyday products that you consume. Now you know which ones you should pay attention to. Of course, specially purchased aphrodisiacs in a pharmacy will not be superfluous. Reviews of satisfied people only prove this - for example, many pay tribute to the pharmaceutical preparation Yohimbe. Both those and other means can significantly improve the quality of your sex life.