The growing number of psychosomatic diseases is becoming an increasingly urgent problem for the medical community. Everyone knows that such pathologies are easier to prevent than to treat later, but not everyone is trained in the skills of self-regulation of the emotional state. As an effective alternative to self-regulation of the level of stress resistance, modern pharmaceutical companies offer a new generation of drugs called Neurovitan.

Strengthening and nourishing the nervous system
Neurovitan is a universal drug that relieves patients from many problems. Instructions for use describe the effectiveness of the drug, aimed at the complex strengthening and nutrition of the nervous system. This drug is moderna complex of vitamins of group B in high doses with good tolerance and full assimilation, which makes it indispensable when drawing up a scheme of therapeutic measures for patients with a neurological profile. The nervous system needs nutrition and strengthening no less than other components of the human body. Vitamins "Neurovitan" are rightfully considered to be complete nutrition, the regular and timely use of which can minimize the risk of psychosomatic he alth disorders.

The unique composition of the vitamin complex
B vitamins are selected and balanced in the composition of the complex in such a way that the action of some simultaneously enhances the action of others. In the highest dosage, the preparation contains pyridoxine, which is necessary for the body to metabolize and break down many nutrients. A lack of vitamin B6 leads to muscle spasms. In second place in terms of quantitative composition is thiamine, which is necessary for the body to transport oxygen to skin cells. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) helps to increase hemoglobin and red blood cells, and vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) has an antioxidant property. Such a balanced composition makes it possible to use Neurovitan for both neurological and muscular disorders. Feedback from patients who took the vitamin complex for the treatment of various diseases of the nervous system speaks of its high efficiency.
Neurovitan cures…
Universal vitamin complex has recently becomequite popular and in demand in the treatment of a number of diseases. First of all, "Neurovitan" is indispensable in the complex therapy of neuralgia, including intercostal and trigeminal nerve. It will also be effective in the treatment of astralgia, myalgia, neuritis and polyneuritis. Peripheral neuroparalysis is also included in the list of diseases treatable by Neurovitan along with lumbago, sciatica.
Recently, the level of stress of the population has risen sharply, teenagers are also exposed to stress factors. Increasingly, you can hear from worried parents that the child has developed a nervous tic against the background of emotional and physical stress. In such cases, pediatric neurologists sometimes prescribe the Neurovitan vitamin complex. Instructions for use allow the drug to be taken by children from one year old.

Neurovitan does not cure…
Like any drug, this vitamin complex also has a number of contraindications for use. First of all, this applies to those people who have been diagnosed with a body reaction to any kind of allergens, since vitamin B1 is contraindicated in all forms of allergies. For those who suffer from an exacerbation of peptic ulcer, treatment with Neurovitan is also not recommended in order to avoid complications, since this drug can stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. It should also not be taken by people with blood problems such as erythremia, erythrocytosis, thromboembolism. Patients with a history of neoplasms are also not prohibited from using Neurovitan. Instructions foruse indicates that the drug should not be taken in patients with severe forms of angina pectoris and heart failure.

Adults should take 1 to 4 tablets per day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Pregnant women are prescribed 1 tablet per day for 2-4 weeks. Women during lactation - from 1 to 2 tablets per day (2-4 weeks). Babies from 1 year to 3 years are recommended 1/4-1/2 tablets 1 time per day. Children 3-7 years old - 1 tablet per day. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. Children 8-14 years old should take 1-3 tablets per day for 2-4 weeks.
Efficiency of the drug in the complex treatment of patients with diseases of the digestive system
Doctors involved in the study of the effectiveness of the vitamin complex for the treatment of various diseases, suggested the positive effectiveness of Neurovitan in the complex treatment of a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The studies were carried out by employees of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology. Patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract were prescribed Neurovitan. Tablets were included in the basic therapy of chronic hepatitis and colitis. The conducted experiments led to the conclusion that the use of the vitamin preparation led to a more rapid elimination of the symptoms of liver diseases. This allows us to say that Neurovitan is a drug with a universal spectrum of action as part of complex therapy.
Reviews of doctors about the drugNeurovitan
Effective vitamin complex is becoming more and more popular due to its effectiveness. An increasing number of neurologists and psychiatrists are prescribing Neurovitan to their patients. Reviews of doctors who monitor the dynamics of improving the well-being of patients while taking the drug indicate its effectiveness both as part of complex therapy and when taken separately. In patients suffering from various forms of neuralgia, the improvement occurred much faster while taking Neurovitan. Many gastroenterologists have made it a constant practice to include a vitamin preparation in the complex therapy. This treatment is especially relevant for patients diagnosed with liver disease. Neurologists note the high effectiveness of the drug when administered to babies, child psychiatrists also actively use Neurovitan in their practice. In Russia, this medication is used in medical practice not so long ago due to its relatively recent appearance on the pharmaceutical market.

Reviews of parents of young patients about the drug "Neurovitan"
The use of a vitamin preparation in the practice of treating childhood neurosis and pathological conditions of the nervous system has been practiced not so long ago, but today there are a number of positive reviews. The drug is especially relevant in the treatment of nervous tics in children, eating disorders of nervous genesis. Reviews of parents of small patients indicate that they gave the drug to their children regularly, for a month. So advisesuse Neurovitan instructions. The price of vitamins for nerves is affordable, which allows you to purchase a drug without compromising the budget. For a sustainable effect, Neurovitan treatment is recommended to be carried out at least twice a year. For teenagers of school age, a complex of B vitamins is an effective tool for increasing stress resistance to emotional and physical stress.
Reviews of adult patients about vitamins for nerves
Adult patients also actively use Neurovitan for the treatment of various painful conditions of the nervous system. The price of the drug is also quite affordable for a wide range of consumers. Many patients note that the main advantage of these vitamins is their availability. The effectiveness of the drug is also not in doubt. The remedy helps with unstable pressure, nervous disorders, neurological disorders, sleep disorders and other pathologies associated with disorders of the nervous system.

Side effects of drug use
Like any drug, Neurovitan has a number of reported side effects that occur with regular use. As a rule, they occur quite rarely and can be associated with the presence of various pathologies of the body. First of all, it can be dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence. Sometimes diagnosed with increased sweating and body temperature, heart palpitations, changes in blood pressure. Burning and itching ineyes can also occur while taking the drug "Neurovitan". The instructions for use indicate that in case of side effects, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor, you may need to adjust the dosage of the medicine.
Analogues of the vitamin complex in the modern pharmaceutical market
Sometimes patients face the problem of the lack of "Neurovitan" in the pharmacy network of their locality. Some patients are not satisfied with the price of the drug. They spend their time looking for cheaper medicine. Given the uniqueness of the drug "Neurovitan", analogues should have a similar composition and dosage. The most common generic is Neurobex, which has the same indications for use as Neurovitan. Many patients have successfully used this medicine to correct many neurological problems. No less popular is Neuron, which is also used for degenerative changes in the spine. That is why traumatologists prescribe "Neuron" to their patients along with the drug "Neurovitan". The price of "Neuron" may be higher than the cost of similar drugs, but if doctors recommend this particular complex, then it is better for the patient to follow this recommendation. An effective drug is Milgama, which is identical in composition to the Neurovitan vitamin complex. Analogues of the complex are prescribed by the attending doctor, taking into account the symptoms and concomitant diseases in the patient.

Price category of the drug in pharmacies
The cost of the vitamin complex in pharmaciesfluctuates. Different pharmacy chains offer the drug and its analogues in assortment, while the consumer may be interested in which pharmacy has a lower price for Neurovitan. Kharkov, for example, offers this complex in many pharmacy chains, the lowest price is fixed in the network of social pharmacies and pharmacies "Olfarmmed": 135 hryvnias for 30 tablets. The price is slightly higher in other pharmacies: from 136 hryvnia to 150 ("World Pharmacy"). Almost every city pharmacy in Kharkov has Neurovitan and a number of its analogues.
In Russia, "Neurovitan" costs about 450 rubles for 30 tablets.