A man walks through the desert incinerated by the sun and drags a whole heap of very heavy things: a huge weight, a metal chain, millstones from a mill wheel, and on his back, in addition, a bag of sand. Why take sand with you to the desert? It's obviously just as useless as the rest of the equipment. The trouble is that a person does not remember when he put this burden on his shoulders and why he drags it for so long. He had long been accustomed to this burden and stopped noticing it. Don't know? Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich (psychotherapist) believes that this person personifies any of us. It is we who walk the winding roads of life for a long time and carry in our minds the weight of unnecessary problems.

Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich – psychotherapist. His biography is quite common and accessible to a wide range of admirers of his gift. He was born on January 14, 1954.
The young man received a classical education at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Psychology. Sergey Kovalev, a psychotherapist in the future, studied well, but due to the fact that he failedsuccessfully passed the state exam in scientific communism, I had to forget about getting a red diploma. After the institute, he quite often changed his field of activity: the Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant, the Krasnogorsk city committee of the Komsomol and even the Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the Komsomol. An active search for a place in life at the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Moscow Institute of Management has ended. This brought a long-awaited relief to Kovalev, whose activity so far has not corresponded to his aspirations. This period was overshadowed by the fact that, unfortunately, Sergey Viktorovich could not reach an understanding with his colleagues. But it was at this time that his first book was published, which explores the psychology of family relationships.
More than in the public service, the psychotherapist did not try himself. Kovalev works a lot, is still engaged in increased physical activity, prefers martial arts, is fond of qigong exercises, esotericism, and practices meditation.
Sergey Viktorovich prefers not to mention his personal life unnecessarily and does not make it public. But it is known that at the moment Kovalev is happy in family life: he and his wife raised their daughter Elizabeth, born in 1979, who prefers to follow in her father's footsteps. Currently, Sergey Kovalev is a fairly well-known psychotherapist, and he lives in his house in the Moscow region. In addition to his family, his house is home to his favorite pets - a dog and a cat.
Passion for NLP programming
Passion for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Sergey Kovalev(psychotherapist) began to develop since leaving the Moscow Institute of Management. On the basis of NLP, he created his own direction: the Eastern version of neuroprogramming, in other words, the author's method of consultations and psychotherapy.

He is the founder of the NLP technology center, which brought together followers of this direction and is used to improve skills and exchange information.
Achievements and regalia
Currently, video materials about NLP programming, the author of which is Sergey Kovalev (psychotherapist), have become widespread. All his books are in demand, used as teaching aids. Sergey Viktorovich created the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League, is included in the World and European registers, was certified as an NLP master trainer.

A little about books
It was not for nothing that the conversation about Sergei Viktorovich began with a story about the desert. This is how a person goes along the path of life, carrying the burden of childhood problems, the uncertainty of youth and all the mistakes and problems that have accumulated in the years of maturity. But at the same time, he forgets about the main thing: the need to be happy and he althy, raising his children in the same vein. Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich (psychotherapist) began to write books while in public service. At the moment, there are over 30 of his works, and many of them are intended for a trained readership. It is worth noting the most famous andavailable to readers with no special knowledge of psychology:
- “Trust in the doctor, but don’t make a mistake yourself! Or self-healing programs without doctors or drugs.”
- "Neuroprogramming of a successful destiny".
- "Healing with NLP".
- "How to live in order to live?".
The essence of the theory of NLP is that human thinking has the ability to contribute to the development of events according to its own scenario. To do this, you need to know the exact result that you want to achieve, to assess and feel the situation as soberly as possible. Flexibility helps to adapt to all the events that occur around, while not deviating from the goal.
Where are we from?
There are several books that every person simply needs to read in order to understand the degree of responsibility for all the deeds, thoughts and actions that parents do with respect to their own children. Everything that has ever been said about the child, for example, statements about his appearance, abilities, the degree of guilt in certain events - all this becomes a big obstacle, sometimes a really huge well in which the best intentions of the baby can drown.

Instead of supporting the child in his progress and development of personality, many parents have chosen the tactic of caution. After all, even a small remark can stop the child's further attempts to achieve his goal. We are talking about the work of Kovalev under the eloquent title “We come fromterrible childhood. Or how to become the master of your past, present and future.”
Feedback and wishes
The head of the now popular and fashionable direction supervises many students. Constant practical classes, seminars, meetings, an abundance of printed and virtual information led to the fact that Sergei Viktorovich had a large number of followers. And, of course, there are a lot of positive reviews that Sergey Kovalev, a psychotherapist and coach (trainer), deserved with his work. Those who attended his seminars note the unprecedented flow of energy that comes from this unique person and is rapidly conquering the entire hall.

The energy filling of space comes from the manner of speaking and moving, from gestures and appearance. According to the listeners of courses, seminars and events of the Institute of Innovative Psychotechnologies, the proposed methods quickly get rid of obstacles to self-realization, contribute to well-being, strengthen a person's faith in himself and his own destiny.
Fly in the ointment
Recently, one can often find information about Anna Anisimova, whose teacher and director was Sergey Kovalev, a psychotherapist who gained fame thanks to his unique techniques. Anna also leads seminars and has followers. There was a conflict between the student and the teacher, because of which Anisimova was forced to go into free swimming. According to her, there are fundamental disagreements in the center, unfortunately, the students do notalways find understanding from the teacher. Therefore, more than once dissatisfied employees left the center. But such reviews are rather an exception to the rule: mostly positive reviews are noted about the psychotherapist.
Kovalev Sergey Viktorovich - a psychotherapist, teacher and mentor, finally, just a person who is trying to improve the world in accessible ways.