Nature arranged people so that usually a man and a woman are drawn to each other. Many people openly or secretly dream of a big and happy family. But not everyone is ready to put up with this state of affairs. This is what this article will be about.

First you need to decide on the name. Translated from Greek (not from Latin), androphobia is translated as hatred, aversion of women to marriage or men in general (andros - man, phobein - to be afraid). This is a psychological deviation, expressed in the fear of the male. This problem is often characterized by similar symptoms and causes for many of the fair sex. Leaving such a situation without intervention would be wrong from a humane point of view, because every person is worthy of happiness and love. Androphobia is a barrier to the happiness of any heterosexualwomen, and just any person trying to arrange their social life. This psychological disorder must be treated if the patient is determined to have a fulfilling life.
Persons who a priori avoid male company may seem unusual to others. But the fact is that there is a problem, and it needs to be de alt with with psychotherapeutic methods.

According to studies in this field, the greatest role in the rejection of men is played by the negative experience of past relationships.
Androphobia is the hatred and fear of men with whom close and open relationships can be created. Treason, betrayal, deceit and other negative experiences in relations with the former lead to the complete removal of women from men. Androphobia in women is manifested in the fact that they are ready to stigmatize all other males with the qualities that they had to face in their former lovers. Such a transfer of negative experience to other people does not allow girls and women to rebuild their personal lives.

Androphobia is when a woman endows all men with qualities like a hunting instinct, sports passion, deceit, cunning. Such a negative impression of the masculine gender can be created when confronted with a partner who causes serious mental pain. The experienced experience is instantly fixed in the biography of all men - there is no time for relationships.
Like any fear, fearmen - androphobia - does not lend itself to any logic and rational judgment. This fear is based on misconceptions about men, associated with omnipotence, selfishness, inattention to other people.
Such causes of androphobia, however, do not apply to homosexuals and children.
Androphobia and feminism
Some mistake androphobia for feminism. There may be a corresponding suggestion that sometimes some women with androphobia join the feminist milieu. Such a decision is made with the expectation of the total exclusion of males from their lives.
Androphobia is fear?
Let's deal first with the fact that there is fear. Often, fears are inventions that were invented by people. People are afraid of those things that they have no idea about, sometimes the fear is so strong that it replaces the real with a fictional one and passes it off at face value.

Truth is far from being a frequent guest of imposed fear. In its essence, the truth cannot be terrible. Everything that happens in a person's life is events to which he himself drags in some assessments, qualities, and so on. Yes, the truth can be uncomfortable for each person individually. But that is precisely its essence. In order to manage his life, a person needs to correctly adjust to the truth, and then he will no longer have to suffer from his own illusions. There are only facts and attitudes to them.
In turn, rationalizing your life can lead to a flow in the right direction. That's why it's so importantestablish the symptoms and causes of androphobia, which, fortunately, can be eliminated with the help of an experienced psychotherapist (a psychologist will no longer help here).
Illusory past or present?
Androphobia is a strong illusion of a woman in relation to males. The fact is that she is afraid of things that absolutely do not threaten her. Fear lies in the future actions men think they might take on her.
Reasons for fear of men
What makes a woman afraid of the opposite sex? The reasons for this are purely psychological. These include the following:
- unpleasant childhood memories when a father or brother used physical or psychological violence;
- divorce of parents - offended mothers are far from being flattering about the male sex, which leaves a special imprint on the psyche of the child;
- strict puritanical upbringing - women are charged with modesty in dealing with men and a whole Talmud of rules, as well as they are pointed out to their "unworthy" position, infringe on their rights in comparison with permissiveness allowed by the male sex;
- negative sexual experience - betrayal, rape, and so on (the emotions that a woman experienced during these situations are very important here - they seal all further attempts to establish a sexual life; a woman may wish with all her heart to get closer to the opposite sex, but she is held back by an inexplicable fear);

excessive anxiety - if a woman suffers fromsocial phobia (fear of people), and is also fond of watching movies or programs where the main focus is on violence and cruelty by men, constant disturbing thoughts attract the very “villains” into the life of a woman who can reinforce her suspicions and increase her fear
Androphobia Today
As noted by many psychologists, a fairly large number of modern women tend to avoid serious relationships. This happens because of the fear of losing freedom, getting the role of a “subordinate man”. But they forget that the outdated model of the relationship between husband and wife has long undergone multiple modifications. However things are still there. Independent, independent women are afraid to fall into the trap of a skilled suitor and complicate their clearly scheduled life.

The negative experience of first falling in love sometimes takes precedence over rational judgments and does not allow a girl to enter into a new relationship. Indeed, young guys are selfish and easily hurt the tender feelings of girls who are ready to do anything for them. Just do not forget that the guys themselves can have such an experience, everything here is purely individual. The main thing in such situations is the understanding of the fact that a single case is not an indicator for the whole society. Some become rough with pain, while others withdraw into themselves and cease to have any contact with men.
The phenomenon of feminism, which had a positive background at the beginning, turned into a movement of man-haters who willingly spreadnegative information by talking / thinking about what kind of villains all males are. Moreover, such statements may not have any solid foundation at all, but the main thing for them here is not the establishment of the truth, but the desire to confirm their case and omit the male gender. Thus, they try to assert themselves by humiliating someone on the basis of birth, not noticing that they are exposing themselves to ridicule. Such an approach will not allow them to gain proper confidence - they only accumulate a bunch of negative information in themselves, leading to nowhere or to the gates of a self-made hell.
Be that as it may, the causes of androphobia lie precisely in the woman's past. If she avoids meetings, is afraid of them, and so on, this is already the first sign of a psychological illness.
Ah, if my dream came true…
Often, a woman may want too much from a potential groom, which can lead to the collapse of hopes. After facing real circumstances, a frustrated lady may stop wanting any relationship at all. Therefore, entering the track of a new relationship, it is better to stop projecting your thoughts and expectations on another person altogether. Sometimes we are not even able to figure out in ourselves, where are the "other people's darkness"?
Symptoms of fear of men (identification of possible stages)
Androphobia is a disease that can go undiagnosed for a long time if a woman stubbornly denies her problems. Self-deception is also not an option in this situation. Sometimes an honest recognition of the problem is already the path to recovery.
Irrational fear -Here's what it says about the presence of this disorder in a woman. If she is afraid to contact and get close to worthy men, most likely she can be diagnosed with androphobia.
Other psychological symptoms:
- fear of large crowds of men;
- negative associations;
- idealization of men;
- tendency to ardent feminism;
- paralyzing fear of touch or sexual contact.
Physiological signs:
- hand tremor;
- sweating above normal;
- hyperemia of the face;
- vomit;
- urge to urinate or defecate;
- panic;
- Using harmful substances to numb inner feelings.
Methods of disposal
Androphobia is treated exclusively individually and under the supervision of a good specialist. Typically, the course is designed to conduct psychotherapeutic work, which is designed to eliminate the internal causes of fear. If a woman experiences increased nervousness during the androphobia test, she is prescribed anti-anxiety medication.

The task of the therapist is to change the woman's attitude towards the opposite sex. As a result, she should receive positive emotions at the sight of the stronger sex.
In some cases, an experienced psychotherapist can resort to the use of hypnosis - he is able to change subconscious negative affirmations into positive ones.
The self-hypnosis method is also very successful. law of attraction no onedid not cancel: what you think, you attract.
Thus, getting rid of false fear is far from the last thing in the life of modern life. Otherwise, she will have to face either loneliness or an undesirable outcome of events. But no one wants to end up with nothing, right?