Millions of people around the world experience depression every day. Sometimes doctors find they have a serious disorder called major depressive disorder. In other cases, it may just be a temporary episode of sadness, loss of vitality. However, in both cases, a person suffers from a sense of the meaninglessness of his being, various disorders begin to appear in him - for example, sleep is disturbed, appetite becomes worse. How can you deal with depression?

Change your point of view on events
Treatment of depression at home is quite possible in case of a mild disorder. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to the state of your psyche. Changing your point of view is a worthy alternative to cognitive-behavioral therapy. A person's emotions, whether they are positive or negative, are often created not by his life situation itself, but by how he interprets it for himself. Psychologists point out thatoften the cause of depression is not at all life's difficulties and troubles, but what a person thinks about them. The following home remedies for depression can help manage your blues and prevent them from recurring.

Be active
Regularly engaging in sports or exercise can significantly reduce the risk of developing depression. You can take walks at an energetic pace, start running, visit a special fitness center. During physical activity, the brain is saturated with endorphins, which are not enough during depression. In addition, as a result of exercise, the brain is also saturated with oxygen. This has a significant impact on well-being, allowing you to quickly deal with anxious depression.
It is believed that physical activity lasting half an hour 5-6 times a week helps to get rid of those disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system that lead to the development of depression.
Nourish the brain
Insufficiently varied diet can lead to various brain disorders, including depression. To prevent the development of blues, it is useful to take multivitamins, fish oil. It contains a large amount of omega-3 acids, which are one of the most important components for brain tissue. Psychotherapists believe that if a sufficient amount of omega-3 enters the body, then the likelihood of developing depression is minimal. Their source is fatty fish (mackerel, tuna, herring). In addition, they can be found in some oils - for example, flaxseed.
He althysleep
If a person sleeps 8 hours a day every day, this leads to an increase in the amount of serotonin in the brain, which protects against depression. In order for sleep to fulfill its healing function, it is useful to go to bed constantly at the same time - including weekends. Before going to bed, it is advisable to relax well. You can take a bath or take a walk. The bedroom should be quiet and dark, in this case, sleep will be he althy.
Change your view of the world
Extremely negative impact can have on the psychological state and those speculations that a person indulges in. Before assessing the situation in negative terms, you need to get as much information about it as possible. It is always better to ask an extra question than to indulge in a pessimistic assessment of events. For example, a friend was supposed to pick you up, but he is late for a quarter of an hour and still does not call. If you imagine that he is an irresponsible person, a feeling of aggression, disappointment will come. If you think that something happened to him, fear will arise. Or maybe a friend actually went to the store and is now waiting in line at the checkout. Thus, the same situation can be perceived differently. And for its correct interpretation it is useful to obtain additional information. This will help to avoid negative experiences, including depression.

Don't self-deprecate
Many treatments for depression are primarily aimed at raising self-esteem. If a person who has not receivedpromotion, considers himself a loser, you can say about him: he assesses the situation from the position of maximalism. This approach almost inevitably leads to depression. Every time when there is a desire to criticize yourself or others, you should once again analyze the situation, check whether you are a victim of excessive maximalism. Not necessarily the person who was passed over in the service is a loser. After all, a variety of factors that have absolutely nothing to do with it can play a role here.
Learning to look for the positive in everything
Every day a modern person is surrounded by sources of pleasant emotions, but he prefers not to notice them. How to overcome depression, if you constantly indulge only in negative experiences? This is almost impossible - and therefore it is extremely important to learn to notice good things, to rejoice in them. This habit can be developed through practice. For example, if, when meeting a person, he made an unpleasant impression, you can try to find at least two positive qualities in him. This practice will allow you to begin to be more tolerant of yourself.
Develop willpower
One of the main keys to getting rid of depression is a well-developed willpower. Without it, it is impossible to force yourself to go in for sports, go outside even for a short run. Instead, the person will stay at home, grieve and whine. Instead of meditating, a person without willpower will prefer to go to the doctor to be prescribed antidepressants. Impossible without willpowerpull yourself together. However, in reality, the blues is fueled by the weakness of a person. If he cannot say no to the temptation to indulge in sad and disturbing ideas, then it will be extremely difficult for him to eradicate depression.

Strengthen the nervous system
It is also very important to learn to relax. After all, anxiety, aggressiveness, irritability - all these unpleasant properties are a prerequisite for the occurrence of depressive disorders. Therefore, the treatment of depression at home should include getting rid of negative experiences. They need to learn to splash out in a peaceful way. For example, go dancing or buy a punching bag home. It is also useful to learn various relaxation techniques in order to control the state of your body, get rid of physical stress in time. This is especially important in the treatment of depression in women. After all, they always experience overflowing, and negative emotions often serve as a source of blues.
Stop complaining
In the process of overcoming depression, it is extremely important to learn to be grateful for the blessings that are currently available. after all, many people in the world live in conditions of constant danger, hunger, poverty. If you constantly complain to yourself or friends, constantly think about your misfortunes, this will only aggravate the situation. After all, depression is not just a state of the body. It is a direct reflection of the thoughts and experiences of a person. Depression itself isn't that bad if you don't give in.negative mood. After all, even a cold is easier to survive if you don’t get upset and expect recovery.

A few more ways
Let's look at some tips that will be helpful for treating depression at home:
- Fill life with colors. It is not uncommon for people in a depressed state to prefer monochrome clothes, and their homes are not bright. Psychologists have long been talking about the positive impact of color on human life. Therefore, to get rid of the blues, it is useful to add some bright colors to your life.
- Add sun. One of the top tips for anyone interested in treating depression without antidepressants at home is to make sure you get enough light. To do this, you need to spend at least one hour a day outside. Light allows you to significantly raise the tone.
- To get carried away with work. Having plunged headlong into any business, you can quickly forget about unpleasant thoughts. This will help slow down the development of depression, and in combination with other methods - and get rid of it completely.
- Chat. Some researchers believe that interacting with your own kind is a great way to treat depression without antidepressants at home. When a person falls into a spleen, with the aggravation of the condition, his communication with other people becomes less frequent. Therefore, if longing overcomes, it is useful to chat with a close friend for at least a couple of hours a week. If this is not possible, you can replace live communication with a Skype or telephone conversation - thismuch better than withdrawing into yourself and your anxious thoughts.

- Play with your pet. A cat or dog is an excellent remedy for chronic stress. And if you don't have one, you can. If this is not possible, you can play with a neighbor's dog, get a job as a free helper in a shelter, or stop at a pet shop window for a few minutes. In particular, this method helps with anxious depression. A cheerful animal will help you feel a surge of joy, cope with anxiety.
- Do a 15-minute massage three times a week. You can ask your lover or friend to rub your back. As a result, the mood is sure to rise. In one study, the massage procedure was performed on 84 women in an "interesting position." Twice a week they were massaged by their husbands. At the end of the experiment, depression attacks in pregnant women became 70% less frequent.

Music therapy
Listening to pleasant audio tracks can be just as effective. Classical music is usually recommended for depression, which allows you to relieve stress, calm the nervous system, and tune in to a more positive mood. The following works will help to do this:
- Beethoven's creations. These are Symphony No. 1 in C major, Symphony No. 2 in D major, Symphony No. 8 in F major and others.
- Claude Debussy - "Moonlight", "Dancing Snow", "Playing Waves".
- Strauss can have no less effect - "Tales of the Vienna Woods", "Rain Music", "BlueDanube.”
How to cope with deep depression
Of course, in the presence of such a disorder, one should not hesitate to contact a doctor. Working with a psychotherapist, and sometimes a psychiatrist, is essential to treating major depression. You can also take steps at home to help speed up your recovery.
In addition to the normalization of sleep, nutrition, physical activity, you can help yourself with the help of herbal infusions. For example, cyanosis blue has a positive effect on the central nervous system. It helps to improve sleep, dull the feeling of fear, sadness, improves memory. The infusion of this herb is applied 20 drops three times a day. Or you can take a decoction. To prepare it, about 8 g of dried flowers should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about 30 minutes. You need to drink one tablespoon three times a day.
It is equally important to take vitamins. Group B is considered one of the most powerful. They help strengthen neurons and improve immunity. It is also important to take vitamin C, because during depression it is not uncommon for the body to experience oxidative stress. Vitamin E, which has antitumor activity, is also important. Since overcoming depression does not mean getting rid of its consequences in the form of psychosomatics, it is necessary to choose the right vitamin complex that will fill the body's needs in a difficult period.
Take any medication only after consulting a doctor.
How to get out of depression for a woman on her own? Key Recommendations
This condition is oftenhappens to beautiful ladies. And there can be many different reasons for this - this is parting with a lover, and the birth of a child, and failures in professional activities. Not every girl has the opportunity to turn to a psychologist. Therefore, the question of how a woman can get out of depression on her own remains relevant.
The recommendations above are suitable for any gender. However, for a woman, in addition to these actions, it is important not to forget to take care of yourself during the blues. You can’t let personal problems be allowed to destroy your self-esteem. To do this, you can visit a spa or hairdresser, change the style of clothing. There will be no time for heavy thoughts during these activities.
It is also useful to join a fitness club. Physically exhausted, a woman will not feel the strength to think about problems. And also it will bring the body into the desired shape.

Features of the blues after the birth of a child
However, with regard to postpartum depression, its treatment at home is unacceptable. After all, it affects not only the newly-made mother, but also the child. If something goes wrong, the woman will feel worse and worse, and she may simply give up her responsibility to care for the child. In practice, there are cases when, due to postpartum depression, the mother showed violence towards the newborn or other children. Therefore, in the case of this disorder, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist.
In addition to the recommendations that a psychologist gives, the treatment of postpartum depression at homeconditions is complemented by other useful actions - for example, it is very important for a woman to take time for herself. After the birth of a baby, mommy has to constantly take care of him, and in most cases - to the detriment of herself. Lack of sleep, a careless appearance can further aggravate the emotional state, reduce self-esteem. Even a short break will be useful, it will allow you to switch attention from the child to your personality. In this case, it is useful to involve family members - for example, let your spouse, grandparents sit with the child. It is important to remember that psychological help for depression of this type is required.
Depression is difficult to overcome on your own, but some people succeed. It is important to remember that in advanced cases, you need to see a doctor.