Neurosis, without exaggeration, can be called a disease of our century. The world has long been broken from the "dead point", life runs by leaps and bounds, and not even by hours, but according to the shreds of certain events scheduled for minutes. Naturally, this whole endless string of events is accompanied by stress, hence the neurosis, and its variety - neurasthenia! What to do with it? Of course, treat!
Treatment of neurosis at home is far from news. As practice shows, this is a completely normal procedure, which is an addition to the main treatment by a psychotherapist. Let's talk about that.
What is neurosis?
Neurosis is a common disorder of the human nervous system, accompanied by rapid fatigue and an extremely negative attitude to one's own and especially to other people's actions. Neurosis, the treatment at home of which is only an addition to the treatment prescribed by a specialist, in the most frequent cases manifests itself in the form of neurasthenia. This is a kind of excessive excitability, accompanied by increased irritability, sleep disturbances, a constant lack of a he althy appetite and tearfulness. In this case, one speaks of"shattered" nerves.

Neurosis symptoms
A person feels fear for no reason, strong irritation provoked by every little thing (for example, his neighbors behind the wall are talking loudly or coughing). Often there are headaches, dizziness, spasms and trembling of the limbs.
Causes of neuroses
People who do not know how to properly combine their vacation with hard work, who have quite a lot of unresolved problems in the family and at work, and also a complete "mess" reigns in personal relationships, most likely become neurasthenics. Here are the main causes of this mental illness:
- stresses based on one's own emotions (problems at work, death of a loved one, separation from a loved one);
- Chronic sleep disorders;
- mental and physical strain.

Go to the doctor!
Why see a doctor?
The treatment of obsessive fears, panic attacks, and so on is handled directly by the treating psychotherapist. It is worth noting that this is a very time-consuming process for both the doctor and the patient himself. The fact is that a neurotic or neurasthenic will never cope with this, because he will not be able to realize the causes of his fears, and even more so to get rid of them on his own. That is why such people simply need the support of a qualified specialist.
How does a specialist treat?
Main methodThe treatment of neurosis is, of course, a casual conversation between a doctor and a patient, for whom it is important to establish a trusting relationship with him and find out in the course of the conversation what traumatic factors and painful situations (events) served as the start for neurotic disorders. A special skill that any highly qualified specialist should possess is the combination of empathy for the patient with integrity and firmness when things take an unexpected turn in the form of an unbalanced patient response to psychotherapy.
In addition to the main (psychotherapeutic) method of treating neurosis, there are also home - medicinal. Not a single neurosis can do without them. Treatment at home is an addition to the main method. Often, psychotherapists recommend using folk methods. Which? Find out more.
Insidious neurosis: treatment at home

- Pick and remember geranium leaves. Put them on a piece of cloth, making a compress. Apply it on the forehead, on the temples, fixing it well with a bandage. It is advisable to take a nap during this time. This will calm your nerves and drive away possible headaches.
- If neurosis (neurasthenia) is manifested by insomnia, then pour two cups of boiling water over a handful of fresh peppermint leaves, leave for about an hour, strain and drink a glass (3-4 times) from morning to evening.
- The general feeling of weakness, fatigue and irritability of a person is treated with homemade infusions and decoctions of wild rose, St. John's wort, motherwort, valerian and others"sleepy" (sedative) herbs. By the way, it is these herbs that are used to cure teenage neurosis. For example, a rosehip decoction with honey (and lemon), taken 4 times a day, will very well help to calm the "shattered" nerves of an adult and a teenager.
- You can make an infusion of common yarrow. A teaspoon of yarrow herb should be poured with one glass of boiling water, insist until it cools completely. Take three times a day before the main meal.
- Motherwort is considered an excellent sedative. Motherwort herb should be passed through the juicer. The resulting fresh juice should be taken 30 drops three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
- Mash and pour three cups of boiling water over 5 tablespoons of viburnum berries. Insist for 4 hours, then strain. This wonderful sedative is taken in half a glass 4 to 6 times a day. This is a time-tested remedy that can ease neurosis.
- Treatment at home is not only medicinal folk, but also visual and psychological. Make sure that only warm and pure colors surround you. Don't go for navy blue or black. Do not forget about the music, choose it according to your mood. Soothing melodies are romances and other "quiet" songs.