Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is a form of epilepsy (myoclonic-astatic). This variant of the disease involves a combination of tonic and atonic seizures, atypical absences, delayed mental development in children. For the first time, the disease can manifest itself in babies from one to five, mainly in boys.

This illness, as a rule, develops as a result of neurological diseases suffered in childhood and begins with sudden falls of the child. After some time, convulsions, epileptic seizures, pronounced mental retardation, as well as a decrease in intelligence appear.
Gradually, with the growth of the child, the nature of the seizures changes. Falls are replaced by partial, secondary-generalized, complex epileptic seizures.
Because of what Lennox-Gastaut syndrome manifests itself
It is rather difficult to understand the causes of this syndrome, but today the main ones are known.
- Anomaly of brain development.
- Severe infections (meningitis, encephalitis, rubella).
- Genetic pathological diseases of the brain (CNS lesions, metabolic diseases, tuberculous sclerosis).
- Injurieschild during the passage of the birth canal (asphyxia, premature birth, etc.).
- Injury to the CNS in the perinatal period, as well as premature birth and asphyxia.

MS Symptoms
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome can be recognized by the most important symptom - convulsions. Children diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy also have various forms of epilepsy (symptoms):
- paroxysms of falls;
- atonic seizures;
- atypical absences;
- partial seizures;
- nodding spasms;
- myoclonic-astatic seizures;
- tonic seizures (usually occur during deep sleep);
- generalized TC seizures.
Patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome also have a characteristic state of stupor with a smooth transition to epilepsy, mental retardation, cognitive and personality disorders.

Diagnosis of PH syndrome
Immediately after the manifestation of the first symptom of this disease, you must immediately seek help from specialists by calling an ambulance. As a rule, the diagnosis of this disease is carried out using an ECG in the period between attacks.
Treatment of PH syndrome
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is treated with medical and surgical methods. Treatment with medicines brings a positive result in no more than 20% of cases. With a surgical method of treatment, to eliminate sudden falls, effectiveis the dissection of the corpus callosum (callosotomy). They also use operations aimed at stimulating the vagus nerve and removing vascular tumors and malformations.
However, it should be said that the seizures characteristic of this syndrome are often quite difficult to treat; in the end, they can lead the patient to severe social and mental consequences. Almost incurable tonic seizures, which lead to a decrease in intelligence.