Neuro-psychological development: indicators for assessing the development of children

Neuro-psychological development: indicators for assessing the development of children
Neuro-psychological development: indicators for assessing the development of children

Neuro-psychic development shows how mature the nervous system of a little man is. Naturally, it is necessary to control this type of development no less, and sometimes even more than the physical. And you can do it yourself.

Reasons for developmental delays or delays

How babies develop
How babies develop

Neuropsychic development depends on a large number of factors. In particular: fetal hypoxia, preeclampsia or toxicosis during pregnancy, perinatal encephalopathy, stimulation, vacuum extraction, birth trauma, infections during pregnancy, stress during gestation, low Apgar scores.

How to measure development

During the assessment of neuropsychiatric development, several factors are always taken into account:

  • are there reflexes or are they formed (first of all, these are conditioned reflexes, visual, food or auditory);
  • unconditioned reflexes;
  • child smile;
  • emotional reactions;
  • attempts to get the attention of adults;
  • revival;
  • recognition of parents or people who are behind the childcare;
  • appearance of words and syllables in speech;
  • cooing;
  • child plays or not;
  • taking action;
  • negative reaction to toys or external stimuli;
  • perception of the speech of others;
  • understanding the meaning of the words "can" and "impossible".

How to Diagnose

Child development
Child development

Diagnose the neuropsychic development of children in clinics with the help of a neurologist or pediatrician. Diagnosis is based on the course of pregnancy, on the age of a little man, a pre-morbid condition or anamnesis.

Doctors do not miss a single indicator, but parents should not overlook the moment. When a child does not hold his head, does not begin to roll over, does not utter any sounds, is not interested in toys and does not follow them with his eyes, does not speak, does not sit, does not walk, or speaks very few words for his age, in all these cases you need to turn to doctors. And there is no need to wait for something, because delay can be fraught.

What to rely on

To understand whether the neuropsychic development of children is going in the right direction, you need to rely on development tables. More detailed ones are drawn up for children up to a year old (each month has its own requirements), and for children under three years old, developmental standards have already been determined by years. Let's take a closer look.

Child development from a month to six months

Development of children up to a year
Development of children up to a year

The neuro-psychological development of young children is given a little more time, because the first year is the most importantin a person's life.

  1. The first month of life. The child concentrates his attention for a short period of time on shiny and bright objects. Starts when he hears loud and sharp sounds. It is in the first month of life that most children begin to smile. If the child is lying on his stomach, then he tries to hold his head.
  2. Second month of life. A small man, without looking up, follows the toy that is in front of his face. Begins to listen to loud sounds and smile in response to the speech of adults. The child may respond by cooing when spoken to. Already holding his head while lying on his stomach for several minutes.
  3. Third month of life. Physical and neuropsychic development progresses. Now children can fix an object with their eyes and look at it for a long time. A child at three months already knows how to listen. Animation is observed in response to speech, it can be a smile, cooing or active movements of the arms and legs. Continues to hold his head for a few minutes while lying on his stomach.
  4. Fourth month of life. The child turns his head in all directions, recognizes the parents or people caring for him. Laughs loudly and loudly. At this age, the child often rolls over from back to stomach and vice versa. Actively cooing and picking up toys that interested him.
  5. Fifth month of life. Assessment of neuropsychic development at this age is carried out by recognizing a small person close to him people, rejection of strangers. With the help of adults, the child can stand on his feet, but will periodically tighten them. More desire to grab and talk.
  6. Sixth month of life. At this age, children roll over from one side to another, take toys themselves. Now the child speaks in syllables that are recognizable. He can eat from a spoon and not choke.

Development from six months to a year

What can a child do
What can a child do
  1. Seventh month of life. The active motor period begins. Babies start or try to crawl. They shift toys and objects of interest to them from one place to another, and also actively play. The kid clearly pronounces the words and does it with pleasure. The child readily drinks from a sippy cup or bottle, and also enjoys looking at objects that adults show him.
  2. The eighth month of life. Indicators of the neuropsychic development of the child during this period are the active actions of the baby. Eight-month-old babies crawl very well, they can sit, stand up and move around the room themselves. The child can play with toys for a while. He speaks words, syllables, or tries to do so. Children at this age actively learn everything, so you can teach them any action, such as waving bye-bye.
  3. The ninth month of life. The little person can already walk with support. He is able to figure out how to deal with this or that object. The baby's babbling becomes meaningful, words or syllables can be recognized. He shows where, what is if asked, or reacts when his name is spoken. He drinks from an adult mug and understands what adults want from him.
  4. Tenth month of life. The child can climb on a sofa or bed, open doors and boxes. They are already beginning to copy the speech of adults, even intonation and timbre. The child understands what the elders want from him, drinks from a mug, pronounces the first words.
  5. The first year of life. The vocabulary of the child has a dozen words. Most children walk on their own. A small person fulfills the requests of adults, drinks from a mug and picks it up.

After a year, there are still many important points in development that need to be controlled.

Child development up to one and a half years

Child can climb stairs, squat, bend over. At this age, children have a desire to eat on their own. In the game he takes care of toys (feeds, washes, combs), can show animals he knows or other objects. He chooses his toy among many things, fulfills simple requests from adults. Accumulates a passive vocabulary, can verbally express their emotions or interest.

Child development from one and a half to two years old

child playing
child playing

Under the age of one and nine months, children can partially take off their clothes, understand short stories or fairy tales. If you show a picture and ask who is in it, they will respond. At this age, the child understands that you need to go to the toilet on the potty. When he plays, he starts building something. She already speaks in two-word sentences, new concepts are constantly being added.

From a year and ten months to two years, the baby makes a leap in development and now he can do a lot. For example,the child learns to run, hit the ball with his feet, jump in one place. May wear a hat, socks or boots. The game traces logical actions (the doll is fed and then washed). If you show him an object of a certain color and ask him to find the same one, he will find it. At this age, children learn to play with each other. Can express thoughts in two or three word sentences.

Development from two to two and a half years

child skills
child skills

Assessment of the neuropsychic development of children during this period occurs according to the following criteria:

  1. The child knows how to dress himself, but will not fasten or lace up things.
  2. There is a sequence in games. For example, a toy is first fed, then bathed, and then only put to bed.
  3. Can fulfill complex requests such as "open the closet, bring a book". It may not get dirty all day long.
  4. In sentences, the number of words is increased to five. The child already uses more than fifty words. He begins to ask: what is it? why? when? He knows his name and his last name. May answer some questions.

Development up to three years

Psychological development
Psychological development

The degree of psychological development is determined by the following features:

  1. Child can dress and zip up and tie shoelaces.
  2. In games he shows imagination, his closet is a house, and a chair is a car. Begins to play role-playing games (during the game, he divides the characters into moms, dads, and so on). Names primary colors, draws with a penciland sculpts simple figures from plasticine.
  3. Knows the names of the parents. He speaks about himself using the pronoun "I", asks a large number of questions. Offers become complex. With the help of speech, the child explains something or expresses his thoughts.

These are the criteria for the neuropsychic development of children.
