Every person during his life is faced with a huge number of situations, many of which cause negative emotions. However, despite this, a person at all stages of his development must learn to find a way out of any situation, overcome difficulties and cope with obstacles. Each of us has to do this with varying degrees of efficiency, but the consequences of these processes are not only a positive result that changes the quality of life and self-esteem, but also stress, various disorders, as well as internal experiences. All this ultimately leads to a violation of the psychological he alth of a person who, on the one hand, is forced to find the most acceptable options for getting out of the situations provided by life. On the other hand, such a search leads to a personality crisis that manifests itself in the personal and professional sphere. Understanding this led to the emergence and development of a new direction in psychology. It is based on the term "coping behavior", introduced inused by foreign psychologists. And then supplemented and expanded by domestic specialists. It is worth noting that coping behavior is used in different areas of life. Therefore, this topic is of interest not only to psychologists, but also to ordinary people who strive to make their lives better and maintain mental he alth in any situation. In this article, we will analyze coping behavior and coping strategies from which it is built. Also, readers will be able to get acquainted with the influence of stress on the behavior of the individual and the history of the emergence of this direction in psychology.

Let's talk terminology
To put it as briefly as possible, coping behavior in psychology is a set of actions aimed at finding, solving, overcoming and analyzing life situations that have arisen. In theory, all of these actions are based on personal development and a set of certain behavioral skills. However, in many situations, due to the need to find the most beneficial solution to the issue and get out of a difficult situation, a person acquires new skills. Ultimately, all manipulations must restore the balance between the internal feeling of oneself and the external circumstances offered from the outside (this is clearly seen in the coping behavior of adolescents). Such harmony is achieved through several mechanisms.
Let's say right away that it is impossible to talk about the coping behavior of a person without understanding the term "coping". After all, it was he who initiated a new direction in psychology. He appearedaround the forties of the last century and twenty years later became an integral part of psychology, studying the overcoming of conflicts and stresses. Coping behavior, by the way, is directly related to the ability to set yourself up to solve a problem in a state of stress. The reactions of each person have a marked imprint of individuality, although most of the actions taken correspond to a number of strategies. However, let's get back to coping.
This term today has many meanings, but you still need to proceed from its direct translation into Russian - overcoming. In science, it is understood as the interaction of a person with the tasks set by internal and external circumstances. If we consider coping more specifically, then we can say that this is a set of behavioral strategies that allow you to adapt to any life circumstances. Psychologists believe that coping is a certain individual set of reactions. It is built from logic, social status, mental capabilities and resources of the body. At the same time, coping can also have a negative meaning, since its essence is still an adaptation. And it can not always fully satisfy the needs and needs of the individual in the specific proposed external circumstances.
Coping behavior, in turn, involves the complete overcoming of negative reactions. As a minimum program, a significant reduction in these reactions is provided, which should be the basis for finding a balance. Moreover, it is worth noting that the result is achieved through a well-thought-out strategy.action.
Initially, psychologists were interested in coping behavior in the period of adulthood or growing up of a child. The fact is that every personality, as it grows, goes through several serious personality crises. The most striking reaction of the body during these periods is stress. Coping behavior forces a person to gather all his available resources and act according to one or another strategy. In the first years of its existence, a new trend in psychology studied only external circumstances that were far from everyday life. For example, specialists studied situations suggested by professional activity or discrepancy between expected circumstances and real ones as a result of gaining new experience at the stage of growing up. However, it soon became clear that adaptive coping behavior, or psychological coping, as it is also called, can also be discussed in the context of everyday situations. Psychologists have found that almost every day people find themselves in special life circumstances that cause stress and require an immediate solution. This means that they have to regularly use strategies in order to return to a state of comfort and balance. Today, coping behavior and various coping strategies are used by almost all specialists working with personality behavior correction.
Coping behavior and its characteristics in the scientific works of psychologists have different interpretations. Therefore, it is quite difficult to bring together all the disparate theses and formulations relating to this issue. In general terms, it can be said that the scientificthe basis of the new direction was determined by the nineties of the last century. But until now, foreign and domestic psychologists publish works that reveal the essence of coping behavior, coping strategies and the resources required to implement them.
The most clear description of the main term of the new direction in psychology was given by Antsyferova. She characterized coping behavior as a conscious regulation designed to change the existing life situation. Its main goal is to adapt the needs of the individual to the proposed conditions and change the latter in order to meet internal needs. Moreover, to obtain a result, a person must take an active position, while any other will not lead to a complete change in the situation and positive emotions.
L. Lazarus wrote a book that worked out all the problems of coping, and also gave a complete description of this theory and the main strategies. If we refer to the author, then the interaction of the individual with all external stimuli and situations seems to be a continuous and active process. Moreover, it changes regularly, passing through three main stages:
- cognitive assessment;
- overcoming;
- emotional processing.
Speaking of cognitive assessment, it should be noted that it, in turn, also has a certain subdivision:
- primary;
- secondary.
Initially, any stressful situation is perceived as dangerous and disturbing, but as the emotional intensity decreases, the person comes to understandproblem solving possibilities. Then comes the stage of overcoming, during which all possible options for action are sorted out. Moreover, coping is determined largely by the personal resources of the individual, which to a greater extent correct its capabilities and life positions. After overcoming, there is an assessment not only of the deed, but also of one's own emotional state. Based on all of the above, a person develops stable variants of coping behavior.

Coping mechanism: basic concepts
The coping behavior of a person basically has a coping mechanism. Its action and components can be found not in all scientific works of psychologists. However, many of them still use this three-phase model in their practice.
So, the coping mechanism can be characterized as a combination of three components:
- copy resources:
- coping strategies;
- coping behavior.
Resources: scientific approach
The first item on our list is coping resources. In the whole mechanism, these are the most stable characteristics, they are necessary in order to support the personality in a difficult situation, and serve as the basis for the formation of different types of strategies. Psychologists divide all available resources of an individual into several categories with their own group differences:
- Physical. These resources primarily determine the endurance of the individual. In many ways, physical fitness is the factor that affects the internal state of comfort and self-esteem.
- Social. Each individual occupies his own place in the common social network. He also has certain support systems, characterized by the presence of colleagues, relatives and friends of high or low social status.
- Psychological. They are among the most numerous of all. From the main psychological resources, one can single out sociability, moral values, intelligence, one's own self-esteem and similar qualities.
- Material. In many ways, a person is determined by his material resources, such as financial position, existing real estate and future growth prospects.
Psychologists assign a very important role to all of these resources in shaping strategies, and hence overcoming life circumstances. It has been proven that a person with a wider set of resources is able to act more effectively. The degree of decision-making depends on them, the ability to concentrate on the problem, the ability to choose the best solutions from all the proposed ones and overcome unnecessary doubts. I would also like to add that coping resources also determine the presence of such a phenomenon as “I must”. It forces a person to mobilize in any situation, regardless of the problem, for the sake of a sense of duty. Moreover, in different situations, a different sense of duty can serve as a motive: to children, family, parents, leader, and so on. The more developed the coping resources in an individual, the easier it will be for him to act in a state of stress in the process of overcoming.

Formation and use of strategies
Coping strategies can be explained as individual reactions to certain situations. Through these strategies, applied in different life circumstances, coping behavior is also built. Interestingly, according to the works of psychologists, our subconscious perceives any situation that needs to be overcome as danger and stress. Therefore, first of all, it seeks to build a defense, forming a protective coping behavior (we will talk about this a little later), and only then turns to adaptive strategies that promise to effectively get rid of negative emotions by overcoming the problem.
Today, the classification and characteristics of coping strategies are based on the works of R. Lazarus and S. Folkman. They identified two categories of strategies that all individuals use, focusing on available resources:
- Problem-focused. This category suggests a rational and carefully considered approach to solving the situation. It requires an analysis of the problem, the selection of several options for getting out of it, the creation of a plan taking into account social support, the study of additional information and the like.
- Emotionally focused. These strategies are used in practice by individuals who tend to emotionally respond to any stress (most often such coping behavior is observed in adolescents and psychologically immature individuals). An individual with such a strategy is characterized by: distancing from the problem, avoidance or acceptance, confrontation, attempts to introduce self-control, and so on.
I would like to note that of allcomponents of the coping mechanism of the strategy have the most controversial basis. Many experts create their own classification for them, supplementing the above or completely ignoring it. For example, foreign psychologists R. Moss and J. Schaefer added a third strategy to the sounded classification - evaluative-focused. It implies a complete logical analysis of ongoing events, determining their significance, acceptance or avoidance. At the same time, problem-focused strategies are defined as, first of all, the search for social support and information that allows you to get out of the situation with the least discomfort, as well as make a qualitative forecast of the consequences. The same psychologists gave their definition to emotionally focused strategies. They see them as the most effective set of actions to manage their emotions, submissive acceptance of the situation and emotional unloading.
One cannot ignore such a gradation of strategies as adaptability and low adaptability. The first ones include an active search for social support, selection of options and the most comfortable solution in the end. Often this category of strategies is referred to as proactive coping behavior. Maladaptive strategies are mostly self-flagellation, self-blame and avoidance of responsibility for the situation and decision making in general.
At the beginning of the 21st century, E. Skinner introduced several new definitions regarding coping strategies. In his scientific work, he used such a concept as a "family", and divided all strategies into 12 families. Each has several subspecies, revealingits essence and purpose to the fullest. Briefly, the strategy families are as follows:
- search for information;
- resolving the situation;
- helplessness;
- avoiding responsibility and the situation itself;
- self-confidence;
- search for social and other types of support;
- delegation of authority;
- conscious and unconscious social isolation;
- device;
- negotiations;
- submissive acceptance;
- resistance.
Often a person uses several complementary strategies at the same time. This increases the effectiveness of the result and a faster feeling of comfort after a direct overcoming.

Coping behavior
This part of the coping mechanism seems to psychologists the most understandable and simple, since it is directly dependent on the chosen strategies and available resources.
T. L. Kryukova made a great contribution to the new trend in psychology. Coping behavior in her work is almost synonymous with coping behavior. At the same time, the author argues that by choosing a similar model of behavior several times, even in different situations, a person develops a kind of skill. In the future, it will be decisive in the event of stress.

Defensive coping behavior
Coping behavior is always the result of stress caused by a given task or situation. If we considerStress from the point of view of psychology, it looks like discomfort. This feeling arises after the imbalance between the requests of the individual directed to the external environment and the resources that allow them to translate into reality or simply interact with the outside world.
Interestingly, no one outside of the individual can explain the degree of stress. It always determines this only independently by evaluating the available resources. At the same time, reactions to stress can be not only arbitrary. Some of the reactions are involuntary, as they do not require control due to frequent repetition. However, in any case, regardless of the response strategy, stress is perceived as a threat. And consequently, the person seeks to apply methods of psychological protection. At the dawn of the development of a new scientific theory and in the process of defining its characteristics and methodology, coping behavior was often equated with psychological defense mechanisms. And only as a result of long research it was possible to reveal their differences and significance in the process of overcoming difficulties.
The defensive behavior of the individual is always passive. It is based on the desire of the individual to avoid stress and thereby alleviate their psychological stress. Also, this behavior is non-constructive. It does not allow you to analyze the problem that has arisen and does not give you the opportunity to choose options for getting out of it, referring to your resources.
With all this, the defense mechanism is always aimed only at mitigating the discomfort that has arisen. He does not have the resource base to change the situation and fully satisfyrequests and needs. At the same time, the individual always uses them unconsciously. Defensive coping behavior occurs immediately in response to a threat in the form of stress. If a person refuses to use coping behavior with an arbitrary and conscious choice of strategies, then in case of any threat, only defense mechanisms will turn on in her. As a result, this can lead to the emergence of maladaptive mechanisms.
Foreign psychologists characterize the psychological defensive reaction in four points:
- Time vector. It is important for the protection mechanism to resolve the situation now. This behavior does not involve an analysis of the problem and the consequences of implementing the chosen solution. At the same time, it is important that the person receive momentary comfort.
- Orientation. In the process of turning on defense mechanisms, the interests and needs of the individual's environment are not taken into account. The main goal is to satisfy the needs of the individual. The interests of others can be taken into account only in situations where they coincide with the needs of the individual who has applied psychological protection.
- Target significance. With the destruction of the individual's ties with those around him, protective coping behavior will not be aimed at restoring them. The main goal of using these mechanisms is the successful regulation of emotional states.
- Regulation functionality. In the process of protection, a person does not look for ways out of the situation, all available resources are directed to reflection, suppression and avoiding problems by any possible means.

Burnout Phenomenon
Coping behavior in burnout correction is a very important and integral factor. But these mechanisms were identified and correctly assessed only at the dawn of the twenty-first century, while the term "burnout" in relation to professional activity was first used in the late seventies of the last century.
As you know, in professional activities a person experiences the greatest stress. In addition, it is often recurring and in many situations becomes regular. Especially often the phenomenon of burnout is mentioned in the context of studying the professional activities of individuals who are forced to constantly be in close contact with other people. This category primarily includes teachers, preschool teachers and doctors.
It is noteworthy that burnout is carried out according to a certain model, which includes three points:
- Emotional exhaustion. The person feels a certain devastation and overstrain. Many psychologists describe this as a dulling of emotions and a dimming of the colors of the world.
- The trend towards depersonalization. Over time, the individual develops an absolutely impersonal attitude towards all work contacts. In many situations, this borders on indifference, formalism and cynicism. As this trend develops, internal conflict also intensifies. After some time, it results in obvious irritation, a sense of dissatisfaction and conflicts.
- Lower self-esteem. All achievements in professional activity lose their value and significance, as a result,self dissatisfaction. Often this translates into a desire to change profession.
To date, few effective strategies of coping behavior have been developed to solve the problem of burnout. As it turned out, it is very difficult to solve it due to the versatility of the issue and the inability to find common strategies for all professions. Each case requires an individual approach.
For example, the coping behavior of he althcare workers often includes active and passive strategies. Emotional tension and exhaustion is overcome by confrontation, flight and acceptance of responsibility. And depersonalization is leveled by distancing. However, any contact with a psychologist with a burnout syndrome requires an assessment of coping resources and only then the selection of suitable strategies.

The problem of accepting motherhood: a brief description
In the context of today's article and the problems discussed, I would like to mention the coping behavior of women with young children. The problem of motherhood from the point of view of psychology in our country has not been considered for a very long time. But in fact, most women at the stage of accepting a new role go through a real crisis, which often leads to behavioral deviation.
Specialists working in this direction claim that from the moment of pregnancy, the expectant mother uses several different coping strategies. Before giving birth, for example, it's mostly avoidance and distraction. And after the baby is born, the main strategies are the search for support and other mechanisms,characteristic of the problem-oriented style of solving the situation. At the same time, it is proved that an important role in the process of accepting the role of a mother is played by parental attitudes that arose even in childhood.
At the same time, it is not always possible for a woman to correlate all the characteristics of a new role, voiced by society, with herself and her behavior. This leads to a personal crisis against the backdrop of a drop in self-esteem and stress. Most often, in such situations, a woman unconsciously turns on defense mechanisms and can no longer return to effective coping strategies.
Instead of a conclusion
Until today, the theoretical basis of coping behavior is being corrected. In psychological science, this new direction has already proven its worth, but still requires further study.