Mental disorders are still a mystery not only for ordinary people, but also for scientists. After all, the reasons that cause our minds to "fail" are still not known. Heredity, childhood abuse, birth trauma and stressful experiences can lead to the development of the disease, but sometimes the reasons why a person begins to see the invisible remain a mystery. But what if hallucinations, which are one of the main symptoms of mental disorders, are not the games of a sick mind, but a physical phenomenon that can be recorded using special devices? Suddenly, people who have been given a terrible diagnosis are able to see what he althy people do not see?
This article is dedicated to the person who tried to capture hallucinatory images - psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev. Was he a genius who opened the door to other realities, or a charlatan who wished to gain fame in a not entirely honest way? In this article, we will try to answer this question.

Start of Gennady Krokhalev's research
Gennady Krokhalev, whose biography is no less mysterious than his research, appearedborn August 12, 1941 in the Perm region. In 1965, the guy graduated from a medical institute, and in 1967 he started working in one of the Omsk psychiatric hospitals. Most of Krokhalev's patients were people suffering from alcoholism: in a state of delirium, patients saw vivid, frightening hallucinations.
Once Gennady Krokhalev read an article in the magazine "Technology of Youth" about attempts to film images of visual hallucinations. It reported that the images that arise in the human brain are transmitted to the retina of the eye, and from there to the surrounding space. Of course, only people suffering from mental disorders can see hallucinations. However, you can capture hallucinatory images using a regular camera.
One of Gennady Krokhalev's main hobbies began with this article: he decided that he should try to repeat the experiments described in the magazine on his own, since there was no shortage in the subjects.

The idea that hallucinations can be projected into space by patients is far from new. This idea has periodically tormented researchers. After all, some facts support this amazing hypothesis. For example, it has long been noted that visual hallucinations obey the physical laws of refraction: if you press on the patient's eyeball, the images split in two, and if a person looks through binoculars, the image can approach or, conversely, move away. Such phenomena were recorded quite often, however, their experimental studythe Soviet psychiatrist Gennady Krokhalev was the first to start, whose works are either lost or classified at the moment. It was he who tried to prove by experience that any thought is indeed material.
First experiments
In January 1974, Gennady Krokhalev and his brother decided to conduct the first experiment on fixing hallucinatory images on film. The researchers decided to start with themselves. But how can a person who does not suffer from mental disorders see a hallucination? The brothers decided to use one of the properties of human perception, long known to Gest alt psychologists. Gennady looked at the female portrait for a long time in bright light. When the light was turned off, the image remained before his eyes: anyone can repeat this experience. In the darkness, Krokhalev Gennady Pavlovich tried by an effort of thought to project the image that stood before his mind's eye onto photographic film. Surprisingly, after developing, a fuzzy female portrait was visible on one of the frames.

Experiences with patients: advanced technology
In order to explore the hallucinatory images of his patients, Krokhalev came up with a special device: he attached a camera to their eyes using a special mask. This made it possible not to darken the room during attempts to fix visions.
For 22 years, Krokhalev managed to examine a total of 250 patients. In 117 of them, images of visual hallucinations were obtained. At the same time, the patients themselves easily identified the results obtained on the film.images with those images that appeared before them in hallucinations. The coincidences could not help but amaze: the photographs clearly show cats, devils, people and other creatures that so frightened the unfortunate patients of the psychiatric clinic. Thus, the scientist Gennady Krokhalev nevertheless proved his hypothesis. Photos of patients' visions were sent to leading scientific institutions in Russia.

Criticism of Krokhalev's works
Of course, the scientific community could not but be interested in the discovery of the Omsk doctor. Krokhalev's ideas were tested by Moscow researchers and scientists from the Russian Ministry of He alth. However, during the experiments in which Krokhalev did not participate, no images were obtained on the film.
It is known that one of the main criteria for the scientific nature of an idea is the ability to experimentally confirm it anywhere in the world. If a phenomenon is recorded in Omsk, but scientists in Moscow do not get a similar result, the idea is recognized as having nothing to do with science. Such a fate befell Krokhalev. And real hostilities unfolded against him: his articles were not published, and at conferences held abroad, he was simply not released. It got to the point that Gennady was recognized as crazy and they even tried to put him in a psychiatric hospital…
Explanation of experimental results
How is it possible to capture hallucinatory images on film? Krokhalev Gennady Pavlovich himself believed that visual hallucinations have an externalorigin. A sick person's energy potential decreases, and he begins to see what is impossible to see in a normal state of consciousness. By the way, this idea was confirmed experimentally: if the patients were placed in a shielded dark room, the hallucinations disappeared.
Krokhalev was sure: he managed to prove the existence of a subtle astral world with negative energy, which only the elite can see. And this world is so terrible that at the sight of its inhabitants it is simply impossible not to go crazy.

Genius or crazy?
Of course, a discovery of this magnitude cannot but shock the scientific community. However, in Russia, the scientist's work was never published, while abroad, entire laboratories were created that work according to the method that Gennady Krokhalev created. Science and Life published several articles on his experiments, but that was all. Meanwhile, many believe that this person is worthy of receiving the Nobel Prize.
True, there is one thing: skeptics are sure that the images obtained by Krokhalev are nothing but film defects, and the patients interpreted the drawings as their inflamed mind told them to. In addition, no one has been able to confirm the conclusions of the psychiatrist or repeat his experiments.
"The Call": Krokhalev's ideas and cinematography
Not all people know that one of the most terrible horror films - "The Call" - was shot by a director who was inspired by the ideas of Gennady Krokhalev. According to the plot,the ghost was captured on film, and every person who watched the recording was doomed to die in terrible agony. By the way, Krokhalev's article en titled "Photographing Mental Images" was first published in Japan in 1977.
The Call was released in 1998. By a fatal coincidence, it was in this year that Gennady Krokhalev, whose photos of patients so struck the imagination of the Japanese director, passed away. The scientist committed suicide by hanging.

Murder or suicide?
The death of Gennady Krokhalev, like his research, leaves more questions than answers. Did the scientist die voluntarily, or was he "helped" by members of the secret special services? The second point of view is held by supporters of conspiracy theories, who are sure that the paranormal world has long been studied in the laboratories of the FSB, and Krokhalev has crossed the line beyond which mere mortals are strictly forbidden to go. In addition, the daughter of Gennady Pavlovich claims that on the eve of his death, her father often said that he was on the verge of a discovery that would turn the world upside down.
Gennady Krokhalev's brother believes that the researcher was ruined by attempts to penetrate the "forbidden dimension": maybe the creatures that the scientist managed to capture on film decided to take revenge on the too curious doctor?
At the time of his death, Gennady Krokhalev was only 57 years old.
The secret taken to the grave
The family of Gennady Krokhalev still does not leave attempts to investigatescientist's death. After all, Krokhalev's brother spoke to him on the phone just two hours before his death: Gennady was cheerful and full of energy, shared plans for further research … And the daughter of the deceased claims that the time of death, which Gennady Krokhalev recorded for some reason, was not written by his hand …
Unfortunately, it is not possible to conduct an independent study: the family of the scientist was threatened by unknown people, they say, if you dig - go after the deceased.
The legacy of Gennady Krokhalev
Gennady Krokhalev, whose photographs prove the reality of the unreal, left behind quite a lot of work. True, after his death, the materials mysteriously disappeared: shortly before the suicide, the scientist sent them to one of the laboratories of the Russian special services. He was prompted to do this by a call from Moscow: the researcher was promised huge funds to continue experiments on fixing mental images. Therefore, at the moment, the data obtained by Krokhalev are not available to the scientific community: who knows, maybe a new generation of psychotropic weapons are being developed based on the research of the Omsk psychiatrist? Or is everything much simpler, and scientists considered his work to be nonsense, unworthy of close examination?
Be that as it may, Gennady Krokhalev's brother refused to continue the research. He believes that it is not worth touching on a topic that could be dangerous for all of humanity.
Ghostcatcher: is it worth considering the existence of the other world as a proven fact?
Of course, the question of whether Gennady Krokhalev managed to open a window into the paranormal fourthmeasurement, cannot but torment people who have at least vaguely heard about the works of the Omsk researcher. So who are we dealing with? With a charlatan who wanted to make a name for himself, with a lunatic or with a genius?
The first hypothesis should be dismissed immediately: Krokhalev's relatives claim that the scientist was passionate about his research and sincerely believed in what he was doing. Perhaps, having worked with crazy patients for a long time, the psychiatrist himself went crazy? This idea has a right to exist: unfortunately, the professional deformation in the “man - sick person” system, according to psychologists, is the most pronounced, and doctors often adopt some of the symptoms of patients. In addition, on the films that were left after Gennady Krokhalev, it is really difficult to see anything other than spots and illegible chiaroscuro. True, Krokhalev was not officially diagnosed.

Maybe Gennady Krokhalev, a psychiatrist from Omsk, really managed to grope for something very important, for which mankind simply was not yet ready. Shortly before his tragic death, the scientist told his relatives that he had made an important discovery, which could even bring him a Nobel Prize. Perhaps, realizing what consequences his work could have, the scientist decided to die, realizing that it was too early to open the doors to other worlds? Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to find out the answer to this question. Although it is possible that in the future scientists will be able to establish contact with the world of the dead and ask Krokhalev himself about whatmade him commit suicide…
Who was Gennady Krokhalev? Books about his discovery are practically unavailable, and all the materials have disappeared in Moscow laboratories. Therefore, we will not receive an answer to this question soon…