Sinusitis is the most common complication of rhinitis. In advanced cases, the pathology can threaten the life of the patient. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out the therapy of rhinitis and sinusitis in a timely manner, combining various methods. Good results are obtained by the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies. What methods should be used to get rid of the disease?
Features of sinusitis
In order to successfully treat sinusitis with folk remedies and medicines, one should understand the features of the disease, its causes.
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. They are located on both sides of the nose in the area of the upper jaw.

Sinusitis can be viral or bacterial in nature. The first type of pathology is not dangerous, but bacterial can cause seriouscomplications.
Why do sinuses get inflamed
Most often, sinusitis is caused by bacteria. It can be pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci. They multiply on the nasal mucosa, inside the sinuses. When it enters the nasal passage at the time of inhalation, the bacteria penetrate into the sinuses. Clinically, this is manifested by the appearance of greenish or yellowish discharge. Often, self-medication leads to such troubles, when a person begins to use all the remedies for a cold, hoping that they will help. Someone uses folk methods, but even they should be used correctly.
Sinusitis does not develop by itself. This disease is a complication of SARS, rhinitis, influenza, dental pathologies.
The maxillary sinuses and the nasal cavity are interconnected. When inflammation begins in the nasal passage, this process passes to the sinuses. With a viral infection, the body develops immunity, which fights against dangerous microorganisms, suppressing them. Fighting bacteria is much more difficult. When they penetrate into the sinuses, thick mucus appears, which makes it difficult for air to enter the sinuses. Thick mucus can linger in them, because due to its consistency, outflow is much more difficult. At such moments, purulent sinusitis develops.

The choice of a method of treating sinusitis with folk remedies or medicines largely depends on what type of ailment is present. Pathology is divided into acute and chronic. In children under three years of age, the diagnosis"Sinusitis" cannot be diagnosed for the sole reason that at this age the sinuses are not yet developed.
In adults and children over 3 years old with an acute form of pathology, there is pain that occurs when the head and body are tilted. It can be pulling or sharp. Due to the pathology, the temperature rises, headaches, dizziness, weakness appear, the sense of smell disappears. The patient's nose is constantly blocked, forcing him to breathe through his mouth.
In chronic sinusitis, frequent headaches occur, the sense of smell decreases, nasal congestion is observed, and, alternately, one or the other nostril. In some cases, there is a change in voice, constantly flowing from the nose. Many mistakenly believe that they have a chronic runny nose.

Treatment methods
There are several methods of treating pathology. The choice depends on the severity of the disease. So, the doctor can prescribe the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies in combination with medicines, and in case of complex pathology, surgical interventions are performed. Each species has its own characteristics.
Folk treatment
Modern methods imply the need to use antibiotics or conduct a therapeutic and diagnostic puncture, during which pus is pumped out of the sinuses, followed by the introduction of medicines into them that directly affect the pathogen. But not everyone can agree to a puncture. Then traditional medicine comes to the rescue. After consulting a doctor, you can use various folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis inadults and kids.
Drops and nasal wash
Pharmacy drops intended for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis can be addictive. With prolonged use of such means, changes in the state of he alth for the better are not observed, but useless chemicals enter the body. It is not dangerous to use folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis in adults and children, since they contain only natural ingredients.
There are a huge number of recipes for making nasal drops. Here are some of them:
- From propolis. For cooking you will need: fifteen drops of propolis tincture, a teaspoon of table s alt and a glass of warm water. S alt is dissolved in it, then tincture is added there. The tool is used to wash the nose up to four times a day.
- Soda solution. To prepare it, you will need a glass of warm water, in which half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of s alt are dissolved. Apply a solution for washing the nasal passages no more than six times a day. After washing in the nasal passages, two drops are instilled into each nostril of the same composition or other drops.
- Onion-potato composition. To prepare the product, you need to take raw potatoes and onions, chop them, squeeze the juice. Then the juice of onions and potatoes are mixed in equal proportions, two tablespoons of honey are added to the composition. The product is stored in the refrigerator. The resulting composition is used in the form of drops in the nose for sinusitis, runny nose.
- Medicine from honey. This remedy is indicated for sinusitis, rhinitis. To make dropsyou need to take fifty grams of boiled warm water and the same amount of honey. To mix everything. The composition is instilled into each nostril, 2-3 drops no more than four times a day.
- Menthol remedy. To improve breathing, it is recommended to use menthol oil. It is required to bury two drops in each nostril. The forehead and nose area is also lubricated with oil. This tool will not only facilitate breathing, but also remove swelling of the mucous membrane.

Features of warming up
To carry out such a procedure at home is dangerous because heating contributes to the increased reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. But it is this method that improves the discharge of mucus from the sinuses.
The most effective treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies is based on warming up the sinuses and bridge of the nose. This method allows you to increase the outflow of contents from the nose:
- Paraffin. To warm up with paraffin, you need to take a candle and melt it in a water bath. Warm paraffin is applied with a brush to the area of the maxillary sinuses. This is done in several layers. Top with paraffin covered with cling film or a towel. The product stays on for half an hour. Repeat if necessary. The duration of paraffin use is no more than ten days.
- Warm egg. It is believed that the use of boiled hot eggs is the most effective treatment for sinusitis with folk remedies. This method is familiar to everyone. Even our grandmothers used eggs to get rid of the common cold. For this, eggs were taken, boiled and applied to the maxillarysinuses. You need to keep them until they cool down. The eggs must be hot. So that they do not cause skin burns, they must be placed in a sock.
- Bay leaf to help. Take thirty grams of bay leaf, pour a liter of water and boil for ten minutes. In the finished broth, moisten a napkin and apply it to the bridge of the nose, covering it with a warm cloth on top. After cooling the napkin, the procedure is repeated. It is best to carry out this treatment at night. The duration of the method is seven days.
With symptoms of sinusitis, treatment with folk remedies is aimed not only at eliminating inflammation, but also at softening the contents of the sinuses so that it is easier to remove. For this purpose, inhalations with different means are used. When the vapors are inhaled, the sinuses are freed from the contents, and pathogenic microorganisms are also affected.
- Potato medicine. With symptoms of sinusitis, treatment with folk remedies is carried out using a variety of plants. One of the oldest and most proven methods is the inhalation of jacket potato vapors. They breathe over it, covered with a towel or blanket. Inhale vapors through the nose.
- Inhalations with propolis. To prepare the product, take three liters of water, bring it to a boil. Then half a teaspoon of propolis tincture is added to it. They breathe over the finished product, covered with a blanket.
- Treatment with honey. Pour a glass of water into the kettle, let it boil. Then a spoonful of honey is dissolved in this water. They breathe over the resulting product without shelter for about a quarter of an hour. Wellinhalations will include fifteen treatments.
Time tested recipes

There are a lot of recipes for the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, including the following:
- Honey zabrus. It is sold by beekeepers in the markets. Zabrus is recommended to chew on a spoon once a day half an hour before meals. The essence of this method is that during chewing, the maxillary sinuses are massaged, due to which the contents are liquefied and come out of the sinuses. The wax also contains propolis, which has beneficial properties.
- Smoke treatment. Take a hot frying pan and pour a few drops of vinegar into it. While it evaporates, they breathe over the vapors. You can't cover up.
- To wash the nose, you can use a decoction of chamomile, succession, St. John's wort. These herbs relieve swelling of the nasal passages, sinuses, and also have an antiseptic effect. One spoonful of a mixture of herbs is poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for thirty minutes. After straining, the product is used for washing and instillation into the nose.
Effective ointment
For the treatment of folk remedies for chronic sinusitis, it is recommended to make a simple but very effective ointment.
To prepare an ointment, you will need: vegetable or butter, laundry soap, honey, milk and alcohol. A couple of drops of onion juice are added to the composition. All components are mixed and heated in a water bath until the mixture becomes homogeneous. The composition is then allowed to cool. The ointment is applied to tampons and inserted into the nasal passages for half an hour.
Chestnut treatment
One of the best folk remedies for the treatment of sinusitis is chestnut. The fruits are harvested at the end of July. Chestnut contains many vitamins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, it has a detrimental effect on the pathogenic microflora of the nasal mucosa.
The easiest way to use it is to cut the fruit into slices and insert them into the nostrils for a few minutes. With this method, not only the effect on the nasal mucosa occurs, but also sneezing is caused, which helps to clear the sinuses and nasal passages from mucus.
In pharmacies you can buy chestnut oil, which is widely used for inhalation. A few drops are added to the hot solution. With the help of steam, useful elements are delivered to the maxillary sinuses. According to reviews, the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies using horse chestnut helps to quickly cope with sinusitis.
Compositions with honey

In the treatment of many pathologies, honey is often used. It contains many useful trace elements. This product has antimicrobial properties, strengthens the immune system. Effective treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies using this beekeeping product. It can be used as an independent remedy, or you can add other natural ingredients to it. Here are some recipes:
- They take an aloe leaf, crush it and squeeze the juice out of it. A little honey is added to it, mixed. The resulting remedy is instilled into the nasal passages for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses twice a day.
- Take a medium-sized onion, finely chop, pour a glass of boiled warm water. Two tablespoons of honey are added to the composition. The finished product is used for washing the nasal passages, for instillation into the nose in the treatment of colds.
Use of Kalanchoe
For pregnant women, the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies is recommended because they are absolutely safe and based only on natural ingredients. One of them is Kalanchoe. For treatment, a leaf of the plant is taken, crushed. The gruel is spread on gauze and the resulting tampon is placed in the nostril for five minutes.
You can squeeze the juice from the gruel and use it for instillation into the nose. With symptoms of sinusitis in adults, treatment with folk remedies, for example, Kalanchoe, is based on clearing the nostrils of mucus with the help of repeated sneezing. For young children, these methods are not suitable. Kalanchoe juice not only helps to increase the outflow of mucus from the nose, but also relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes, makes breathing easier.

During pregnancy, the treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies involves the use of different oils. Sea buckthorn, black cumin, tea tree oils have proven themselves well. All of them have unique anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Oils are used for inhalation, they are moistened with turundas and inserted into the nasal passages. Before using these funds, the nasal passages must be washed.
For the treatment of sinusitis, you can use different methods. Well helps massage, beet juice and other means. But notIt is worth remembering that it is easier to prevent pathologies than to treat them. To avoid sinusitis, you should visit the dentist twice a year, as well as treat colds on time and correctly.
People speak differently about the use of folk recipes for the treatment of sinusitis. According to the majority, the greatest effect is observed when warming up with an egg and instilling the nose with onion and Kalanchoe-based products. Menthol drops also help well.
The least effect is given by inhalation with hot decoctions. However, the improvement occurs only for a very short time.
The dignity of folk methods, all patients call their safety for the body.
The disadvantages are longer treatment than with medication.