Health 2024, October

Drunkenness - what is it? Constant and intemperate consumption of alcoholic beverages

Drunkenness - what is it? Constant and intemperate consumption of alcoholic beverages

Sooner or later, everyone tastes a drink containing alcohol. But what will be the relationship between the individual and alcohol in the future, the person himself decides. Drinking a bottle of vodka for two or a liter of beer, is this considered drunkenness?

PCS of the kidney: concept, structure of the kidneys, possible diseases and the need for treatment

PCS of the kidney: concept, structure of the kidneys, possible diseases and the need for treatment

The kidneys have a complex structure, which includes a number of functional units. These include CHLS, that is, the pelvicalyceal system, which is responsible for the collection and excretion of urine formed in the glomeruli. The structure of the renal cups, their functions in the body, possible diseases and the need for treatment will be discussed below

Heel injury: causes, treatment methods. sports injuries

Heel injury: causes, treatment methods. sports injuries

Heel bruising is a common injury that can result from an unsuccessful emphasis on the foot, hitting a hard surface. Since such injuries are accompanied by a gradual increase in pain, they should by no means be ignored. If you do not perform proper heel treatment, after a while you can lie down and lose the ability to move independently

Can I eat eggs with pancreatitis?

Can I eat eggs with pancreatitis?

There are some products that are almost impossible to do without. Without them, the dishes lose their taste. But not everyone knows, and maybe they don’t want to know whether they are suitable for them or not. After all, he alth sometimes fails. Now we will talk about the use of eggs in pancreatitis

Treatment with leeches, indications and contraindications

Treatment with leeches, indications and contraindications

Recently, treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy) has gained particular popularity. However, such therapy is not entirely harmless and has a number of contraindications

What is hypertensive encephalopathy? Causes, symptoms, treatment

What is hypertensive encephalopathy? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Cerebral ischemia, strokes, heart attacks and encephalopathies are considered the most serious illnesses. Often they end in death. Among a large number of brain pathologies, hypertensive encephalopathy deserves special attention

Hypotensive therapy in hypertensive crisis. Antihypertensive drugs

Hypotensive therapy in hypertensive crisis. Antihypertensive drugs

The concept of antihypertensive therapy includes a set of pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures aimed at stabilizing blood pressure values and preventing complications of hypertension. This is a combined regimen that includes medications and recommendations for modifying risk factors, individually selected for the patient

Peptic ulcer in a child: description, symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Peptic ulcer in a child: description, symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Peptic ulcer in a child occurs for the same reasons as in adults. The most interesting thing is that girls are more susceptible to this pathology. For some reason, this disease bypasses little boys. How to overcome it? Read in the article

How to cure a bad cough at home?

How to cure a bad cough at home?

Severe cough is often found in the course of colds, allergies, and many other disorders. It is very important to pay attention to the problem in a timely manner and conduct a comprehensive treatment

Tracheitis disease: signs and treatment

Tracheitis disease: signs and treatment

One of the most unpleasant respiratory diseases is tracheitis. Its symptoms often occur against the background of developing bronchitis and laryngitis

Reducing blood sugar: symptoms, causes, treatments, reviews

Reducing blood sugar: symptoms, causes, treatments, reviews

Reducing blood sugar: symptoms and causes. How hypoglycemia manifests itself: dizziness, feeling of hunger, loss of orientation in space, thirst and sweating, fatigue and irritability. Features of the manifestation of a decrease in blood sugar in women and the elderly. How to treat, what can be done at home, what to do during a hypoglycemic attack and fainting to prevent coma. Nutrition rules and folk remedies

Neurasthenic syndrome: diagnosis and treatment

Neurasthenic syndrome: diagnosis and treatment

Neurasthenia is now quite common in people of different age categories. It is characterized by fatigue, chronic fatigue and irritability. How to define neurasthenic syndrome? What methods are used in the treatment?

Pressure jumps - sometimes low, then high: causes and methods of treatment

Pressure jumps - sometimes low, then high: causes and methods of treatment

If the pressure jumps - then low, then high, this may be due to both physiological conditions and various pathologies. It is very important to recognize the problem in a timely manner and treat it. This condition can be very dangerous during pregnancy and in the elderly

Elephantiasis of the legs: causes, treatment

Elephantiasis of the legs: causes, treatment

Elephantiasis, or elephantiasis of the legs, is a disease in which the limbs grow and become huge due to the fact that the skin and subcutaneous tissue thicken greatly in them. What exactly becomes the cause of such a pathology, and how it can be treated, we will discuss in the article

Swelling of the legs: causes, treatment and consequences

Swelling of the legs: causes, treatment and consequences

Such a symptom as swelling of the legs can appear with various diseases. To successfully treat this condition, it is extremely important to find out the cause of its occurrence. Visible swelling of the lower extremities and a noticeable increase in their circumference is often accompanied by other clinical signs. Puffiness can be unilateral and bilateral, have different localization and severity

This terrible felon. Treatment and types

This terrible felon. Treatment and types

Purulent inflammation of the tissues of the finger in medicine is called panaritium. The causative agent of this disease is usually staphylococcus aureus, sometimes streptococcus. There are several types of panaritium. Each one requires a specific treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome: symptoms, treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome (otherwise called carpal tunnel syndrome) is a fairly common problem of modern humanity. The thing is that this pathology has a direct impact on the work of the hand and the wrist itself. In this article, we will take a closer look at this ailment, its primary symptoms and the main methods of treatment

As evidenced by a numb big toe

As evidenced by a numb big toe

Many people complain about a numb big toe, because this phenomenon is inconvenient and, moreover, makes you anxious. So what is the reason for such a problem and what should be done in such cases?

Erysipelas: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Erysipelas: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

According to ICD-10, erysipelas is coded as A46. The disease got its name from the Polish word róża. Belongs to the number of infectious, affects the mucous membranes, skin. Currently, the prevalence of pathology is quite high. Among other infectious skin lesions, erysipelas ranks fourth in terms of frequency of occurrence in the world, which makes it an extremely urgent medical problem

Lower back pain after weight lifting: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical advice and treatment

Lower back pain after weight lifting: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, medical advice and treatment

After performing certain physical unusual loads, there may be a pulling pain in the back, which will be observed along the spine. It can start from the shoulders and will stretch all the way to the waist. At the same time, any changes in posture (sometimes even breathing) can cause pain

Pain in the spine: causes, nature, methods of treatment

Pain in the spine: causes, nature, methods of treatment

As soon as you feel pain in the spine, immediately contact a specialist, as timely treatment will help to quickly cope with the disease. The most common diseases are: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, herniated disc, posture disorders. We will consider some of the most common ailments in which pain in the spine appears, the causes and features of their therapy

Atherosclerosis of the vessels - symptoms, causes and treatment

Atherosclerosis of the vessels - symptoms, causes and treatment

Atherosclerosis of vessels is a disease characterized by the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques containing cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Men 50-60 years old and women over 60 years old are most often affected by this disease. Among the most common diseases are atherosclerosis of the vessels of the neck, kidneys, brain, heart and lower extremities

Why are calcifications formed in the prostate and how to get rid of them?

Why are calcifications formed in the prostate and how to get rid of them?

Calcification in the prostate is a common problem. Yes, statistics confirm that in almost 75% of men over 50 years of age, inorganic deposits are found in the glandular tissue of the prostate gland. And it is hardly possible to do without treatment here, since the presence of such stones increases the risk of an inflammatory process

Skin ichthyosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Skin ichthyosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

We will talk about what skin ichthyosis is. What are its types, how do they differ and what are their symptoms. Where did this disease come from, and how to help a person suffering from ichthyosis?

Step-by-step treatment of a boil at home

Step-by-step treatment of a boil at home

Most often, the treatment of boils is done at home with the help of traditional medicine. And it is worth noting that this method almost always gives a positive result

Why did the raised hand turn pale, and the lowered hand turned red? Causes of a disturbing phenomenon

Why did the raised hand turn pale, and the lowered hand turned red? Causes of a disturbing phenomenon

Why did the raised hand turn pale, and the lowered hand turned red? This is a question that is asked not only by children, but also by adults. The latter are worried about their he alth, while the children are just curious. However, knowing the answers to such questions is essential

Nipple pain: causes in women and men

Nipple pain: causes in women and men

Every woman knows the condition when her breasts swell and hurt. As a rule, this condition precedes critical days and is the norm. More than 60% of the fairer sex once a month experience discomfort in the chest and nipples. But it happens that the cause of pain in women of childbearing age is not only the monthly game of hormones. Such symptoms are also found in women of advanced age with menopause. Also, this happens to men too

Inflammation of the nipples: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the nipples: causes, symptoms, treatment

Inflammation and fissures of the nipple are pathological conditions caused by infection of the area. The reason may be in the invasion of a virus, pathological bacteria or fungus. First of all, superficial tissues suffer, which makes the condition extremely unpleasant, uncomfortable in everyday life - damaged areas come into contact with clothing textiles, and this provokes severe pain

Hypopituitarism: symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment

Hypopituitarism: symptoms, diagnostic methods and treatment

Hypopituitarism, whose symptoms can be confused with signs of other serious pathologies in the absence of adequate diagnosis, is a rare disorder of the pituitary gland. In this disease, the pituitary gland either produces an insufficient amount of hormones, or does not produce at all one or more hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the human body

What to do if the right side of the head often hurts? Why does the right side of my head hurt?

What to do if the right side of the head often hurts? Why does the right side of my head hurt?

Headache visits each of us from time to time. At the same time, we rarely pay attention to exactly where it hurts, and we are in a hurry to take an anesthetic drug. Sometimes we just endure, waiting for this torment to end. It turns out, in vain! With recurring headaches, you should go to a consultation with a specialist and find out why the right side of the head, left, back of the head or forehead hurts

Pain in the back of the head: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment and explanations of specialists

Pain in the back of the head: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prescribed treatment and explanations of specialists

Everyone has experienced a headache at least once in their life. It can be localized in different places, have different intensity or be a symptom of a disease. Pain in the back of the head is the most common. What are its causes, symptoms? What to do when pain occurs?

Scoliosis of the spine. Scoliosis: treatment. Scoliosis of the spine: symptoms

Scoliosis of the spine. Scoliosis: treatment. Scoliosis of the spine: symptoms

The curvature of the spine, called scoliosis, has become more common lately, and many suspect this disease in themselves. Learn about the degrees of scoliosis, how it is treated, and what exercises to do

SLE: symptoms, description with photo, causes, clinical examinations, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications and consequences

SLE: symptoms, description with photo, causes, clinical examinations, diagnosis, treatment, possible complications and consequences

There are no substances that can cure a person of lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, the symptoms of which are quite obvious). But they can help regulate most of the symptoms of lupus, as well as avoid damage to internal organs

H1N1 virus: symptoms, treatment and prevention

H1N1 virus: symptoms, treatment and prevention

The H1N1 virus is the pathogen that causes the swine flu, or Mexican flu. In 2009, the WHO declared the disease a pandemic

Cough with blood: causes and treatment

Cough with blood: causes and treatment

One of the main signs of diseases of the respiratory system is a cough. At the same time, people often complain about such a phenomenon as coughing up blood. This symptom may be just the result of small blood vessels bursting during a coughing attack, or it may indicate more serious processes occurring in the human body

Longitudinal and transverse flat feet: symptoms and treatment, photo. Flat feet - what is it?

Longitudinal and transverse flat feet: symptoms and treatment, photo. Flat feet - what is it?

The foot is one of the main support links of the body. Its area is about 1% of the entire body surface. However, it is precisely on it that the main load is equal to the mass of the human body. The foot performs several functions: depreciation, support, balancing. Under the influence of certain factors, its arch undergoes deformation, a disease such as flat feet develops. What is flatfoot? Learn from the article

Glandular endometrial polyp: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Glandular endometrial polyp: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Glandular endometrial polyp is a fairly common pathology of the female reproductive system. It is usually diagnosed in young girls. This neoplasm is not characterized by typical symptoms, so the fair sex is in no hurry to see a doctor. Lack of timely therapy may result in infertility or the transformation of a polyp into a malignant tumor

Adenomatous polyp: symptoms and treatment

Adenomatous polyp: symptoms and treatment

Adenomatous polyp is a precancerous formation, since one tenth of these formations develops into cancer. Polyps can grow in any organ of the human body where there is glandular tissue. What affects their appearance, how you can detect them on your own, how accurate diagnostics are carried out, is it possible to get rid of adenomatous polyps using folk methods, read the article

Varicose dermatitis: symptoms, photos, treatment

Varicose dermatitis: symptoms, photos, treatment

Varicose dermatitis is a specific disease in which the skin over the veins becomes inflamed. At the same time, their function is reduced or lost completely. Description of the disease First, there are problems with the veins, then their wall gradually becomes thinner and the liquid component of the blood enters the integumentary tissue. This provokes the appearance of varicose dermatitis. As a result, inflammation occurs, in which the appearance of the skin changes, it begins to peel off and itch strongly

VSD by cardiac type: causes, symptoms and treatment

VSD by cardiac type: causes, symptoms and treatment

Vegetovascular dystonia is a pathological condition of the nervous vegetative system, in which the patient’s state of he alth, according to his words, is “not important”, and the vital signs of organs and other systems, except for the nervous one, are in a state of physiological norm, or slightly do not fit into the framework of these norms . In world medical practice, more than one hundred and fifty symptoms have been described that occur in visitors to dispensaries and clinics with VVD. These symptoms are very varied and not always obvious