The stomach is a hollow muscle, which is one of the most important organs of the digestive tract. It is located between the duodenum and the esophagus, performing the functions of mixing food and its partial splitting. Diseases of the stomach are associated with a disorder of its main functions, leading to a number of painful symptoms - heartburn, taste changes, increased thirst, constipation, loose stools, nausea, belching, vomiting and pain. Each of these signs is a signal of the disease of this organ.

The most common diseases of the stomach include acute and chronic gastritis, duodenitis, erosion, ulcers and cancer. Every disease has its own cause. In the case of gastric disorders, this may be preceded by an improper diet, eating poor quality food, overeating, overeating spicy foods, poor chewing and malnutrition.
Diseases of the stomach in a neglected state often lead to the need for surgical intervention, after which complications are quite possible that occur in the early and late postoperative period. For these diseasesinclude such pathological changes as peptic ulcer of the small intestine, gastritis of the stump, adductor bowel syndrome, chronic pancreatitis, dumping syndrome, ulcers of the stump and anastomosis, anemia.

Diseases of the operated stomach, its organic and functional disorders occur after almost every operation of this digestive organ. One of the frequent postoperative diseases is gastritis of the stump. Patients experience decreased appetite, frequent regurgitation of food, occasional diarrhea, a feeling of heaviness after eating, aching pain and a significant decrease in working capacity.
Delayed postoperative periods do not guarantee the further absence of stomach disease. In the area located after the stump, a peptic ulcer of the small intestine may open. Its symptoms are severe pain in the pit of the stomach, which become most intense after eating. The presence of an ulcer is detected after x-ray and gastroscopy. The most effective way to treat her is re-operation.

Disorders associated with rapid evacuation of food from the stomach are called dumping syndrome. Its main symptoms include attacks of early (10 - 15 minutes) and late (2 - 3 hours) after-dinner weakness, as well as diarrhea, dizziness, fever, palpitations, blood pressure drops and pain in the epigastric region. A severe form of this stomach disease can lead to afternoon fainting, malnutrition, impaired fat, proteinand carbohydrate metabolism, dystrophy of internal organs, fatigue and nervous disorders.
Inflammation of the pancreas, which develops at different times of the postoperative period, is called chronic pancreatitis. Its main symptom is girdle pain in the upper abdomen. An increase in general body temperature and diarrhea is possible. This disease should be treated in a hospital setting. The adductor gut syndrome develops exclusively after resection. With this pathology, the contents of the intestine and bile return to the stomach, while the patient experiences bitterness in the mouth, nausea, heaviness in the pit of the stomach and vomiting with an admixture of bile. Such a disease of the operated stomach is treated only promptly.

After surgery on the stomach, ulcers of its stump and anastomosis are possible, leading to pain and sudden weight loss. This ailment should be treated with physical procedures, taking medications, such as Cerucal, Reglan, Dimetpramide, with a strict diet.
Due to deficiency of iron and vitamin B12, as a result of a decrease in the area of the stomach, anemia can develop. The decrease in hemoglobin should be compensated by injections of vitamin B12 and the use of preparations containing iron. Gastric diseases can lead to the most serious consequences, so you should not neglect the slightest alarming symptoms and self-medicate. Treatment of the stomach should be done by doctors based on thorough research.