Otitis: how to treat ear pain?

Otitis: how to treat ear pain?
Otitis: how to treat ear pain?

Often the question arises of how to treat ear pain, which can appear in various cases. Of course, effective treatment is possible only after an examination by a specialist and an accurate determination of the cause of the disease. As a rule, the most common cause is inflammatory processes or the body's reaction to any disorders in the body (for example, sinusitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the jaw, and others). Pain can also be a sign of a pathological process (chronic rhinitis, enlarged adenoids and tonsils, neuralgia).

how to treat ear pain
how to treat ear pain

What is otitis media?

A fairly common ear disease is otitis media. The main causes of otitis media are inflammation of the middle ear. It can occur against the background of mechanical damage to the sebaceous glands (for example, with improper cleansing with a cotton swab). In no case do not stick sharp objects into the ear, so as not to damage the organ. Keep a close eye on your children, who strive to try something new on themselves. How to treat ear pain if the disorder appeared against the background of another disease? Most often, otitis media is the result of high blood sugar,gout, vitamin deficiencies. Another reason is a staph infection.

causes of otitis media
causes of otitis media

How to get rid of pain?

How to treat ear pain if there is no way to see a doctor? Here much depends on the general condition of the patient. In some cases, pain is accompanied by pus, bruising, itching, swelling, blueness, etc. Such conditions are a reason to consult a doctor. If a foreign body enters, carefully inspect the ear canal. If the object is not far away, then you can pull it out yourself with tweezers. But do not take risks if you are not sure of your abilities (and also in cases where the body is deep enough in the ear canal). In this situation, only a specialist will help.

Sulfur plug

Sulfur is a protective layer that prevents infection from entering the ear. An excess amount forms a plug that cannot be removed by normal cleaning with a cotton swab. How to treat ear pain in this case? You should consult a doctor who, at the first stage, prescribes special drops that help soften the sulfur. Next, the cork is directly removed using a special procedure. Otherwise, constant tinnitus appears, hearing acuity decreases, which is accompanied by pain and the appearance of secretions of a different nature. Don't delay getting rid of the cork!

constant tinnitus
constant tinnitus

The danger of self-medication

Do not start the course of treatment yourself, as variousdiseases involve completely opposite procedures. For example, with otitis externa, compresses should not be done, as this will aggravate the development of the disease and increase pain. It is advisable to take an anesthetic (with discharge from the ear, put a turunda), and then immediately go for medical help. Lack of timely treatment leads to the development of other diseases that are fraught with serious complications.
