Pancreatitis is an inflammatory pathology of the pancreas that occurs quite often. The acute form of the disease, the deterioration of the condition of an individual with a chronic type of disease, is associated with a sharp, severe discomfort in the peritoneum. The patient requires therapy in a hospital setting. In addition to medications that eliminate discomfort and spasms, a person is prescribed cold lotions, bed rest. Fasting with pancreatitis is a prerequisite for improving the patient's well-being.
What is inflammation in the pancreas? Why is it dangerous?
The activity of this body plays a very important role. It produces special substances - enzymes, with the help of which the absorption of nutrients from food occurs. If the gland is functioning normally, fluid from its cavity is secreted intointestines. With an inflammatory pathology of the organ, it produces too much juice. The excretion of this substance is difficult. Enzymes destroy gland tissues. Organs close to it also suffer. Symptoms of the disease are discomfort in the upper part of the peritoneum, nausea, bouts of vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea. Deterioration of well-being can be triggered by various factors (emotional overload, the use of alcohol-containing products and fatty foods, uncontrolled medication). In the absence of adequate therapy, the body is gradually destroyed, the process of digestion becomes difficult. A person cannot normally absorb the necessary substances, which leads to death. Fasting with pancreatitis in the hospital, following the correct diet after discharge - all these measures help to quickly stabilize the patient's condition.
Importance of this method of therapy for the patient
Temporary refusal of food, according to experts, is an effective way to reduce the process of inflammation in the tissues of the pancreas. During a certain period, the body is released from the obligation to perform its functions, is in complete rest.
Fasting with pancreatitis should not last more than 3 days. During this period of time, the cells of the gland and its activity can fully recover. The inflammatory process (both permanent and acute) often causes serious complications. They manifest themselves in the form of tissue necrosis, the inability of the organ to perform its functions. Therefore, experts are trying to take measures to improvethe patient's condition as soon as possible. In the hospital, the patient is given ice compresses to eliminate discomfort. A person must constantly be in bed for several days. This will speed up the recovery process. Therapeutic fasting for pancreatitis is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor.

First, the patient needs to completely eliminate food intake. Then he gradually switches to a special diet. At the initial stage of pathology, such measures provide a very good result. Patients do not even have to take a large amount of medication. There are several ways to fast. These are discussed in the following sections.
Therapeutic fasting for pancreatitis is divided into dry and allowing fluid intake (still water, decoction of rose hips, chamomile). Opinions of experts about these methods differ. Some doctors believe that the first method is the most effective. However, this mode can last no more than 24 hours. Then the patient needs to drink water without gas, often, but with a gradual increase in its volume.

During the next two days, a person is allowed to eat a little decoction of vegetables. On the fourth day, the menu should be diversified. During exacerbations, the patient has severe vomiting, severe discomfort, high fever. Fasting with pancreatitis will not be particularly difficult for him due to loss of appetite and pain. However, the rejectionfood and liquid, despite all the benefits of this event, is not suitable for all individuals. It is contraindicated in the following categories of persons:
- Women who experienced an exacerbation of pathology during the period of gestation.
- Patients with low blood pressure.
- People with low blood glucose.
- Persons suffering from anemia or vitamin deficiencies.
Fasting with inflammation of the pancreas can be gentle. During the first three days, the patient consumes a decoction of rose hips, mineral water without gas and chamomile tea in unlimited quantities. On the fourth day, foods are gradually included in his diet. If a patient with an acute type of disease adheres to such a regimen, he can protect himself from the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
Without food after an attack
Features of this event are determined by the type of pathology. Fasting during exacerbation of pancreatitis should be carried out in a hospital. During this period, the patient should be examined and observed by a specialist. For two days, the patient consumes a liquid heated to a temperature of 36 degrees, for example, a decoction of chamomile.

Cold and too hot drinks are strictly prohibited. During these days, the patient needs to be in bed. Then, if a person does not feel discomfort, he can gradually expand his diet. When it is possible to achieve a stable remission, it will be enough for the patient to spend fasting days on the water once a week.
Basicnutrition principles
Symptoms of pancreatitis after fasting, if it is excessively long, may reappear. In order to avoid this, you should not refuse food already on the fourth day after the onset of the attack. The patient's condition stabilizes if he eats small amounts, but often (up to 6 times a day). First, you should eat foods in the form of mashed potatoes, consisting of one component. This measure will avoid irritation of the digestive tract. It is necessary to limit carbohydrates and lipids, but include in the diet a sufficient amount of trace elements, proteins and vitamins. Food should have a neutral taste. Excessively sweet, too sour or s alty dishes are excluded. Spicy spices, dyes and other additives are also prohibited. On the first day after fasting with pancreatitis, the patient can eat dried wheat bread, rice decoction, tea with a small amount of granulated sugar. The next day, the diet is introduced vegetables (boiled or steamed), soups according to vegetarian recipes in the form of mashed potatoes.

It is better to replace vegetable fat with butter. It is added to dishes in small portions. The energy value of the diet after fasting should not exceed 1800 kilocalories. The diet should be followed for three weeks.
Refusal of food in the chronic form of the disease
This type of disease is characterized by subtle symptoms that are sometimes difficult to detect. It is possible to assess the state of the digestive organs only with the help of tests. To prevent the development of complications, the patient shouldrefuse food for a whole day. Fasting in chronic pancreatitis is usually carried out at home. The patient needs to be in bed throughout the day.

The next day, the patient needs to eat a bowl of pureed first course or vegetable broth. With chronic inflammation of the pancreas, the state of he alth returns to normal faster than with an acute attack. However, the way out of fasting in pancreatitis, regardless of the characteristics of its course, should be slow. It is necessary to gradually add different dishes to the diet and monitor the state of the digestive system.
Main rules for further diet
After feeling better, the diet of patients with chronic pathology should be based on the following rules:
- Eat enough animal protein.
- It is necessary to limit the amount of table s alt to 10 grams.
- Drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day.
- The energy value of the diet should not exceed 2600 kilocalories.
- Eat food in small portions, often, prepare pureed, boiled, baked and steamed foods.
- No too hot and chilled foods.
Prohibited food list
It includes the following:
- Any type of drink containing ethyl alcohol.
- Soda water.
- Meat and fish with a lot of fat, decoctions from them.
- Mushroom dishes.
- Too sour or sweet berries and fruits.
- Beans.
- Confectionery, fresh bread and wheat flour buns.
- Cabbage.
- Radish and radish.
- Eggplant.
- Desserts (jam, chocolate, sweets, cakes, ice cream).
- Strongly brewed tea, caffeinated drinks.
- S alty, marinated, smoked and spicy dishes, spicy cheeses.
- Fried food.
- Semi-finished products.
- Juices from packages.
- Hot chocolate, cocoa.
- Too sour dairy.
- S alted nuts, chips.

What is allowed?
On the way out of fasting with pancreatic pancreatitis, you can eat the following foods:
- Skinny varieties of fish.
- Lean meat (skinless chicken or turkey, beef, veal or rabbit flesh).
- Dairy products containing a small amount of fat (such as cottage cheese).
- Potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini boiled, baked or mashed.
- Porridge made from buckwheat, oatmeal or rice groats, boiled in water.
- Dried bread made from wheat flour.
- Steamed egg white omelettes.
- First courses made from pureed vegetables.
- Boiled root crops with a sweet taste (beets, carrots).
- Compote of dried fruits and berries, fruit drink, kissel, chamomile tea.
- Mineral water without gas containing alkali.

Fasting with pancreatitis and cholecystitis
In people with pancreatic pathologiesglands are often observed disruption of the gallbladder. It can have both acute and chronic course. Sometimes the inflammatory process is accompanied by the formation of stones. A complete refusal of food and liquid is recommended for patients who do not have stones. In the event of an acute attack of pathology, fluid intake cannot be ruled out.
Treatment of pancreatitis by fasting is a method that is an effective addition to the main therapy. However, in order to competently carry out this event, the patient needs to consult a doctor. In the event of an acute attack of pathology, the patient should be in a hospital, under the constant supervision of a specialist. Despite the fact that fasting has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, not all patients are allowed to undergo such a procedure. If a person has malfunctions in the urinary system, gallstones or an acute inflammatory process in this organ, it is highly undesirable to refuse food and liquids for several days. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this therapeutic measure after examination, laboratory tests and examination by a doctor. Only a specialist is able to correctly assess the patient's condition and assign him the nutrition system that is necessary in this situation.