Candida colpitis: causes, clinic, treatment

Candida colpitis: causes, clinic, treatment
Candida colpitis: causes, clinic, treatment

Colpitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the vagina. It is the most common pathology among women of reproductive age and is caused by various pathogens: chlamydia, mycoplasmas, streptococci and staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae.

candidal colpitis
candidal colpitis

Quite often, inflammation of the vagina is caused by the influence of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. In this case, candidal colpitis develops, which is characterized by a violation of the vaginal microflora with a decrease in the number of bacteria that synthesize lactic acid.

Fungi that cause colpitis are unicellular organisms. They form pseudomycelium and blastospores.

Infection is observed among all age groups, transmission of infection in utero is possible. It should be noted that inflammation of the vagina in women of reproductive age requires immediate therapy, otherwise the pathological process extends to the cervical canal, uterus and its appendages. This causes endometritis, cervical erosion and even infertility.

Candida colpitis: etiology

Among the factors that provoke the development of thisdiseases are as follows:

colpitis during pregnancy treatment
colpitis during pregnancy treatment

• sexually transmitted infections;

• other infectious pathologies;

• mechanical injury to the vaginal mucosa or malnutrition;

• anatomical changes in the structure of the vagina;

• endocrine disorders;

• long-term antibiotic therapy;

• Allergic to condoms, vaginal suppositories and creams;

• poor personal hygiene;

• low immune status;

• violation of carbohydrate or protein metabolism;

• lack of vitamins;

• hormonal imbalance;

• old age.

I must say that under the influence of these factors, not only candidal colpitis (thrush) develops, but also vulvitis, endocervicitis.

Clinical picture of colpitis of fungal origin

Among the main clinical manifestations of this pathology are burning, itching, pain in the vagina and massive curdled discharge. During a gynecological examination, it is noticeable that the mucous membrane is swollen and red. In addition, significant white plaques are found, which, when removed, form erosive surfaces. To confirm the diagnosis, swabs are taken from the vagina to detect fungi.

Candidal colpitis: principles of treatment

Local therapy is carried out using a solution of nystatin. Vitamins and antihistamines, antifungal agents for enteral administration are also prescribed (for example, levorin 500 thousand units three timesper day for 20 days).

With superficial candidiasis, dekamin is most often used, which is prescribed in the form of a 1% ointment for application to the vaginal mucosa. With thrush, decamin can also be prescribed in the form of caramel, which should be slowly absorbed in the oral cavity. At the same time, general strengthening therapy is carried out.

treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy
treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy

Treatment of candidiasis during pregnancy has its own characteristics. Women in this period should never resort to self-medication, since the use of any medication can provoke a number of serious complications. Therapy should be prescribed by a doctor and include the use of the most effective but safe antifungal drugs.

Candida colpitis during pregnancy: treatment in the first trimester can be done with nystatin, pimafucin, hexicon or terzhinan. From 3-4 months of gestation, it is allowed to use metronidazole, clotrimazole, meratin combi. It is worth noting that sitz baths with a decoction of chamomile and calendula have a positive therapeutic effect.

With timely treatment, complications of candidal colpitis rarely occur.
