How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies

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How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies
How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies

Video: How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies

Video: How to treat lichen in humans: medicines and folk remedies
Video: पाँवो की नस फूल जाने (Varicose Veins) का इलाज Varicose Veins treatment by Dr Nikita 2024, July

Lichen in humans is a contagious disease of an infectious nature. Pathology is spread by contact with a sick person or animal. Foci of lichen can form in various parts of the body. As a rule, in the epicenter of infection, the appearance of scaly "nodules", all kinds of papules and inflamed spots is observed.

What are the signs of lichen in humans? What factors provoke the development of the disease? What is the clinical picture of pathology? How to get rid of lichen in a person with the help of pharmacological preparations and traditional medicine methods? The answers to these and other questions can be found by reading our article.


The causative agents of lichen are pathogenic fungal spores and some viruses. Such microorganisms can live on the body of animals or an infected person. Some pathogenic agents that can cause disease are concentrated in the soil.

Infection can stay in the body for a long time without showing up. Lichen enters the active phase whena combination of several factors. We are talking about a decrease in the protective functions of the body, frequent stress, physical exhaustion.

Clinical picture

lichen photo
lichen photo

There are several stages of depriving a person. Initially, a small inflamed speck of a pronounced red tint forms on the skin. The appearance of a neoplasm is accompanied by the development of overthrow. The infection can be localized on any part of the body: limbs, back, shoulders, face, under the hair on the head. Over time, the focus of infection increases in size. The edges of the spot become clear-cut. Small bubble structures form here.

When moving to a more serious stage, another internal speck appears in the focus of infection, which consists of small scales. If the infection develops in an area of skin covered with hair, then another sign of lichen in a person in the form of baldness makes itself felt.

At the next stage, lichen begins to affect the deeper layers of tissues. In infected areas, ulcers form. Such manifestations gradually disappear, leaving behind deep scars. Subsequently, it is practically impossible to smooth out these scars, since the development of lichen causes a violation of the functions of local tissues and prevents cell renewal. Lymph nodes also suffer, which swell and increase significantly in size.

The advanced stage of lichen on the skin of a person often causes damage to internal organs, cartilage and bone structures. Cases were recorded when pathological manifestations reached the headbrain. However, this is extremely rare, when absolutely no attention is paid to the problem for a long time.


"Mikoseptin" is an effective ointment for lichen in humans. The main active ingredients in the preparation are zinc undecylenate and undecylenic acid. These components are active against pathogenic pathogens of ringworm, which are of a fungal nature. Zinc, which is contained in the product, contributes to the relief of inflammatory processes in the structures of the epidermis, relieves skin irritation. In turn, undecylenic acid produces a drying effect, and also creates a specific environment that is not suitable for self-replication of pathogenic microorganisms. The complex effect of the components of the ointment leads to the healing of foci of infection in a short time.

ointment from depriving
ointment from depriving

How to use the drug for the treatment of lichen in humans? The affected areas of the skin are disinfected with antiseptic agents. The epidermis is slightly dry. Then apply the ointment "Mikoseptin" on the infected epidermis with a thin layer. The procedure is periodically repeated throughout the day. Such therapy makes it possible to get rid of the manifestations of the disease after about a week.


How to treat lichen in humans? An excellent solution is the use of Exoderil ointment. The drug contains the biologically active substance naftifine hydrochloride, which inhibits vital activitycausative agents of multi-colored lichen, as well as infections that belong to the category of mycoses and dermatophytosis. The medicine is suitable for eliminating a dermatological problem on the scalp. This ointment from depriving a person qualitatively penetrates into the deep structures of the epidermis. The high concentration of the active substance in local tissues makes it possible to quickly relieve inflammation and the sensation of obsessive itching.

Apply the remedy according to this scheme. Infected areas of the skin are washed under running water with soap. The infected epidermis is disinfected with antiseptic compounds. Then the foci of lichen formation are treated with ointment. The procedure is resorted to 2-3 times a day. Treatment is continued until the characteristic symptoms of the disease completely disappear.


"Clotrimazole" is a highly effective pharmacological agent based on the active substance of the same name. The drug prevents the reproduction of pathogenic infectious agents in the tissue structure, which allows the immune system to better cope with infection.

How to use a remedy for lichen in a person? Ointment "Clotrimazole" is applied to the infected skin 2-3 times a day. The foci of infection are pre-cleaned and slightly dried. In order to achieve the fastest effect, strict adherence to elementary hygiene rules is required. Depth tissue lesions are eliminated with the drug within a few weeks.


ointment for lichen in humans
ointment for lichen in humans

Cure for lichen in humansit is advisable to use in the event of foci of infection in the scalp. The drug quickly removes inflammation, relieves the feeling of overthrow, soothes irritated skin, and also relieves dryness.

A remedy for lichen in humans is applied to the scalp several times a week. With prolonged use of the drug, the effect of addiction of the body to the active substances of the pharmacological composition can be observed. For this reason, before using the drug, it is important to take the advice of a doctor who will establish an individual course of therapy.


The drug is an antifungal pharmacological composition. The indication for the use of the drug is the development of pityriasis and ringworm. Terbinafine, which is the main active ingredient of the ointment, produces a pronounced fungicidal effect on tissues, inhibiting the vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms and preventing their active reproduction in skin structures.

How to treat lichen in a person with Lamisil? The treatment regimen is similar to the above drugs. The ointment is applied to previously cleansed and disinfected skin. Therapy is performed several times a day until the complete disappearance of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. The medicine has an impressive list of contraindications. Therefore, doctors do not recommend resorting to its use in order to eliminate lichen in young children.

Birch tar

remedy for lichen in humans
remedy for lichen in humans

Birch tar is a widely known remedy fordepriving a person, which is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. The substance is part of the antiseptic tar soap, Vishnevsky ointment and a number of other pharmacological preparations.

Alternative treatment of lichen in a person with the help of a remedy can be performed using several recipes:

  1. Birch tar is combined in identical proportions with butter. The composition is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is formed. The agent is applied to a gauze bandage. The compress is applied to the affected areas of the skin. The procedure is performed at night. In the morning, the skin is washed under warm running water. This ointment perfectly eliminates the manifestations of pink lichen.
  2. Burning a birch log. The resulting ash is collected and combined with tar in a ratio of 1:3. The resulting composition is applied to the skin. The substance is not washed off for several hours. The medicine is suitable for the fight against scaly lichen, and also makes it possible to stop the development of psoriasis.
  3. Birch tar and fish oil are mixed in equal proportions. The composition is treated with a piece of gauze, which is applied to the foci of infection. The compress is great for skin rashes that are fungal and viral in nature.

Despite the effectiveness of birch tar against lichen, some care should be taken when using the product. It is not necessary to allow the substance to get on the mucous membranes of body tissues due to the content of dangerous carcinogens in the composition. Before applying healing compresses, it is recommended to make sure that there are noallergic reactions to the action of tar. For these purposes, a small amount of the substance should be applied to the elbow or wrist area.

Garlic and honey

prevention of lichen in humans
prevention of lichen in humans

Garlic is widely known as a natural antibiotic that helps fight the spread of infections. In turn, honey contains a whole host of useful substances necessary for nutrition and tissue regeneration.

How to treat lichen in humans with this remedy? A few cloves of garlic are ground into a pulp. To do this, use a blender or a special crush. The resulting mass is combined in equal proportions with honey. The composition is mixed until a homogeneous consistency. The finished product is applied to lichen plaques. Treatment is performed daily for several weeks. The result is an improvement in skin condition, relief of foci of infection and the gradual disappearance of infection.

S alt

How to treat lichen in humans with s alt? A pinch of mineral substance is moistened with a few drops of water. The resulting slurry is rubbed with light massaging movements into the foci of lichen formation. Treatment makes it possible to remove the flaky skin in which the infection is concentrated. As practice shows, the condition of the epidermis in the affected areas improves markedly after the first procedure.


ringworm on human skin
ringworm on human skin

Excellent helps with depriving baths using a medicinal plant. What is the therapy? About 200 grams of dried collectioncelandine is added to a hot bath. The body is immersed here. Water procedures are performed for half an hour. The result is high-quality disinfection of infected areas of the epidermis. With regular therapy, lichen recedes for several weeks.

There is another use of celandine to fight the disease. Combine in equal proportions medicinal herb and interior fat. The composition is thoroughly mixed. The resulting ointment is applied to the foci of infection. The therapy is continued for a month, treating the affected areas several times a day.

Herbal infusion against lichen

In order to prepare the medicine, about 25 grams of dried St. John's wort, 15 grams of marigolds and 10 grams of chopped burdock root are used. The ingredients are placed in a glass jar and pour a glass of vegetable oil. The composition is sent to infuse in a dark place for ten days. The tool is shaken periodically. At the end of the specified period, the medicine is carefully filtered. The resulting liquid is used for rubbing into the infected areas of the skin. The infusion makes it possible to destroy the pathogens of pityriasis versicolor in a short time.

Apple cider vinegar

how to get rid of lichen in a person
how to get rid of lichen in a person

The use of the substance potentially provides an opportunity to get rid of herpes zoster. Undiluted apple cider vinegar is applied to cotton swabs, which are applied to the foci of infection. The compress is performed at night, as well as immediately after waking up. This type of therapy allowsan obsessive sensation of overthrow and burning, to stop inflammatory processes. Using the recipe contributes to the speedy healing of the damaged epidermis.


Ordinary millet allows you to get rid of the manifestations of lichen. A few tablespoons of grain are heated in a frying pan. The product is removed from heat and kneaded until an oily substance is released. The latter is used to lubricate inflamed papules on the skin. The therapy is performed two to three times a day. The result is high-quality hydration of local tissues, elimination of flaky structures and rapid restoration of epidermis functions.


To prepare a remedy for lichen, take two tablespoons of a medicinal plant. The raw materials are placed in a saucepan, which is filled with several glasses of water. The mixture is put on the stove, heating for 15 minutes. Then the medicine is removed from the fire and allowed to brew. The broth is filtered. The resulting liquid is washed several times a day with lichen-infected areas of the skin. The procedure is resorted to daily until the trouble disappears completely.


Prevention of lichen in humans involves, first of all, limiting contact with people on whose skin manifestations characteristic of the disease are observed. Also, do not touch animals that have bald areas of the body.

To avoid a problem, it is recommended to use personal hygiene products. It is not only about the use of personal towels and room slippers at home, but also about compliance with hygiene requirements whenvisiting public showers, baths and saunas, locker rooms in gyms. If signs of lichen development are found in family members, it is worth protecting yourself from interacting with them for the entire period of treatment.

In closing

Treatment of lichen in the initial stages can be done using traditional medicine methods discussed in our publication. In complicated forms of the disease, it is worth resorting to the use of pharmacological preparations. Be that as it may, therapy must be carried out systematically. An important aspect that contributes to a speedy recovery is personal hygiene.
