Warts are among the most common skin problems. Such neoplasms cause considerable discomfort and can lead to the development of dangerous diseases. Where do warts come from? How to deal with them? What are the pharmacological and folk remedies for warts? We would like to consider the answers to these and other questions in our publication.
What are warts?

Warts are formations on the skin that have a dense structure and grow to sizes from 1-2 mm to several centimeters. They can form in different parts of the body, depending on the species. In some cases, there is a fusion of warts. Thus, they develop into tumors of quite impressive dimensions.
Initially, warts are flesh-colored. Over time, such outgrowths become brown, and sometimes even black. Changes in the color of warts are usuallydue to their contamination and loosening of the structure, which acquires a pronounced rough character.
Causes of occurrence
What causes warts on the arms, legs, and other parts of the body? The cause of such neoplasms is the penetration into the human body of the causative agent of the papillomavirus. The latter can be transmitted by contact from other people, as well as animals. Progressive reproduction of the virus is observed in the upper layers of the epidermis.
Another prerequisite for the formation of warts is a person's tendency to scratch the skin. Often this is caused by the habit of biting nails, frequent shaving, removal of unwanted vegetation on the body, peeling, and other cosmetic procedures. In the course of such actions, microscopic damage occurs on the skin, through which the pathogen of the virus enters the body.
Sometimes infection occurs in public places. First of all, we are talking about baths and saunas, swimming pools, gyms. The appearance of warts also often affects people whose labor activity is connected with cutting animal and fish carcasses.
Researchers have not fully figured out what causes warts on the hands and other areas of the body. According to statistics, such neoplasms are most characteristic of adolescents. As practice shows, the group of increased risk of infection with the papillomavirus includes, first of all, children aged 12 to 16.
Types of warts

Dermatologists identify the followingtypes of warts:
- Vulgar – common in young people. They are simple skin papules, the maximum size of which reaches the size of a pea. Such warts are characterized by an uneven, keratinized surface of a flesh-colored, grayish or brown hue. Most often they appear on the hands, near the lips, on the face, mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
- Flat - observed in children. They have a smooth surface and flesh tone. As a rule, they have the correct rounded shape. In rare cases, they can be polygonal. A characteristic feature of flat warts is the presence of numerous rashes on the feet, hands of the upper limbs, face, mucous membranes.
- Palmar-plantar - usually occurs in adults. They look like small neoplasms with a dense structure and torn keratinized layers of the epidermis. Often identified by dermatologists as common calluses, which makes it difficult to make an adequate diagnosis.
- Threadlike - soft brownish or flesh-colored papules. They concentrate mainly on the skin of the eyelids, neck, armpits, in the inguinal region. Spread occurs by contact between individual parts of the body.
How to distinguish a papilloma from a wart?
Papillomas are benign neoplasms on the skin. As a rule, they have a rounded shape and a pronounced base, which is called a leg. Papillomas have a flesh tint. Unlike warts, they do not have well-defined borders. Surface of papillomashas a rough, somewhat torn structure. Visually, they can be compared with a miniature head of cauliflower.
Distinguish papillomas from warts not only according to visual signs. An important point for determining the nature of the neoplasm on the skin is its location. Most often, warts occur on the upper and lower extremities. In turn, papillomas "prefer" to occupy secluded areas on the body. They appear under the breasts, at the armpits, in the skin folds of the neck, near the genitals.
Treatment of warts using pharmacological agents

How to get rid of warts? To eliminate unpleasant neoplasms on the skin allows the use of a wide range of pharmaceutical preparations. Among the most effective medicines, which are available in the form of injections, tablets, ointments for warts and gels, it is worth noting the following:
- Genferon.
- "Isoprinosine".
- Panavir.
- "Cycloferon".
- Viveron.
The possibility of using the above drugs in order to get rid of warts should be agreed in advance with the doctor. When determining the most effective remedy, the dermatologist must take into account the nature of the problem, the location and size of the outgrowths on the skin. It is worth noting that the listed gels, tablets, injections and ointments for warts do not destroy the neoplasm itself, but only help maintain the body's resistance to the spread of a viral infection.
However, there are manypharmacological agents that really destroy the structure of warts. So, for self-use at home, drugs are suitable:
- Ferezol.
- Verrukacid.
- Cryopharma.
- Super Celandine.
- Wartner Cryo.
Wart medicines such as Cryopharma and Wartner Cryo contain active ingredients that have a freezing effect on the skin. The effect of their use can be compared with liquid nitrogen. Low temperatures interfere with the blood supply to the tissues in the area where the wart appears. Thus, there is a gradual destruction of the structure of the neoplasm.
As for the preparations "Ferezol", "Verrukacid" and "Super Celandine", the latter destroy warts due to aggressive chemicals. It is recommended to use such medications with caution. After all, overdoing it, you can not only burn the wart under the root, but also get quite painful injuries.
Salipod Wart Plaster
"Salipod" is an excellent remedy for fighting neoplasms on the skin. The plaster is suitable not only for the elimination of warts, but also for all kinds of corns, corns, etc. Such a wide spectrum of action is achieved due to the presence in the composition of substances with a disinfecting, analgesic and softening effect.
The action of the Salipod patch is like an antiseptic. The tool slows down the processes of keratinization of the skin and at the same time resists the development of infection. This effect is achieved due to the presence of salicylic acid and sulfur in the composition. These chemicals are able to penetrate into the deep structures of the epidermis, affecting the cause of the formation of warts.
Regular use of the Salipod patch promotes active peeling of keratinized skin. At the same time, the active substances in the composition of the product lead to the death of pathogenic microorganisms.
Cryogenic destruction

How to get rid of warts once and for all? One of the most effective solutions is the treatment of affected areas of the skin with liquid nitrogen. The substance is applied to the neoplasm in the treatment room using a swab or using a special applicator. Cryogenic treatment of a wart takes a few seconds. This is enough for the outgrowth to acquire a dense structure and transform into a white vesicle, which dies off on its own within a week. In place of the wart, only a small, barely noticeable speck remains. To remove old, large neoplasms in this way, a longer, intensive course is required.
How to get rid of warts on the leg? An effective method here is the impact on growth with a directed charge of electric current. The neoplasm is cut off with a special metal loop. In parallel, the affected area is affected by high-frequency current, which makes it possible not only to disinfect the tissues, but also to exclude the occurrence of bleeding. In this case, the doctor receives a sample of the material, which can later be examined for the purpose ofexclude the likelihood of developing cancer.
Surgical wart removal

Doctors resort to the procedure in cases where they are not able to figure out how to get rid of warts that have become impressive in size and have begun to coalesce into a single network. In this case, local anesthesia is used. All neoplasms are carefully removed with a scalpel. The resulting material is necessarily sent for laboratory research. Formed wounds on the skin are sutured. Over time, the threads are removed, and barely noticeable flat scars remain at the site of damage.
Laser coagulation
Laser coagulation is another effective method that allows you to quickly and almost painlessly get rid of warts. How is the procedure performed? The outgrowth on the skin is removed in layers using a special laser device. The operation takes place under local anesthesia. All that remains of the wart is a slight indentation on the surface of the skin. The latter is completely smoothed out with the adjacent areas of the epidermis for several weeks.

It has long been known that celandine helps with warts, or rather, the caustic, chemically aggressive juice of the plant. The procedure does not involve anything complicated. It is enough to pre-wash the skin and treat the wart with an antiseptic. Then it is necessary to pluck the celandine shoot and apply the juice of the plant to the desired area. Oiled area soonturns dark brown. After a while, a slight burning sensation will begin to be felt.
It is not recommended to apply celandine from warts to the skin too often. The procedure should be performed no more than 2 times a day. Otherwise, you can not only burn out the build-up, but also destroy absolutely he althy tissues, which will make you endure considerable discomfort.
Ordinary iodine, in addition to the disinfectant effect, is a good remedy for warts. Before applying the substance to the outgrowth, it is recommended to pre-steam the skin. You can get rid of the wart in this way by treating the problem area daily. After applying iodine, you should stick a patch here. This will soften the structure of the wart and create a basis for better penetration of the product into the deeper layers of the epidermis.
Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a fairly effective folk remedy for warts. When it comes into contact with the skin, the substance has an aggressive effect on the neoplasm. However, vinegar can also damage he althy neighboring areas of the epidermis. Therefore, before resorting to the method, it is recommended to protect the skin around the wart by covering it with a thick layer of Vaseline or oily cream.
How to get rid of a wart in this way? It is only necessary to apply one drop of high concentration apple cider vinegar daily to the outgrowth. It is best to resort to the procedure shortly before going to bed. If you repeat the operation regularly, the wart will begin todry out in a week, and then completely disappear.
How to get rid of warts at home? A good option is the use of garlic paste. The tool is prepared as follows. A large clove of garlic is ground into gruel. A few drops of lemon juice are added to the resulting mass. All this is combined with a small amount of flour to form a batter.
To understand how to get rid of a wart on a leg or arm in this way, it is enough to stick a patch on the outgrowth with a hole neatly cut in the middle. Here you need to attach a pre-prepared garlic dough. A larger patch will remain on top.
It is recommended to keep the product on the skin for as long as possible. Preferably a few days. If the patch comes off, it is worth repeating the above procedure. As soon as the structure of the warts is completely destroyed, it remains to heal the damaged skin using Vishnevsky's ointment.

How else to get rid of warts at home? As practice shows, a good solution is to use a compress based on wormwood. To prepare the remedy, it is enough to brew a few tablespoons of dry grass in a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist wormwood for 2.5 hours. Then the medicine must be filtered. The resulting liquid should be applied as a compress to the site of wart formation. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Through the regular use of thismedicines for warts, the structure of the outgrowths will begin to collapse during the first week.