Despite the fact that the structure of the muscular structures of the hand is in some sense much simpler than the bone structures, they deserve no less attention. This applies primarily to the occurrence of pain in the muscles of the hands. Although in fact, one cannot attach more importance to one or another muscle, because they work together. However, in the labor activity of a person, the biceps of the shoulder and the triceps muscles experience the greatest load. In a simpler and more understandable language, they are called biceps and triceps, respectively. The first plays the role of a flexor of the arm at the elbow, and the second plays the role of an extensor. Within the framework of this article, we will briefly consider the structure of the biceps, its functions and other important details.

Biceps, or the biceps of the shoulder, with the help of tendons and ligaments, is connected to the forearm half of the arm. In the upper part, this muscle is divided into a pair of heads. One of them, with the help of tendons, is attached to the coracoid process on the shoulder blade. The second is attached to a small tubercle of the scapula, which is located above the joint. At the junction of these parts is the synovial bag. The bicep tendons are attached over the radius.
As already mentioned, the biceps of the shoulder performs the function of bending the arm at the elbow, raising the arm. In addition, with the help of the biceps, it is possible to turn the forearm inward. As a rule, people who regularly perform physically hard work or do strength exercises have fairly developed biceps.

The biceps of the shoulder is the first thing people pay attention to when judging the physical strength of a person, in particular a man. Therefore, a lot of strength exercises are aimed specifically at pumping the biceps. Although in fact this is wrong: after all, the biceps muscle develops to a greater extent when performing non-isolated (lifting a barbell or dumbbells for biceps), but other loads. This happens more effectively during hard workouts using basic exercises such as pull-ups on the horizontal bar, pulling the barbell to the stomach, pulling on the block simulator, etc.
Despite its important function and relatively high work capacity, the biceps of the shoulder is very vulnerable. After too much stress, it can take a long time to recover at the fiber level. In some cases, as a rule, due to chronic diseases (tendovaginitis, etc.), with uncontrolled lifting of large weights or with a very strong contraction of the muscle, a rupture of the biceps is possible. It mostly happens with a long head. The first symptom is unbearable pain, deformity of the arm in the biceps area, etc. The biceps muscle of the shoulder after a similar injurylong enough to return to normal position and return to the previous level of working capacity. And even then - only with proper fixation of the tendons and the muscle itself.

Pain in the muscles of the shoulder in any part of them should be eliminated as soon as possible. For this purpose, competent medical assistance is needed. However, if the pain is not too strong and it is clear that it came after unusual power loads, then you can do without doctor's help. The cause of unpleasant symptoms is quite simple - the release of lactic acid in the muscles. This is a natural reaction of the body to muscle overload for their fastest recovery. To eliminate pain in such cases, you can use simple, inexpensive, but well-warming ointments.