COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, has long been singled out as a separate disease. It is characterized by inflammation in the bronchi and impaired airway patency. Do not confuse COPD with chronic obstructive bronchitis or bronchial asthma. This disease leads to insufficient saturation of the body with oxygen and has a lot of side effects. What are the symptoms of this disease and is it really possible to find COPD treatment with folk remedies? You can read more about this later.
COPD - what is it?
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease most often occurs during cold, damp periods: autumn and spring. COPD traditionally affects children and the elderly most often. The occurrence of this disease is influenced by the environmental situation, congenital and acquired pathologies, weak immunity and other factors. COPD is often confused with chronic bronchitis. This is not entirely true. COPD is almost always accompanied by bronchitis, shortness of breath and other disturbing"bells". But the most dangerous is not this, but changes in the lungs at the structural level. The walls of the alveoli, which are involved in gas exchange with the pulmonary capillaries, become inelastic. As a result, they cannot participate in gas exchange, and the area of the lungs that saturates the blood with oxygen decreases. Because of this, shortness of breath and inflammatory processes appear: pneumonia and bronchitis. Unfortunately, COPD is a progressive disease. Lung tissues that have already been damaged do not recover, and the lungs begin to work worse and worse. But the process can be slowed down if you follow the recommendations of doctors, avoid negative factors and treat acute conditions in time. Treatment of COPD with folk remedies is also quite effective.

What are the causes of COPD? Most often, this disease occurs due to years of smoking. For years, inhaling tobacco smoke, a person literally kills his lungs. Over time, the alveoli become dirty and lose elasticity, and the volume of inhaled and exhaled gases decreases. As a rule, obstructive pulmonary disease does not develop immediately - it takes years for this to happen. Therefore, COPD mostly affects older patients over 60 years of age. However, in smokers, it starts much earlier. Recommendations for the treatment of COPD necessarily include smoking cessation, regardless of the stage of the disease.
The causes of the disease can also be congenital pathologies that most often cause COPD in children. These are prematurity, diseases of the central nervous system, genetic disorders. If a child often suffers from infectious diseases, then the risk of developing chronic lung disease in the future increases significantly. The environment also has a rather strong influence on the condition of the lungs. For example, among some professions that are associated with harmful substances, COPD is quite common. The unfavorable ecology of large cities, although it cannot be the only factor in the development of the disease, still significantly worsens the condition of people who already have breathing problems. Therefore, among the recommendations for patients with obstructive disease, one can often find advice to take long walks or even move out of town. Chronic lung disease is treated mainly during periods of exacerbation, and in severe cases, maintenance therapy is prescribed. It is possible to treat the symptoms of COPD with folk remedies, but only in addition to the main drugs prescribed by the doctor.
Treatment of obstructive pulmonary disease is impossible without a correct determination of the severity of the disease. There are four degrees in total, and each of them has its own symptoms and indications.

- The first, mildest degree is characterized by a wet cough and slight shortness of breath during physical exertion. The first degree of the disease is sometimes not detected by the patient, since it practically does not bother with any manifestations. At this stage, continuous maintenance therapy is not yet required. Treatment of COPD with folk remedies is most effective at the first symptoms of the disease.
- At the second stage of manbegins to torment a long cough with viscous sputum and secretions from the lungs. The disease begins to proceed with periods of exacerbation and remission. During an exacerbation, severe shortness of breath and a continuous cough begin, and during the period of remission, a person can hardly be bothered by anything. Most often, exacerbations occur in the spring and autumn, when viruses are most active, undermining the already weak immunity and lung protection. How to distinguish this stage from others? During breathing, the wings of the nose, intercostal muscles are involved.
- In severe COPD, the remission period decreases, the patient always breathes with wheezing. Severe shortness of breath, constant cough and the impossibility of even minimal physical exertion - all this indicates an advanced disease. Oxygen is sorely lacking, so human physical activity is reduced to a minimum.
- The latest - the fourth - stage of the disease is characterized by acute respiratory failure. The body is in dire need of oxygen, so the patient is prescribed oxygen masks and ongoing maintenance therapy. Unfortunately, the average life expectancy for patients with stage 4 COPD is only 2 years.
How to identify chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without visiting a doctor? It can be quite difficult to do this, since obvious manifestations of the disease appear only in the third stage. Prior to this, the disease can “mask” as an acute respiratory viral infection or a normal cough. However, there are a number of symptoms that help recognize the development of COPD.

- Cough is the first and most basic symptom of the disease. In the early stages, it appears infrequently and is not too intense.
- Increase in colds and lung diseases. As COPD progresses, the lungs lose their elasticity and ability to resist infection. Therefore, any virus or acute respiratory infections lead to a prolonged cough, bronchitis or even pneumonia. If you are often diagnosed with obstructive bronchitis, then this is an occasion to get tested for COPD.
- Shortness of breath on exertion. At the beginning of the disease, it is completely invisible, but still present. The danger of the disease lies in the fact that smokers (who are the main risk group) often do not pay attention to this symptom, as they take it for granted. But if left untreated, shortness of breath progresses, and soon the person cannot climb several floors without stopping to catch their breath.
- Dry or wet rales begin to be heard in the lungs, breathing becomes hard. During the period of exacerbation, this is especially noticeable. A good specialist with the help of a phonendoscope can quickly understand that something is wrong with the body.
- Involvement of accessory muscles. In the later stages of the disease, it becomes difficult for a person to take a breath, because the active volume of the lungs becomes less and less. Therefore, human muscles are included in the work: intercostal, muscles on the wings of the nose, which help to inhale. Patients with COPD are characterized by a sunken chest.
It is important to identify symptoms and treatment of COPD not at home, but in a hospital setting, undercontrol of specialists.
Several different tests and studies are underway to diagnose and treat COPD in the future.
- Blood test. It shows whether there are inflammatory processes in the body and helps doctors see the overall picture of the disease. With an exacerbation of ESR, as a rule, increases, as does the number of neutrophilic leukocytes. In the later stages of the disease, patients experience an increase in the number of red blood cells, a high level of hemoglobin and a low ESR.
- Sputum analysis is a mandatory test for patients with COPD. It shows whether there is an inflammatory process in the lungs and how pronounced it is. If atypical cells were detected in the analysis, then patients are checked for the development of oncological foci, which often appear in age-related patients with chronic obstructive disease. Patients often have sputum with abundant mucus, the main component of which are macrophages.
- Determining the volume of peak expiratory flow is not the most reliable study, since prolonged expiration may indicate other lung diseases. However, it is sometimes performed to get the full picture, especially since it does not require special equipment and painful procedures.
- Bronchoscopy is the most revealing study, which is carried out only in extreme cases, since it has many contraindications. Bronchoscopy is performed only under full anesthesia, during which the lumen and mucous membrane of the bronchi are examined. Sometimes a piece is takentissue for biopsy. This method allows you to accurately determine the state of the human pulmonary system.

In addition to the above tests, doctors carefully study the symptoms of COPD and prescribe treatment based on the overall picture.
Many people do not pay attention to shortness of breath and cough until the condition becomes critical. Therefore, it is especially important to stop the development of the disease at an early stage, when it is still possible to maintain a high quality of human life. Without treatment, COPD can lead to sad consequences.
- Disability.
- Cor pulmonale.
- Spontaneous pneumothorax.
- Problems with the cardiovascular system.
- Disability.
- Respiratory failure.
- Pneumonia.
- Chronic obstructive bronchitis.
- Pneumosclerosis (a condition in which normal lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue).
- Cyanosis.
- Persistent cough.
- Shortness of breath.
In order to avoid the above consequences, it is necessary to start treatment on time. What are the treatments for COPD?
Treatment of COPD with conventional medicine
In medicine, there are many modern drugs for the treatment of obstructive pulmonary disease. Medicines are the basis for the treatment of chronic lung disease of any severity. Doctors usually prescribe inhalation therapy, which prevents acute recurrences of the disease.
- Broncho-dilating drugs helpincrease the active lumen of the bronchi and, accordingly, the efficiency of breathing. As a rule, these are drugs such as Berodual or Atrovent. In the early stages of the disease, these drugs are enough to eliminate shortness of breath and make breathing easier. True, it is better not to use them for an extended period.
- Mucolitics are drugs that relieve shortness of breath and bronchospasm by removing excess sputum. The most effective way to take bronchodilators is by inhalation. The most popular drugs are Fluimucil and Lazolvan.
- Glucocorticosteroids have an anti-inflammatory effect. They cannot be used for a long time, so doctors usually prescribe a course of 10-14 days. Medicines such as Fluticasone, Budesonide, remove allergy symptoms and eliminate inflammation. These drugs are used to treat COPD flare-ups.
- Antibiotics are prescribed for infectious diseases that often provoke a relapse of chronic lung disease. Often, a patient with COPD is unable to cope with the infection on his own, so antibiotics help the body bounce back faster.
- Treatment of COPD lung disease includes supportive care. Immunomodulators are an adjuvant therapy that allows a weakened body to more effectively resist bacteria and viruses.

Traditional medicine
COPD treatment at home is possible iffollow all the recommendations of doctors. Typically, people with severe illness and children require special equipment for out-of-hospital use. First of all, it is a compression inhaler that allows you to effectively break down drugs into small particles and deliver them directly to the lungs. However, it is also possible to treat COPD at home with folk remedies. Only this should be done not instead of traditional medicine, but together with them. Then the chances of a favorable course of the disease increase markedly. What kind of folk remedies can help a patient with chronic obstructive disease?
- Anise seeds are used for bronchospasm, as well as for sputum discharge. No wonder anise is used in many natural antitussive tinctures. In order to get the medicine, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes. The resulting solution is taken 4 times a day before meals.
- Marshmallow is extremely effective for coughing. It is on its basis that the medicine "Muk altin" is made. When prepared properly, marshmallow can eliminate or reduce the severity of a cough. It should be taken before meals several times a day.
- Thyme, also known as thyme, has been used in folk medicine for centuries. It has anti-inflammatory properties and well removes phlegm from the bronchi. This is an excellent remedy for the prevention or treatment of COPD.
- Badger fat has long been used as an external and internal remedy to combat coughs and lung diseases. When taken with milkcan significantly improve the patient's well-being.
- Propolis is commonly used for inhalation. To prepare the solution, you need to add 5-7 drops of tincture to boiling water, cover your head with a diaper and breathe for several minutes. This method is familiar to our parents, but it is still effective.
- Ginger - improves the general condition of the body, removes toxins from the blood and has expectorant properties. To prepare the mixture, you need to take 200 g of ginger and 500 g of vodka, mix them and send them to infuse. You need to take the resulting tincture in a teaspoon twice a day.
Traditional medicines for the treatment of COPD are not suitable for everyone. Herbal tinctures have a lot of contraindications: they are not recommended for pregnant women, children and people with kidney and liver failure. If you decide to use herbs for the treatment of chronic lung disease, then they should not be taken during an exacerbation, and it is better not to expect a quick effect from them.
Like any other disease, COPD is much easier to prevent than to treat. Painful procedures and expensive drugs can be avoided if you take care of your he alth and consult a doctor in time. For smokers who want to avoid this ailment, there is only one way out - getting rid of a bad habit. Most smokers get chronic lung disease sooner or later, it's only a matter of time. For people who are in poor environmental conditions or work in polluted places with bad air, it is very important to take preventive measures in a timely manner.examinations by specialists. These examinations help to recognize the disease in the early stages and prevent the condition from worsening.

Breathing exercises
The treatment of COPD with folk remedies is well complemented by breathing exercises. This is a series of exercises that are performed to strengthen and improve the lungs. Breathing exercises solve the following problems:
- Eliminates congestive circulation in the lungs.
- Reduces shortness of breath.
- Strengthens the lungs and muscles.
- Increases the amount of oxygen saturation in the blood.
- Reduces respiratory distress.
- Prevents the accumulation of fluid in the pleura.
Respiratory gymnastics exercises must be repeated at least five times a day. Here are some of them:
- Sitting on a chair with a straight back, you need to quickly inhale and slowly, with effort, exhale the air through pursed lips.
- In a sitting position, a person should slowly inhale, hold the breath for a few seconds and exhale just as slowly. Exercise should not cause discomfort or pain in the lungs. The number of breath-hold seconds should be increased whenever possible.
- Put your hand on your chest and, imitating coughing, gently press on it at the same time as exhaling. This exercise helps to remove phlegm from the bronchi.
- Sitting on a chair, simultaneously with inhalation raise the shoulders, and with the exhalation lower them.
- At the end of each workout, you need to perform a relaxing exercise: while sitting, put your head on your knees and grabankles with hands. You need to completely relax and sit like this for a couple of minutes.
Exercise every day can bring significant benefits to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. But it is important not to forget to take traditional medicine. Together, these two techniques can prolong the remission of the disease for a long time.

Doctors advice
Currently, COPD is an incurable disease. Therefore, experts advise to carefully monitor their he alth and take preventive measures to prevent the disease. If you still have symptoms of COPD, treatment with breathing exercises and traditional medicine preparations can be effective only in the early stages. Next, you need to connect bronchodilators and glucocorticosteroids, which will alleviate the acute condition. One of the main recommendations of doctors in the treatment of COPD is to stop smoking. Also, the situation can be improved by high-quality nutrition, moderate physical activity and living in an environmentally friendly area.