What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy?

What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy?
What to do if your stomach hurts during pregnancy?

So your most cherished wish came true - you will soon become a mother! Pregnancy is the happiest time in a woman's life. But often it is during this difficult period that various difficulties and problems arise. The future mother should be as responsible as possible to her he alth and well-being, because now the life of the baby depends on it. What to do if the stomach hurts during pregnancy? And how can you help yourself when pain appears, so as not to harm the little one?

What to do if your stomach hurts
What to do if your stomach hurts

Often pain occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy. Many women suffer from severe toxicosis, there are pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, as during menstruation, and the appearance of spotting is not excluded.

With toxicosis, a woman suffers from profuse and frequent vomiting, nausea, and strong salivation. At the same time, the expectant mother is rapidly losing weight, which can be dangerous for both her and the child. The cause of toxicosis has not been fully established. Doctors tend to believe that this is how a woman's immune system reacts to the presence of a foreign creature in her body - a fetus, because it consists half of the father's cells. With a strong exacerbation of symptoms of toxicosisa woman needs to urgently see a doctor, he will prescribe a dropper with vitamins.

When the tone of the uterus may appear pulling pain in the lower abdomen. If the lower back and stomach hurt, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage, so the expectant mother should pay attention to this and also consult a doctor to prescribe the necessary treatment for her. Most often, injections, suppositories and anti-spasmodic drugs, such as No-shpa, are prescribed.

Many mothers have the following question: "What should I do if my stomach hurts?". As soon as possible, consult a doctor, because the he alth of the baby depends on it. And this should be treated as responsibly as possible.

Lower back and stomach pain
Lower back and stomach pain

But if the tone is small, this is absolutely normal during pregnancy. Gynecologists often play it safe and prescribe treatment to anyone who complains of discomfort. The main reason for the tone is the lack of the hormone progesterone in the body of the expectant mother.

If you are in early pregnancy, your stomach hurts - it's not as dangerous as pain in the later stages. In the first case, in order to prevent a miscarriage, doctors prescribe drugs with hormones to maintain pregnancy, and in the second case, such a nuisance may indicate oxygen starvation of the baby, that is, hypoxia.

What should I do if my stomach hurts and there is spotting bleeding? Urgently go to the hospital to an experienced doctor who will determine what causes them and prevent miscarriage. Often bleeding is the cause of implantation of the fetus, whichis not a pathology. But it is worth remembering that bleeding can also be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy.

Early pregnancy, stomach ache
Early pregnancy, stomach ache

We hope that the expectant mother will not be tormented for long by the question of what to do if her stomach hurts during pregnancy, and will turn to a competent specialist. Any woman can give birth to a strong baby, you just need to carefully monitor your he alth.
