Health 2024, October

Chronic appendicitis: symptoms in women, diagnosis, treatment

Chronic appendicitis: symptoms in women, diagnosis, treatment

Chronic appendicitis is diagnosed predominantly in women and is a very rare pathology. The disease develops with the relief of acute appendicitis by any means, except for appendectomy. People with this diagnosis are at risk and should be constantly under the supervision of a doctor

Bloating: Causes and Treatment of Folk Remedies in Infants and Adults

Bloating: Causes and Treatment of Folk Remedies in Infants and Adults

Bloating of the abdomen and intestines, called flatulence, can occur when there is excessive gas in the digestive tract. Depending on the degree of manifestation, it can be a variant of the norm or a serious pathology. It brings a person severe discomfort, especially when gas separation occurs involuntarily and has a characteristic specific smell

Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Alkalosis - what is it? Alkalosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Alkalosis is characterized by a change in the acid-base balance in the body, in which the amount of alkaline substances increases. This disease is quite rare and provokes serious changes in the work of all body systems. It can develop in violation of digestion, trauma, in the postoperative period and with mechanical ventilation

It hurts the elbow in the joint: what to do? What to treat?

It hurts the elbow in the joint: what to do? What to treat?

Elbow pain is a symptom that every person encounters at least once in a lifetime. There are a lot of causes of elbow pain, and each of them requires a specific treatment. If the elbow hurts in the joint, even at rest, you should immediately consult a doctor

Enteritis - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Enteritis - what is it? Causes, symptoms, treatment

Enteritis is an inflammatory disease of the human small intestine, in which degenerative changes occur in the mucous membrane and the processes of absorption and digestion of food are disturbed

Spring allergy treatment: overcoming the disease

Spring allergy treatment: overcoming the disease

While most people enjoy the springtime revival of nature - flowering trees, green grass, buds - some suffer from allergies. Sneezing, coughing, red eyes are all symptoms of this disease

Why are pulling pains in the lower back bothering me?

Why are pulling pains in the lower back bothering me?

Pain in the back is a feeling familiar to many. Why are pulling pains in the lower back disturbing? The main reasons are given in the article

About how cervical osteochondrosis is treated

About how cervical osteochondrosis is treated

How is cervical osteochondrosis treated? This question is asked by quite a few people who experience very severe pain due to this disease. Most often this happens in the later stages of the development of osteochondrosis, because the initial signs of such a deviation practically do not attract the attention of the patient

About how migraine is treated

About how migraine is treated

Migraine, unlike most modern diseases, has been known for a very long time. Its symptoms were described by the ancient Sumerians, as well as Hippocrates, Avicenna, Celsus

What does the aching pain in the heart mean?

What does the aching pain in the heart mean?

Aching pain in the heart area is not necessarily associated with disorders in the cardiovascular system. Pressing pain in this area can be caused by diseases of organs located elsewhere, as well as acute pain in the heart area

Effective treatment of migraine: drugs and folk remedies

Effective treatment of migraine: drugs and folk remedies

Migraine is a disease that causes prolonged, intense, and sometimes unbearable pain in the head. Pathology can completely deprive a person of sleep, destroying his career and personal life. How to overcome such a disease? What methods of migraine treatment does modern, traditional and ancient medicine offer?

DDZP - what is it? Diagnosis, types, treatment

DDZP - what is it? Diagnosis, types, treatment

Among chronic human diseases, pathologies of the spine are not the last in medical practice. Pain in the region of the spinal column, which periodically occurs and then disappears for a certain period of time, is familiar to many inhabitants of the planet

The joints of the arms and legs hurt, what should I do? Pain in the joints of the legs and arms: causes and treatment

The joints of the arms and legs hurt, what should I do? Pain in the joints of the legs and arms: causes and treatment

If the joints of the arms and legs hurt, what should a person do in such a situation? Of course, the very first thing that comes to mind is to go to the clinic to your local therapist. That's just not always there is such an opportunity, and there is no desire to run to the doctors. Well, in our article you will find several folk recipes that help with joint pain of a different nature, as well as a list of pharmacological preparations specially designed to solve such problems

A child has lice - what to do? What to do if a child has lice? Treatment with folk remedies

A child has lice - what to do? What to do if a child has lice? Treatment with folk remedies

The child has lice. What to do? Often such news becomes a bolt from the blue for parents and in the first minutes causes only helplessness in the current situation

Folk remedy for lice and nits

Folk remedy for lice and nits

It would seem that the problem of lice infestation should have been solved long ago. However, many people suffer from such an unpleasant problem every year. Children are at particular risk. There are dozens of methods to combat ectoparasites, but everyone is looking for their own folk remedy for lice and nits

Legs swell below: causes, treatment. Causes and types of leg swelling

Legs swell below: causes, treatment. Causes and types of leg swelling

Do you feel buzzing and swollen feet every night? How many people who face this problem every day! Of course, most often it worries those who are forced to stand or walk a lot, but office workers who lead a “sedentary” lifestyle can also be very bothered by swelling of the legs. We will discuss the causes and treatment of this condition in this article, hoping that the information will be useful

Seizures: causes and treatment. Night leg cramps: causes

Seizures: causes and treatment. Night leg cramps: causes

This article will discuss what convulsions are. The causes and treatment of this problem, preventive measures, as well as simple traditional medicine - all this can be read in the text below

Diabetes mellitus: symptoms in a child that should alert

Diabetes mellitus: symptoms in a child that should alert

In those days, when doctors did not yet know about insulin, untreated diabetes mellitus in children ended in the death of the patient in a few months, a maximum of a couple of years. Fortunately, today's level of medical development allows avoiding such tragic consequences. An important role in improving the situation is played by early diagnosis of the disease. That is why not only doctors, but also parents should know how diabetes begins. Adults may be the first to notice symptoms in a child

Swelling of the face

Swelling of the face

Swelling of the face, which appeared in the morning after a night's sleep, gives a lot of excitement. Unpleasant cosmetic changes in appearance, caused by unknown reasons, are very alarming

Retropharyngeal abscess: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Retropharyngeal abscess: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Retropharyngeal abscess occurs due to an infection that develops in the body. It can be treated both with medication and with the help of folk remedies. But sometimes an autopsy is also used

Streptococcal angina: symptoms, treatment, possible complications

Streptococcal angina: symptoms, treatment, possible complications

Streptococcal angina is a common disease that many parents and children fear. It is always accompanied by painful sensations and affects the quality of life

Greening streptococcus: treatment and prevention

Greening streptococcus: treatment and prevention

Greening streptococcus often coexists with humans, but with increased reproduction it can lead to the development of serious pathologies. Without taking antibiotics, it will not be possible to cope with the infection

Acetic acid burn: causes, symptoms and first aid

Acetic acid burn: causes, symptoms and first aid

We meet with acids in chemistry lessons, when, under the guidance of a teacher, we diligently fill test tubes with them and mix them with various reagents. But the experience of handling concentrates and solutions must be preserved for life. This is required in everyday life for each of us. For example, everyone in the kitchen has acetic acid. Burning with this substance is a fairly common household injury

Burn of the larynx - possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

Burn of the larynx - possible causes, symptoms and treatment features

When talking about the burn of the larynx, most people remember the circus trick in which the fakirs spectacularly swallow the fire and then blow it out, astonishing all their spectators. But, contrary to all stereotypes, such numbers rarely end sadly. Most often, a burn of the larynx occurs in everyday life, as a result of inattention and banal negligence

Throat tuberculosis: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

Throat tuberculosis: symptoms, early diagnosis, treatment methods, prevention

One of the manifestations of the disease is tuberculosis of the throat - a disease of the larynx, provoked by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. As a rule, this pathology is secondary, it occurs when an infection enters the larynx in various ways: airborne, through the blood, lymph

What should you do if your nose is broken?

What should you do if your nose is broken?

The most common cause of nose injuries is blows to the face. These situations are most common in childhood and adolescence. Kids during active games do not always notice obstacles and each other. Injuries are inflicted unintentionally

Noise in the ears and head: causes, treatment, reviews

Noise in the ears and head: causes, treatment, reviews

Most people don't take tinnitus seriously and live with the symptom without seeing a doctor. This is a big mistake, because a sign of extraneous sound can indicate the development of serious diseases

Acetone in children: how to treat (Komarovsky). Recommendations and effective ways

Acetone in children: how to treat (Komarovsky). Recommendations and effective ways

Acetone in a child is a condition caused by a significant increase in ketone bodies in the blood. At the same time, characteristic symptoms are present, manifested by a pungent smell of urine, unexpected nausea and vomiting. With timely and proper treatment, acetone returns to normal. In the article we will talk about what constitutes increased acetone in a child, how to treat this condition

Prophylactic rabies vaccination for humans: timing, side effects

Prophylactic rabies vaccination for humans: timing, side effects

Rabies is a disease caused by rhabdoviruses. To date, there is no effective method of therapy that can cope with this disease. In order to prevent and protect the body from a dangerous virus, a rabies vaccination is given, the introduction of which provides strong immunity

Cat's disease: how to alleviate the condition of the animal?

Cat's disease: how to alleviate the condition of the animal?

Cat illness is an unpleasant event for people who love their animal. To help and alleviate the condition of the animal is a feasible task for its owner

Ear mites in cats: treatment and prevention

Ear mites in cats: treatment and prevention

Sometimes the owners of a cat begin to notice that she often shakes her ears and scratches them. In this case, the animal must be carefully examined. The fact is that this may be a sign of a disease such as ear mites. In a cat, the treatment of this infection is a process that does not differ in particular complexity, but only not in advanced cases

Clear mucus from the nose in adults and children: causes and treatment

Clear mucus from the nose in adults and children: causes and treatment

Breathing through the nose helps a person protect himself from many diseases. The air is warmed by passing through the nasal passages, and bacteria and viruses settle on the walls. Normally, the breathing process should be easy and free. But what if a person constantly has a runny nose? Liquid, clear mucus from the nose is a very unpleasant phenomenon. A variety of factors act as provocateurs. This disease occurs in both adults and children

What are the symptoms of Graefe in children

What are the symptoms of Graefe in children

It's no secret that young children often get sick. Endless colds, allergic reactions, problems with teeth and stomach, Grefe's symptoms … We'll talk about the latter in more detail

When you get up, it gets dark in the eyes. What does it say?

When you get up, it gets dark in the eyes. What does it say?

Have you ever noticed that when you get up, it gets dark before your eyes? Many people think that this is a completely normal phenomenon, however, in some cases, such a symptom may indicate a number of diseases. Which ones - read in this article

Gallbladder stone: treatment, possible causes and symptoms

Gallbladder stone: treatment, possible causes and symptoms

If doctors find you have a gallstone, treatment should begin immediately. Read more about the causes of the disease and its possible complications in this article

Osteoarthritis: symptoms and relationship of the disease with age

Osteoarthritis: symptoms and relationship of the disease with age

Today, such a disease as osteoarthritis is quite common. Symptoms depend on many factors. From which ones - read in this article

What is hypothyroidism?

What is hypothyroidism?

Do you want to know what hypothyroidism is? Then this article is especially for you. It describes in detail the causes of this disease, as well as its forms and treatment

Reflux is a disease that herbal medicine helps to cope with

Reflux is a disease that herbal medicine helps to cope with

Duodeno-gastric reflux is a disease that is characterized by the ingestion of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach. Read about why it occurs in this article

What to do if the leg hurts from the hip to the knee

What to do if the leg hurts from the hip to the knee

Does your leg hurt from hip to knee? This may be due to many reasons. You can read more about them in this article

Is there any reason to worry if a newborn's feces are green?

Is there any reason to worry if a newborn's feces are green?

What to do if the feces of a newborn are green? This problem can cause real panic in young parents. Its possible causes are described in this article