Is there any reason to worry if a newborn's feces are green?

Is there any reason to worry if a newborn's feces are green?
Is there any reason to worry if a newborn's feces are green?

Naturally, a child cannot independently tell mom and dad about what worries him, why he is crying, what he is experiencing. Therefore, the state of his excrement becomes a real indicator - by studying the contents of his diaper or pot, you can find out how his digestive system functions, whether his tummy is in order. The baby's stool is not always stable - for example, often the feces of a newborn are green. Let's try to figure out together what explains such atypical coloration.

Baby feces, green stools and condition

The color of feces in a baby is directly dependent on his diet (in principle, the same as in adults). According to pediatricians, if the feces of a newborn are green, this may be due to several factors at once. Firstly, it is possible that during breastfeeding, the baby does not get back milk (it is considered more nutritious and high-calorie). Most likely, you take him away from the breast too early - you need to wait until he completely empties it. Green feces in a newborn indicates the fact that a nursing mother does notadheres to a diet, abuses fatty and spicy dishes. If you are formula-fed your baby, the strange color of the feces is not surprising - this is a natural reaction of the body to excess iron, which is part of most feeding mixtures. By the way, taking antibiotics gives the same effect.

Any reasons to be excited?

If you find that the feces of a newborn are green, do not immediately get scared and gather a medical consultation around the baby's crib. First, watch how he behaves. Think about what you've been eating lately. Did they offer anything forbidden to the baby? Perhaps a couple of days ago you enjoyed a salad with fresh herbs? Then you have no reason to worry. In the event that the baby has diarrhea, and his excrement has a characteristic smell of foulbrood, this indicates certain problems. Most likely, the baby's intestinal microflora is disturbed, that is, in other words, dysbacteriosis has developed. Then you will need a medical examination, and as soon as possible. Try not to delay your visit to the hospital - diarrhea can lead to fever and even dehydration.

green stool in a newborn
green stool in a newborn

How can I help my child?

Baby feces green? There are a few things you can do to normalize the color and consistency of your stool. First, carefully monitor your diet. Breastfeeding women often have a very hard time with dietary restrictions, but consider: you are now responsiblenot only for myself, but also for another little man.

newborn feces green stool
newborn feces green stool

Try at least for a while to refuse products that can provoke fermentation. If you are formula feeding, try changing the formula - the one you are currently using may not be suitable for your baby. Be sure to check with your pediatrician first. If digestive problems are accompanied by general lethargy, weakness, the baby is naughty and cries all the time, call the doctor at home. Most likely, he will prescribe special lactobacilli.
