Why are pulling pains in the lower back bothering me?

Why are pulling pains in the lower back bothering me?
Why are pulling pains in the lower back bothering me?

This feeling is familiar to many. Drawing pains in the lower back cause no less suffering than sharp pains from a sudden injury. Any painful discomfort in the back is a reason for a medical examination. Only a qualified specialist, taking into account the localization, intensity and nature of the pain, will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

aching back pain
aching back pain

Causes that provoke pulling pains in the lumbar region

There may be several reasons for this condition.

1. Spinal injury. Acute pulling pain, which is localized in the waist area and radiates to the arm or leg, may indicate damage to the spine. At first, painful sensations may not cause much discomfort and disturb only during physical exertion. Subsequently, the pain takes on a permanent character and is localized throughout the back.

2. Vertebral deformity. Deviation from the physiological position of the entire spine or certain parts of it can be either congenital or acquired. In both cases, this pathology is accompanied by a characteristic ache in the lumbar region. Back pain in this case may be accompanied by migraine attacks anddisorders of the internal organs, which can also cause discomfort.

3. Inflammatory process (myositis). Drawing pains in the lower back can be triggered by an inflammatory process, which can be caused by hard physical labor or hypothermia. Heaviness in the back arises either on the left or on the right and intensifies during movement. There may also be swelling of the affected area.

4. Cardiovascular diseases. Drawing pains in the lower back, localized on the left side, may indicate heart problems. One of the symptoms of coronary heart disease is a pulling pain behind the sternum, which can radiate to the back.

aching pain in the lower back
aching pain in the lower back

5. Pneumonia. The disease is manifested by pain in the waist, which occurs during coughing fits. This condition is explained by the fact that when coughing, the muscles of the bronchi are compressed as much as possible, this increases pressure in the chest and causes painful tension in the back.

6. Diseases of the internal organs. Drawing pain in the lower back can occur due to disruption of the internal organs. The intensity and duration of discomfort can be different and depends on the location of the pathology. If the deviation is from the digestive system or the liver, then the pain occurs in the lower back. Disorders of the pelvic organs can be manifested by aching pulling pain. The peculiarity of such sensations lies in the independence of the strength and nature of pain from physical activity.

7. Periodic pulling back pain in women. Giventhe condition can occur in women during menstruation. The cause of such pain in most cases is the increased production of prostaglandin hormones, which are responsible for uterine contractions.

Types of pain

Discomfort in the back can be acute or chronic.

Acute pain occurs suddenly and is usually accompanied by stretching of the back muscles. Unpleasant sensations are localized to the left or right just above the waist and may radiate to the leg or groin.

The danger of chronic pain is that over time a person gets used to constant discomfort and ceases to pay attention to the symptoms and diseases that they indicate. Back pain does not go away on its own. Mandatory treatment of diseases that provoke pain is necessary.

aching pain in the lumbar region
aching pain in the lumbar region


Depending on the condition of the patient, the doctor may recommend bed rest, preferably on a hard surface. It also shows the use of ointments and gels that have an analgesic effect. In addition, drug therapy (hormones, analgesics), manual therapy, physiotherapy is necessary. Remedial gymnastics and acupuncture will help relieve pain. In severe cases, surgery may be required.
