What is hypothyroidism?

What is hypothyroidism?
What is hypothyroidism?

If you ask a doctor what hypothyroidism is, he will explain to you that in medicine this term refers to a disease that is caused by a lack of thyroid hormones. That is why the disease is characterized by a decrease or complete loss of thyroid function.

what is hypothyroidism
what is hypothyroidism


Answering the question of what hypothyroidism is, it should first of all be noted that the disease has two forms - primary and secondary. The development of primary hypothyroidism is explained by the pathology of the thyroid gland, the secondary one is due to impaired functioning of the pituitary gland. Today, primary hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disease. According to doctors, most often the disease is diagnosed in women over 65.

Possible causes

So, what is hypothyroidism, you know. Now let's look at the factors that can somehow provoke its development. In most cases, the development of the disease occurs against the background of chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, that is, inflammation of the thyroid gland caused by problems with the immune system. Often there are also such reasons as a congenital increase or decrease in this organ, an unsuccessful operation, a lack of iodine inthe body, the influence of certain antibiotics, as well as tumors and all kinds of infections (tuberculosis, abscess, actinomycosis). As for secondary hypothyroidism, it usually appears in the presence of inflammation, hemorrhage, or necrosis. It can also be caused by removal of the pituitary gland and subsequent surgical hypophysectomy.

hypothyroidism thyroid
hypothyroidism thyroid

Course of illness

What is hypothyroidism? How does this disease progress? As the amount of thyroid hormones in the body decreases, the work of the stomach deteriorates sharply in a person, heart problems begin, and metabolism slows down. Most patients complain of a sharp decrease in sexual function. As a rule, the symptoms develop gradually, so at the initial stage of the disease, few people think about the need to see a specialist.


primary hypothyroidism
primary hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism can be diagnosed by signs such as persistent lethargy, weakness, memory impairment, inability to concentrate, hair loss, flaky skin, edema, unexplained weight gain and constipation. In women, there may be a delay in menstruation, and in men - a deterioration in potency. In old age, a person may develop the so-called hypothyroid coma - it is dangerous because it can end in the death of the patient. Anyone can cause anything, from general hypothermia to an infectious disease.


If you notice any of thethe above symptoms, be sure to visit an endocrinologist and describe in detail to him all your complaints. In order to make sure the diagnosis is correct, he will conduct a series of examinations: examine the blood, do biochemistry, ultrasound and thyroid scintigraphy. Only then can treatment begin. It usually consists of hormone replacement therapy. In addition, patients are advised to include seafood in their diet - they are rich in iodine.
