In those days, when doctors did not yet know about insulin, diabetes in children ended in the death of the patient in a few months, a maximum of a couple of years. Fortunately, today's level of medical development allows avoiding such tragic consequences. An important role in improving the situation is played by early diagnosis of the disease. That is why not only doctors, but also parents should know how diabetes begins. It is the adults living next to the child who may be the first to notice symptoms in a child.
What is diabetes
This disease is chronic. The endocrine system suffers with it, and the cause is a deficiency of the pancreatic hormone - insulin. Why is it needed? The fact is that it is with the help of insulin that glucose enters all cells of the body - the main sourcetheir nutrition. As a result, the blood sugar level rises, and this element does not reach the cells, which not only deprives them of energy, but also prevents the blood from performing its functions of delivering oxygen to organs and tissues.
Types of diabetes

Distinguish between type 1 and type 2 diabetes. They differ not only in the cause of occurrence, but also in prognosis, as well as in treatment methods.
The first type is caused by a lack of insulin: it is produced little and is not enough to process all the glucose that has entered the blood. With this course of the disease, daily injections of insulin are necessary.
The second type of diabetes develops when there is enough hormone, but it is not perceived by the tissues for one reason or another.
Signs seen by parents
How is childhood diabetes different? Symptoms in a child appear suddenly and have no logical explanation. Parents may notice excessive urine output, intense thirst that does not go away even if the child is constantly drinking, and increased appetite, which can lead, contrary to logic, not to obesity, but to weight loss. These are signs of type 1 diabetes. They usually develop rapidly, and it is very important to pay attention to them in a timely manner and consult a doctor.
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus looks a little different. Symptoms in a child can be as follows: itching, persistent skin rashes, suppuration, dry mouth, decreased tone, lethargy. Sometimes visual acuity is impairedbleeding gums.
How diabetes manifests itself: symptoms in a child that a doctor will see

The main symptom of diabetes, which medicine focuses on, can be considered high blood sugar. This results in other signs as well. Glucose appears in the urine. Often there is an increase in the liver, mental disorders are possible.
Diabetes mellitus: therapy
The first type of illness is treated with insulin injections. This therapy is supportive. It is carried out constantly, only the dose is regulated.
Diet therapy is also actively used: foods containing sugar or simple carbohydrates, which can provoke a sharp jump in blood glucose, are excluded from the menu.
Be attentive to the well-being and behavior of your baby, so as not to miss the signs that may indicate the development of the initial degree of diabetes. In such a situation, it is better to exercise increased vigilance: once again take laboratory tests and make sure that everything is fine.