Health 2024, October

The most common diseases: a list

The most common diseases: a list

Detailed description of the 12 most common diseases in the world. List of diseases that kill millions of children every year. Doctors' advice on how not to fall into the risk group and protect yourself from the development of pathologies

Wolf mouth: treatment and correction. What to do if the child has a wolf's mouth? Cleft lip and cleft palate

Wolf mouth: treatment and correction. What to do if the child has a wolf's mouth? Cleft lip and cleft palate

Cleft lip and cleft palate are congenital malformations of the mouth and face. These deviations are formed during pregnancy, even in the early stages of the development of the fetus in the mother's womb. Deformities occur when there is not enough tissue in the area of the lips and mouth. The existing fibers are connected incorrectly

Allergic pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Allergic pharyngitis: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Throat diseases haunt us all year round, but especially often the pathology occurs in cold weather. Allergic pharyngitis is a fairly common disease that requires a course of treatment for a full recovery

Amphetamine addiction: signs and treatment

Amphetamine addiction: signs and treatment

Amphetamines are powerful psychostimulant drugs that affect several key neurotransmitters in the brain, including norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. Thanks to this effect, an intense feeling of euphoria is achieved. Substances increase concentration and performance, but their use quickly leads to such a phenomenon as amphetamine addiction

Prefrontal cortex: functions. Dysfunctions of the prefrontal cortex

Prefrontal cortex: functions. Dysfunctions of the prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for a large number of functions. Signs of a violation of its work are easy to identify on your own, as well as take actions to compensate for the weakness of the frontal lobes of the brain

Symptoms of dementia and forms of the disease

Symptoms of dementia and forms of the disease

When the first symptoms of dementia appear, it is perceived by loved ones as a death sentence. No one is immune from this disaster. The disease is called both "dementia", which sounds somehow ugly, and "marasmus", which is generally deadly

Fractures of the legs - how to recognize and what to do

Fractures of the legs - how to recognize and what to do

It is rare for a person to never experience trauma in their lifetime. Active recreation, sports - people get sprains, dislocations and, of course, fractures. However, do not think that those who are not interested in such activities are safe - you can even get a fracture literally out of the blue

Transurethral resection of the prostate: features of the procedure

Transurethral resection of the prostate: features of the procedure

Transurethral resection of the prostate, or TURP for short, is one of the most effective and currently one of the most popular methods created to cure the prostate. It is used in cases where the disease does not require large-scale surgical intervention. It can also be used when a person has any contraindications to surgical intervention

Resection of the bladder: definition, classification, characteristics and methods of the procedure, indications, contraindications and recovery period

Resection of the bladder: definition, classification, characteristics and methods of the procedure, indications, contraindications and recovery period

Resection of the bladder is a surgical operation that involves the removal of part of the organ. This type of intervention can be performed on both men and women. Often, the operation is prescribed for malignant tumors of the bladder and for multiple protrusions of the mucous membrane (diverticulosis)

Removal of the prostate gland: surgery, consequences

Removal of the prostate gland: surgery, consequences

Because of what pathologies do doctors prescribe an operation to remove the prostate gland? What are the indications and contraindications for it? How is the removal process going? How to behave during the rehabilitation period? Let's try to answer these questions in our article

Jaw fractures: treatment. Classification of jaw fractures. How dangerous is a displaced fracture?

Jaw fractures: treatment. Classification of jaw fractures. How dangerous is a displaced fracture?

Fractures of the jaw in medical practice are quite common. Doctors note that jaw bone injuries account for a seventh of the total number of fractures. In order to recognize the problem in time and take the necessary measures, you should understand the existing types of injury and their symptoms

Fractures of the cervical vertebrae: consequences and treatment

Fractures of the cervical vertebrae: consequences and treatment

How do cervical vertebrae fractures happen? What are the consequences of such injuries? We will answer these and other questions in this article

Causes and symptoms of withdrawal symptoms

Causes and symptoms of withdrawal symptoms

Cases of withdrawal syndrome are quite common in modern narcological practice. Often, this condition is called the "withdrawal syndrome", since disturbances in the body's work occur against the background of stopping the use of drugs or alcohol

Do you have hemorrhoids? Treatment may vary

Do you have hemorrhoids? Treatment may vary

How many problems and inconveniences causes hemorrhoids. Its treatment is a rather lengthy process. And therein lies the rub. How does this disease begin to manifest itself? How to recognize it in yourself?

Every symptom of hemorrhoids needs attention

Every symptom of hemorrhoids needs attention

Hemorrhoids are a rather insidious disease. The main difficulty in its identification lies in the fact that it has a pronounced undulating course. As a rule, attacks of pain are replaced by a long remission

Osteomyelitis in children: description, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Osteomyelitis in children: description, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Recently, children are often diagnosed with a disease such as osteomyelitis. This is a purulent-necrotic process of an infectious nature that develops in the bones, surrounding soft tissues, and the bone marrow. This pathology is caused by bacteria that produce pus. If this disease becomes chronic, then there is a high probability of bone deformity of the unformed skeleton of the child

Inflammation of the ligament: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the ligament: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the ligament of the knee joint is a fairly common disease, which is the result of sudden movements, long monotonous muscle work, as well as sprains, injuries, bruises, dislocations, and blows. Inflammation of the knee ligament can also be seen in the elderly and is part of the natural process of aging. This disease occurs in sports, namely in sports associated with regular bouncing, landing, acceleration and braking

Ankle sprain: photo, signs, treatment

Ankle sprain: photo, signs, treatment

The joints of the legs take on a huge load, as they have to withstand human weight when moving. Injuries are different, but quite often it is an ankle sprain that happens. Almost every person at some stage of life is faced with this problem. The severity of the damage received can vary greatly

Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is most often amenable to drug treatment and other methods. However, in some situations, surgery may be indicated. Consider the features of the manifestation of pathology and ways to get rid of it

Articular mouse of the knee joint: treatment, removal

Articular mouse of the knee joint: treatment, removal

Articular mouse is a pathology, which is a bone or cartilage body. This is a kind of fragment that floats freely in the knee or elbow cavity and causes pain. Often the mouse gets stuck between other joints, which causes even more discomfort

Acute thyroiditis: causes and treatment

Acute thyroiditis: causes and treatment

Thyroiditis is a disease of the endocrine system. When our main gland (thyroid gland) produces an endocrine secretion much lower or higher than normal, the body gets serious problems. Thyroid-related ailments are displayed first of all in all metabolic processes

Hepatobiliary system. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system

Hepatobiliary system. Diseases of the hepatobiliary system

The hepatobiliary system is a complex multi-level mechanism that allows for such important processes as digestion and excretion (removal of metabolic products from the body). The result of its damage is a violation of metabolic processes, detoxification processes, as well as the immune response and antimicrobial protection

Why do I need a thyroid puncture?

Why do I need a thyroid puncture?

Puncture of the thyroid gland is a simple procedure consisting of puncturing nodules in this organ to assess the risk of its malignancy. It is a fundamental test in thyroid diagnosis as it provides a lot of information with little or no risk of complications

Abdominal hernia: their symptoms and treatment

Abdominal hernia: their symptoms and treatment

Often a person discovers a protrusion of the abdominal wall - this is a hernia of the abdomen, its symptoms are insignificant. Usually the patient is concerned only with cosmetic problems. But it is not worth delaying the treatment of the disease, the hernia can be complicated

Invasive candidiasis: main manifestations, symptoms and treatment

Invasive candidiasis: main manifestations, symptoms and treatment

Many women and men know firsthand what fungal diseases of the oral cavity and genital organs are. They cause a huge amount of trouble and significantly reduce the quality of life. In very rare cases, patients develop a pathology such as invasive candidiasis. You can read about what this disease is, as well as how to recognize and treat it in this article. Please read the information below carefully to ensure your own safety

Itching in the anus after antibiotics: causes, methods of treatment, prevention

Itching in the anus after antibiotics: causes, methods of treatment, prevention

Today we will try to find out the causes of itching in the anus after antibiotics and talk about ways to eliminate this unpleasant symptom. As many people know, taking potent drugs (which include antibacterial drugs) never goes unnoticed. As a rule, after completing the course of treatment, the patient begins to notice discomfort in the genital area. And this is quite normal

Chronic eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic eczema: causes, symptoms and treatment

Dermatological disease such as chronic eczema can be found in almost ten percent of the world's population

Tylotic eczema: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

Tylotic eczema: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, diet

This disease is a neuroallergic dermatitis. According to its characteristics, it differs from the usual true eczema, and therefore requires a completely different drug treatment. Tylotic eczema is often referred to as callus eczema due to the fact that hyperkeratosis occurs exclusively on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet

Remedy for corns: description and reviews

Remedy for corns: description and reviews

Which remedy for corns is the most effective? In this article, we will present not only effective drugs designed to combat the mentioned problem, but also folk methods for removing skin formations

Tuberculosis lupus: symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment

Tuberculosis lupus: symptoms, types, diagnosis, treatment

Tuberculosis lupus is a rare form of skin tuberculosis. The disease is severe, proceeds for a long time, and is difficult to treat. And it usually starts with a small, inconspicuous sore. Now we will talk about what are the prerequisites for this disease, what symptoms are alarming, as well as how diagnosis is carried out and treatment is carried out

Bronchial obstruction syndrome (bronchospastic syndrome): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Bronchial obstruction syndrome (bronchospastic syndrome): causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is bronchial obstruction syndrome, causes and symptoms. Course in children and pregnant women. Applied methods of treatment. The opinion of official medicine about alternative therapy

Popcorn lung disease: symptoms, treatment, causes

Popcorn lung disease: symptoms, treatment, causes

Throughout life, the human respiratory system is exposed to multiple attacks from the external environment. Unfavorable environmental conditions, all kinds of viruses, bacteria, vapors of inhaled chemicals have an adverse effect on it and provoke various diseases

Cervical myelopathy: symptoms, causes, examination, treatment

Cervical myelopathy: symptoms, causes, examination, treatment

What is cervical myelopathy. What factors provoke it. Where is it localized and what are the symptoms. Diagnostics and complex treatment. The process of rehabilitation. Preventive advice

Lower pain radiates to the right leg: causes and treatments

Lower pain radiates to the right leg: causes and treatments

What does low back pain radiate to the right or left leg indicate? Where to go to find out the reason? What therapeutic measures are used for back pain? Possible complications and preventive recommendations

What does "HCV RNA not detected" mean? Analysis of hepatitis C virus RNA

What does "HCV RNA not detected" mean? Analysis of hepatitis C virus RNA

Brief information about hepatitis C RNA. Who is at risk. Home testing. Popular methods of laboratory research. What the results show. Treatment, prevention and prognosis

Pathogenesis of tuberculosis. etiology of tuberculosis. Symptoms and first signs of tuberculosis

Pathogenesis of tuberculosis. etiology of tuberculosis. Symptoms and first signs of tuberculosis

Pathogeny of tuberculosis and its first symptoms and signs. The main etiological factors involved in the development of the disease. Features of the course in childhood and pregnancy. Basic methods of examination, therapeutic regimen and possible complications. A set of preventive measures

Orthostatic collapse: causes, symptoms and treatment

Orthostatic collapse: causes, symptoms and treatment

The article discusses the reasons why people of different age groups have such a problem as orthostatic collapse

Diffuse nodular toxic goiter: treatment and symptoms

Diffuse nodular toxic goiter: treatment and symptoms

Diffuse-nodular toxic goiter is a disease caused by hypertrophy and hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, which is accompanied by the development of thyrotoxicosis. This disease is manifested by increased excitability, and, in addition, irritability, heart palpitations, weight loss, shortness of breath and sweating

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of postpartum thyroiditis

Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of postpartum thyroiditis

Postpartum thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease. It is considered to be the result of excessive activity of the immune system. At risk are women with diabetes, as well as carriers of antibodies to TPO

Osteochondropathy of the calcaneus: causes, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondropathy of the calcaneus: causes, symptoms and treatment

Osteochondropathy refers to degenerative-dystrophic diseases, as a result of which an aseptic type of necrosis of some bone structures develops. Most often, pathology appears in the calcaneal and femoral bones, apophyses of the vertebral bodies and in the tibia