The most common cause of nose injuries is blows to the face. These situations are most common in childhood and adolescence. Kids during active games do not always notice obstacles and each other. Injuries are inflicted unintentionally. If you broke the nose of an adult, then most likely this is the result

criminal acts. It can also be caused by an accident. The nose is a vulnerable spot, therefore it is prone to all sorts of damage.
Signs of a broken nose
Symptoms of trauma include:
1. Pain and discomfort.
2. Abrasions and cuts.
3. Bruises
4. Nose swelling.
5. Bleeding.
6. Nose deformity.
If you have any of these signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the nasal cartilage or bone tissue is broken, the consequences can be serious. In this case, usually during the impact, you can hear the crunch characteristic of the fracture. The best option is when this does not happen, and the situation ends with only the formation of bruises.
Is it necessary to contactdoctor?

Medical help in a situation where you have a broken nose is needed. A signal of this will be bruising, swelling and pain that does not disappear for several days. If, along with these symptoms, the body temperature rises, it can be assumed that an infection has entered the body.
If the damage is not severe, then help can be provided at home. This is a slight deformity or swelling of the nose. In this case, first of all, it is required to wash the damaged part of the face with soap and then blot with a clean cloth. Then you need to take action to stop the bleeding.
Need for medical intervention
You should immediately consult a doctor when the following symptoms are observed in the complex:
- The nose is significantly deformed.
- Crunching at the moment of injury.
- There are deep cuts in the nasal area.
- Severe swelling.
- Unnatural movement of the nose when touched.
- Bleeding lasting more than 10 minutes.
- Unable to breathe through the nose.
- Severe pain.

Don't think about how to straighten a broken nose yourself, as doing so can only aggravate the situation.
The method of therapy directly depends on the nature and extent of the injury. If seven days have not passed since the moment a person's nose was broken, bonerepositioning is done manually. The installation of the debris is done after the introduction of local anesthesia. The mucous membrane inside the nose is irrigated with a solution of lidocaine, also it is administered by intradermal injection.
Often, two finger movements are enough to restore the bone. If it sunk, an elevator is used - a special device. It is inserted into the nasal cavity and the bone is lifted with it. Thus, it is compared with other parts of the skeleton. The manipulation is inevitably painful, but lasts only a few moments. The severity of such sensations can be endured by everyone. After the procedure, tampons are placed in the nose for a tight pressure and fixation of the bone for at least three days.