Breathing through the nose helps a person protect himself from many diseases. The air is warmed by passing through the nasal passages, and bacteria and viruses settle on the walls. Normally, the breathing process should be easy and free. But what if a person constantly has a runny nose? Liquid, clear mucus from the nose is a very unpleasant phenomenon. A variety of factors act as provocateurs. At the same time, this pathology occurs both in adults and in babies.
How to determine the limit of the norm
Mucus in the nose is always present. It performs an important bactericidal function. But if clear nasal mucus is secreted regularly, one has to accept the fact that there is swelling of the mucous membrane, which may be caused by an infection or the activity of a virus.
So we can see your body's natural defense mechanism in action. The immune system activates the production of clear mucus. Fromnose, it begins to stand out for a reason, but in response to a developing disease. So the pathogenic microflora will be brought out faster.

Problem when tilting head
Common complaint, especially among patients over 50 years of age. Coming to the doctor, they say that there seem to be no symptoms of a cold, and transparent mucus from the nose constantly flows when the head is tilted. Similar symptoms can be observed when inflammation of the mucosa develops or a person has problems with the cardiovascular system. In any case, it does not hurt to deal with it on an individual basis, together with a doctor.
Chronic pathologies of the nasopharynx is another large category of diseases in which transparent mucus constantly flows from the nose. Chronic sinusitis or rhinitis is characterized by just increased secretion. During sleep, it accumulates, and after waking up or when the head is tilted, it begins to flow out.
Vascular changes may also play a role. They do not change their tone in time, and a person has transparent snot. Most often, this problem develops in old age, when muscle fibers become less elastic. Loss of vascular tone leads to the release of mucus, more like water. Of course, it cannot linger in the nasal cavity and flows out of it. This can easily be experienced within a few days. But when this happens all the time, it becomes a nuisance.
Illness, allergies or climate change
Let's tryidentify several groups of reasons why clear mucus can run from the nose of an adult:
- The first and most likely is the disease. That is, an increased volume of mucus is needed in order to wash out foreign microorganisms and prevent them from multiplying.
- Allergic reaction. Also a very common case.
- Seasonal factor also takes place. If transparent mucus accumulates in the nose after going outside or, conversely, upon returning to a warm room, then you can try to build a certain pattern. Changes in air temperature and physical activity can also cause a runny nose. If the room is very warm, the body begins to produce more mucus to protect the walls from drying out. With physical exertion, too, everything is clear. A person inhales a larger volume of air, respectively, more bacteria settles in the nasal cavity. To cope with them, it is required to produce mucus more intensively. This runny nose does not last long, it is a short-term effect.

Slime coloring
If transparent mucus accumulates in the nose, and the intensity of this process does not change and no other symptoms are added, you can calm down and try to change the external conditions - slightly lower the air temperature in the room and install a humidifier. But in most cases, such a symptom indicates the presence of a virus. As a rule, a runny nose passes relatively quickly, of course, subject to all the prescriptions of the attending physician.
The alarm must be sounded in the event thatif brown or yellow snot appears. This is a sign of a serious illness, most often sinusitis. Small vessels in the nasal cavity begin to burst. Therefore, the mucus is stained with blood.
Why is the secret colored green in some cases? This happens when a bacterial infection is attached. In this case, based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will decide on the need to prescribe antibiotics. Despite their availability, try not to make the choice for the doctor. Each of the antimicrobials has its own characteristics and contraindications.
Signs of complications
What else should alert the patient? Thick transparent mucus in the nose that does not separate, even if you diligently blow your nose, is a symptom of edema and inflammation in the nasal cavity. Consequently, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
If a migraine is added to this, which does not go away for a long time, this may be a symptom of meningitis or sinusitis. Elevated body temperature indicates pneumonia and other serious ailments that cannot be ignored. If the snot does not stop running after a cold, sinusitis can be suspected. To make the correct diagnosis, you need to be examined by an otolaryngologist.

How to help yourself
Most often we go to the pharmacy for vasoconstrictor drugs. They temporarily help, but cannot eliminate the cause of this symptom. Moreover, modern research shows that the use of such drops should be strictly dosed. ATotherwise, they lead to complete or partial atrophy of the mucosa. And, of course, they are addictive and become useless.
Therapy itself is a whole complex of different means. Do not forget that you cannot prescribe medications on your own. We are used to not paying much attention to the common cold. But if it does not go away within 7-10 days, then you need to see a doctor.
Drops and sprays
Since this category of drugs is usually used for treatment, we will consider them in more detail. It includes a number of subgroups:
- Vasoconstrictive drops. "Nazivin", "Snoop", "Nazol". They perfectly relieve swelling, but they cannot be used for a long time. The nasal mucosa gets used and the dosage needs to be increased.
- Means that help with allergies - "Vibrocil", "Sanorin-Analergin", "Rinofluimucil". But in parallel, you need to undergo an examination and determine the allergen. After that, your task will be to minimize your contacts with him in everyday life.
- Antibacterial drugs, such as Isofra, Polydex, Bioparox. They help strictly if there is a bacterial infection. All the rest are useless. Do not forget that pathogenic microorganisms develop immunity to active substances.
- Protargol. This drug is prepared in pharmacies, it is inexpensive and is recognized as the safest of all products in this series. These are drops with silver ions. They dry the mucous membranes and kill the pathogenicmicroflora. Because of this, the mucus stops flowing like a river. This drug is used to treat pregnant women and is widely used in pediatrics.

Features of the child's body
Baby's body functions differently than an adult's. Clear mucus from the nose of a child must be removed with a special suction - an aspirator. In infants, the nasal cavity is very small in volume and even slight swelling leads to respiratory failure. Children do not know how to blow their nose, which means that liquid secretions will accumulate and thicken. You need to regularly check if the crumbs' nose is stuffy.
Discharge is not always associated with a viral infection. For the first 2-3 months, the baby's body gradually gets used to life in a new environment, and mucus acts as a kind of protective mechanism or barrier to various infections. Nevertheless, it is important to observe the secretions until they stop completely. In addition to the suction bulb, saline solutions can be used. If clear mucus constantly accumulates in the nose, and the child is more than 4-5 months old, you need to consult a doctor.

What you need to know
As already mentioned, clear mucus in the nose of a baby is often formed not in response to a viral infection, but due to the influence of other factors:
- Banal vasodilatation. This may be due to emotional arousal, hormonal imbalance, or eating food that is too warm.
- Allergic reaction todust, wool, food.
- Weather conditions and season changes.
- Injuries.
- Infections.
- Reaction to medication.
In any case, if the discharge from the nose does not stop or the clear snot becomes thick, it's time to notify the doctor.

Three stages in infectious type
If the child has grown up, he may well tell what symptoms bother him. And you will draw a conclusion and be able to help him.
- At the first stage of the development of the infectious process, itching and burning appear, a feeling of unpleasant dryness in the nose.
- Next, light or transparent selections appear. There is a sleep disturbance and a failure in the perception of smells. It is during this period that the patient needs help. It will consist in washing the nasal cavity, inhalations, taking special drugs. The more successful the prescribed treatment regimen, the faster the improvement will come.
- The final stage is a relative improvement in the patient's condition. The secretions become less abundant and more viscous. Usually, the recovery period takes 7-8 days from the onset of the first symptoms. If recovery does not occur, there is a risk of complications.
Effective therapy
If this condition is not physiological, then you need to competently approach its treatment. There are many nuances here, so it is important to seek help from a doctor in time. There are traditional and non-traditional ways to get rid of an annoying runny nose. Everything is clear with the traditional- is the use of prescribed drugs for general or local effects.
But there are also effective non-drug therapies:
- Breathing exercises. She is more than one hundred years old, but she continues to work and help people wonderfully.
- Various therapies (physio-, light-, and others). The choice depends on your doctor's preferences. It can be a s alt mine or standard inhalations in rehabilitation centers.
- Aromatherapy and herbal medicine can be a great help.

Often time-honored home remedies help parents out. Such as homemade drops - a solution of 0.5 tsp. s alt and the same amount of soda in a glass of water. A well-known remedy is black rare juice. It must be mixed with milk and instilled into each nostril. It is advisable to remove clear, jelly-like mucus from the nose at least twice a day so that it does not thicken and does not make breathing difficult.
Rubbing has a very good effect. For this purpose, natural beeswax or essential oil is used. Rub your chest and back before bed. Rubbing produces a bactericidal effect and warms up well while the baby is sleeping. Before the procedure, it is important to consult a doctor - sometimes rubbing can provoke an allergic reaction.