How to give injections to children so as not to harm

How to give injections to children so as not to harm
How to give injections to children so as not to harm

Table of contents:


Your baby fell ill, the doctor prescribed intramuscular injection of drugs, there is no way to find an experienced nurse, but you need to give injections, and more than once a day. In this case, knowing the basic rules will help you make an injection yourself. To do this, you need to purchase at the pharmacy:

1. The drug for injection, which must be in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Be sure to check the expiration date of the drug.

2. Vatu.

3. Medical alcohol.

4. Disposable syringes of the required volume, which depends on the dosage of the prescribed drug. In pharmacies, you can find special syringes with a smaller and thinner needle, designed for children.

injections for children
injections for children

Wash hands thoroughly with soap or disinfectant before giving shots to children.

Intramuscular injection is made in the gluteal muscle. To determine the injection site, a conditional division of the buttock into 4 parts is required. Injections for children are made in the right upper quarter (outer part of the buttocks). When inserting the needle, it is very important to remain calm and confident movements, since the least painless entry of the needle especially depends on this.

Vitamin preparations in the ampoule are in liquid form. For introductionafter injection, cut the ampoule at the broken point with a specially designed nail file, which is usually included in the package, and open the ampoule. Before giving a shot to a child, unpack the disposable syringe, connect it to the needle and draw up the required amount of medicine.

Antibiotics are in an ampoule in a dry form. They must be diluted with water for injection or lidocaine.

Next, turn the syringe with the needle up and lightly tap it with your fingernail so that air bubbles can rise to the hole. Press down on the plunger and push the air bubbles out until a drop of drug appears in the needle hole.

injections for children in the buttocks
injections for children in the buttocks

Before giving injections to children, the buttock must be massaged with gentle movements. Hands should be warm and should not cause tension in the gluteal muscle.

With a cotton swab dipped in alcohol, treat the needle insertion site.

Next, you will need to stretch the skin a little with your left hand in the place where you will give injections to the buttocks of children. For an adult patient, on the contrary, it is necessary to fold the injection site into a fold.

Hold the syringe in your right hand, now with a vigorous but controlled movement, you must insert the needle at an angle of 90 °, about ¾ of the needle deep.

Your thumb should be on the plunger and your index and middle fingers should be holding the syringe in your hand. Then slowly inject the drug.

After the injection of the medicine, it is necessary to lightly press the needle entry point with a cotton swab, remove it with a sharp movement, press the remaining hole and lightly massagea few seconds.

how to give an injection to a child
how to give an injection to a child


You can not perform preparation manipulations in front of the child.

  • You can't show your baby that you are afraid to give injections to children.
  • You can't scold a child if he is afraid and nervous. Better try to distract him and calm him down.
  • You should never deceive a child. You can't say it won't hurt at all. It is better to praise the baby if he managed to be patient.
