Removal of an impacted tooth: what is it?

Removal of an impacted tooth: what is it?
Removal of an impacted tooth: what is it?

In the article, we will consider that this is the removal of an impacted tooth.

Wisdom teeth in seventy percent of cases grow dystopic in people, that is, they occupy an extremely wrong position in the row. There are also cases when the crown erupts only partially, then this is called retention. Such problematic eights should be removed, as they become the main cause of inflammatory diseases, and, in addition, they strongly distort the dentition.

impacted tooth extraction what is it
impacted tooth extraction what is it

What is it - the removal of an impacted tooth, many are interested.

Frequent surgery

The removal of such a tooth is a fairly common surgical operation. Impacted are those elements that cannot cut through on their own, and, therefore, be placed in the right place, in this regard, they remain inside the bone, located under the mucous membrane. Oftenremoval of the impacted incisor acts as the elimination of the wisdom tooth.

The cause of this phenomenon may be the early removal of the milk incisors, along with the incorrect location of the molars, which shift the entire row and leave no room for the growth of a new element. In all situations, the removal of impacted lower teeth (or upper teeth) is the most effective way to restore a smile of beauty and he alth.

Indications for removal

An impacted tooth usually remains under the gum or in the jawbones. As a rule, it is not able to erupt due to lack of space in a narrow area of \u200b\u200bthe jaw and begins to put pressure on neighboring nearby molars, destroying their roots. Such a process is usually accompanied by very severe pain along with swelling of the mucosa.

This is a sure signal that it is time for a person to see a dentist-surgeon. But even in the absence of symptoms, doctors often prescribe the removal of an impacted wisdom tooth in the lower jaw. The decision is usually made after an x-ray diagnosis. The main indications for removal are:

  • The presence of pericoronitis, that is, the formation of a gingival hood directly above the crown.
  • The development of an inflammatory process of a different nature (whether it be periodontitis or osteomyelitis, etc.).
  • The appearance of facial numbness due to the pressure exerted by the figure eight on the nerve endings.
  • The appearance of a cyst or flux.
  • Development of severe soft tissue edema when facial features change.
  • The chisel of wisdom grows horizontally, resting againstadjacent crown.

What is it - the removal of an impacted tooth, now it's clear.

removal of an impacted dystopian wisdom tooth
removal of an impacted dystopian wisdom tooth

When should surgery be postponed?

However, it is necessary to postpone such operation in such cases:

  • During periods of reduced immunity (against the background of seasonal colds, etc.).
  • The occurrence of an exacerbation of a viral or infectious disease.
  • The appearance of a hypertensive crisis in a patient.
  • Blood pathologies (for example, hemophilia, etc.).
  • Pregnancy.

Removal of an impacted dystopic wisdom tooth

Dystopic teeth on the front of the jaw (we are talking about incisors and canines), as a rule, are not removed. They can be put in place through orthodontic treatment. For example, in the event that the crown has grown at an angle or rotates around its axis, it is required to install a bracket system. Dental teeth are usually subject to mandatory extraction, as they cause a number of the following problems:

  • They shift the entire dentition, and at the same time, the occlusion (that is, bite) is violated.
  • They greatly interfere with the installation of the prosthesis.
  • Due to the wrong position, lead to the rapid accumulation of plaque and the occurrence of caries.
  • Can rest against the cheek, injuring the oral mucosa.

Incisor removal techniques

To remove an impacted wisdom tooth in the lower jaw, the following methods are used:

  • Applicationtraditional removal method. As part of the operation, the gum is cut with a surgical scalpel, and the incisor is pulled out with hand-held forceps, which usually come in various shapes and sizes.
  • Performing removal with an elevator that creates rotational movements and thereby expands the periodontal gap. In this case, the fibers that connect the tooth to the alveolus are torn.
  • Laser removal procedure. As part of its implementation, a laser beam is used, which replaces the traditional scalpel with a drill. With its help, a gum incision is made along with crushing of the incisor. This is an absolutely sterile, but at the same time painless and almost bloodless method.

Procedure steps

In order to extract impacted incisors, a complex removal involving surgical intervention is used. The operation usually includes the following steps:

  • Anesthesia procedure.
  • Performing an incision in the gum to create access to dental crowns.
  • If necessary, drilling is performed along with cutting the bone with a bur.
  • The procedure for applying surgical forceps in combination with advancing their cheeks inward.
  • Performing dislocation and extraction of the tooth.
  • Suturing wounds with special suture material.
impacted tooth removal reviews
impacted tooth removal reviews

The procedure usually lasts from twenty minutes to one hour. For anesthesia, the use of local anesthesia is sufficient. But if requiredto eliminate several teeth at once, then the removal is carried out directly under general anesthesia. Extraction of dystopic erupted incisors does not require dissection of the mucosa. The doctor simply puts forceps on the coronal part, swinging the tooth through pendulum movements, and then removes it from the hole. Removal of impacted, straight, as well as dystopic incisors in the lower jaw, is almost always very difficult, since the bone structure is very dense.

Complications after dental surgery

The postoperative period usually lasts about five to seven days. Usually, a doctor prescribes antibiotics in order to prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process in the wells (we are talking about alveolitis). In the first two or three days, mucosal edema may appear along with pain and difficulty in opening the mouth and eating. Normally, all symptoms gradually subside. However, you should immediately consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • As the temperature rises.
  • With heavy bleeding from the hole.
  • In the event of a putrid odor that may come from the mouth.
  • Formation of gray plaque on the wall of the hole.
  • The development of severe edema, in which half of a person's face swells.

What needs to be done after the procedure?

After removing the impacted tooth of the lower jaw, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • It is mandatory to refuse to eat and all kinds ofbeverages within three hours of the procedure, and the person should not smoke.
  • In order to relieve pain, you need to take a pain pill or put a piece of ice on your cheek.
  • Don't rinse your mouth during the first day, it can quickly destroy the blood clot in the hole.
  • It is not recommended to apply a hot compress to the operation site.
  • In the first three days, do not eat too hot and hard food.
  • Must chew food on the opposite side of the hole.
  • For the first week, avoid hot baths, avoid saunas, and limit physical activity.
  • extraction of an impacted mandibular tooth
    extraction of an impacted mandibular tooth

Removal of incisors on the lower jaw

The classic operation for the removal of lower impacted and dystopic eighth teeth usually involves a pair of mucosal incisions. The first is carried out in the retromolar region, and the other acts as a laxative vertical incision of the mucosa in the area of the second molar, followed by removal of the overhanging bone and sawing of the incisor and its extraction. At the end, the operation is completed by suturing the wound.

After such a surgical intervention, as a rule, a long period of wound healing begins, since vertical incisions are an additional intervention. At the same time, postoperative pain syndrome is more pronounced, postoperative edema is noticeable.

On top of that, the sutures that secure the vertical incision are ofteninsolvent due to the proximity of the mucous membrane of the lower jaw. Oral fluid can seep into the hole, followed by the formation of alveolitis and prolonged treatment with daily dressings. The number of complications following the removal of the lower wisdom incisors can be significantly reduced without performing a vertical incision.

removal of impacted upper teeth
removal of impacted upper teeth

Removal of impacted upper teeth

When removing the upper elements, an incision is often made from the vestibule of the oral cavity, then a mucous periosteal flap covering the teeth is cut out. The bone tissue is sawn out with a drill. Further, the elements are carefully dislocated with an elevator, in certain cases it is more efficient to first cut the cutter into several parts (a crown with a root) and take them out separately. Further, bone plastic material is left in the cavity, as for the flap, it is placed in place in such a way that the hole completely overlaps, then sutures are applied.

Against the background of the localization of the upper impacted incisor or canine near the palatine surfaces, its removal is carried out through the mucous membrane of the hard palate. Immediately before the removal of the upper premolar and wisdom teeth, it is necessary to clarify how close they are to the maxillary sinus. The operation itself must be carried out carefully, so as not to push the tooth into the sinus. The incision is made from the side of the vestibule of the oral cavity. In the event that the teeth are covered with bone tissue, it is removed using a drill.

Below are feedback on removing impactedtooth. Let's see what people have to say about this operation.

removal of an impacted wisdom tooth on the lower
removal of an impacted wisdom tooth on the lower


In the reviews, patients who have undergone the procedure for the removal of impacted and dystopic incisors report that this is a terribly difficult, and at the same time also an expensive operation. Patients say that after it, as a rule, the cheek swells very much, and then a bruise forms. Stitches in the mouth, of course, get in the way.

What other reviews are there about the removal of an impacted wisdom tooth?

But no matter how painful this process is, according to most people, it in any case saves patients from pain and suffering. The very removal of such incisors is a big plus for the he alth of each person. Thus, in the overwhelming majority of reviews regarding such operations, there are complaints of severe pain after it.

It is better to read reviews about the removal of an impacted tooth in advance.

removal of the impacted wisdom tooth in the lower jaw
removal of the impacted wisdom tooth in the lower jaw


Thus, the main task of modern dentistry is to keep the teeth beautiful, and at the same time he althy as long as possible. But, unfortunately, sometimes you have to turn to their removal. This is done only in exceptional cases, when it is no longer possible to save the incisor or it turns out to be the main cause of more complex pathologies leading to the worst consequences.

We considered that this is the extraction of an impacted tooth.