Cerebrovascular disease is a term that combines various diseases associated with circulatory disorders in the brain. With insufficient blood flow to the nerve tissues, there is a lack of oxygen and nutrients, which in turn leads to various kinds of disorders.

Cerebrovascular disease: causes
Causes of circulatory disorders can be very different. First of all, it is worth noting chronic hypertension and atherosclerosis of blood vessels. In addition, a violation of the trophism of nerve tissues can be caused by blockage of blood vessels (thrombosis), as well as thromboembolism. As a rule, the vertebral and carotid arteries are affected. Cerebrovascular disease can also be caused by spasm of the arterial wall. Sometimes severe psycho-emotional stress leads to the development of the disease.
Cerebrovascular disease and its main symptoms
The severity of the clinical picture largely depends on the speed and nature of the development of the disease. Usually in the early stagesonly neurological symptoms appear. The person becomes emotionally unstable and overly irritable. Then sleep disturbances appear - the patient often wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot fall asleep. In addition, patients complain of tinnitus, dizziness and headaches. There is also a deterioration in memory, a decrease in working capacity. Blood pressure rises from time to time.

Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency may not be accompanied by organic changes in the nervous system. From time to time, the symptoms worsen, followed by a period of calm.
With the progressive course of the disease, especially if the human body is affected by some unfavorable factors, the patient's condition can deteriorate significantly. A person is tormented by constant headaches and dizziness up to fainting. Efficiency is significantly reduced, and the state of memory worsens - a person can often forget recent events. Cerebrovascular disease can also be accompanied by mental disorders - the patient develops fears and phobias, a tendency to hypochondria, self-doubt develops.
Tremors, convulsions, absence of normal physiological reflexes may be observed. It is worth noting that such a disease is very dangerous and, if left untreated, can lead to a stroke.

Cerebrovascular disease treatment
When he alth deteriorates andIf you have any of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor. The fact is that cerebrovascular disease requires constant medical supervision and proper treatment.
Unfortunately, today there is no single effective medicine. As a rule, the cause of cerebrovascular syndrome is treated. The patient is prescribed drugs that improve blood circulation, thin the blood, remove unnecessary cholesterol from the body, and create additional sources of nutrition for nerve tissues. In addition, a sick person must adhere to the rules of a he althy diet, give up physical and psycho-emotional stress, follow the regime of work and rest.