Numbness in the limbs is a common symptom in many diseases. This condition is typical for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Often, numbness appears during sleep, in this case, most often we are talking about a pinched nerve and, as a result, circulatory disorders. If you move a limb, then everything goes away. But if this happens on a regular basis, then it is better to get an examination and exclude the presence of any disease.
Character of pain
According to the nature of pain in numbness of the left hand, we can assume the presence of a number of diseases. If these are short-term pains that are relieved with a light massage and restoration of limb mobility, then most likely you should not worry. If we are talking about short-term, but regular numbness, then it is better to consult a doctor, especially if the pain is constantly bothering you.
There is a high probability that there are problems with the central nervous system, heart or other chronic diseases. If the left hand is completely numb, then this is a reason to call an ambulance.

Conditionally, all causes of numbness of the left hand can be divided into three categories:
- Household, that is, arising against the background of inactivity or when sleeping or sitting in an uncomfortable position. These are the safest causes that do not require medical intervention.
- Medical, i.e. paresthesia is a symptom of another disease.
- Injuries, that is, the condition occurs against the background of a limb injury.
Domestic reasons
Impaired blood circulation in the limbs can also occur when:
- Excessive pressure on the muscles. It could be tight clothes or too heavy a load.
- Unsuccessful sleeping position. Paresthesia is longer in time, so not only the muscles of the hands suffer from circulatory disorders.
- Occupational diseases. The likelihood of tingling and numbness of the left hand or right hand is high in pianists, needlewomen and programmers, that is, persons whose activities are associated with overstrain of tendons and muscle tissue.
- Long hold hands over head. In this case, the heart muscle simply cannot provide normal blood circulation to the limbs.

Medical reasons
No matter how hard it is to admit, but in most cases, the causes of numbness of the left hand are exactly pathological changes in the body:
- Avitaminosis. This temporary state of the body can also be the cause of paresthesia. Vitamin deficiency can be determined by the deterioration of the condition of the hair and nails, there may be problems with the stomach anddecrease in immunity. Numbness can be observed not only in the left hand, but also in other limbs.
- Atherosclerosis. Due to the appearance of cholesterol plaques, normal blood circulation is disrupted. If the problem occurs in the elbow or shoulder areas, then, accordingly, the arm becomes numb. Over time, the natural color of the limb is lost, working capacity decreases, up to complete atrophy. Atherosclerosis is not only characterized by numbness, there may be a feeling of goosebumps, fingers are usually constantly cold.
- Osteochondrosis. With an advanced form of the disease, nerve channels are drawn into the process, which partially or completely block the work of the limbs. The lower cervical region is responsible for the work of the left hand. The numbness starts with the thumb. The condition is accompanied by dizziness, increased blood pressure and blurred vision.
- Herniated discs. Unlike osteochondrosis, pressure on the nerve channels is produced by a hernia. The disease is often accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region, a neglected condition can lead to a complete loss of motor function.
- Diabetic neuropathy. In the absence of proper treatment and non-monitoring of sugar levels, nerve dystrophy may develop.
- Carpal tunnel problems. This syndrome is typical for office workers. The hands are constantly in an uncomfortable position, as a result, the tendons and the median nerve swell. Often, tingling is associated with selective paresthesia.
- Raynaud's disease. This pathology is associated with a violation of the work of small vessels. They are the ones responsible forlimb blood supply. Paresthesia in this case manifests itself periodically, maybe on both hands, or maybe only on one. Kidney disease. Against the background of the chronic form of pathology, there is an accumulation of nitrogenous compounds, other harmful substances in the blood, which leads to a gradual decrease in the sensitivity of the nerves.
Pre-infarction condition
Perhaps, this cause of numbness of the left hand can be called the most dangerous. As a rule, everything starts with the little finger and ring finger. There are pains in the region of the heart, extending to the left arm. There is dizziness, anxiety, up to panic.
If you have these symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical facility. Timely assistance gives hope for the prevention of a heart attack.

As a result of injury, numbness of the left hand very often appears. In this case, it is not necessary that the left hand be injured. Paresthesia can occur in the presence of a damaged spine, neck, or shoulder joint.
In such cases, in addition to numbness, there may be a sharp pain in the arm, cyanosis of the limb.
Fingers of the left hand
Violation of the sensitivity of the fingers on the left hand can indicate some diseases, most often problems with the musculoskeletal system, problems with the heart and blood vessels.
Indicative. If paresthesia is observed on this finger, then this is an occasion to check the level of sugar in the blood, diabetes may already be developing.
Big. Most oftendiscomfort in this area indicates that there are problems in the intervertebral region, possibly in the neck or thoracic region. As a rule, numbness is accompanied by weakness in the hand.
Medium. Problems with this finger most often indicate the development of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine, or rather, that the 7th vertebra is damaged. The numbness of this finger can also indicate strong physical exertion, or, conversely, low mobility and malnutrition.
Nameless. Problems on this finger may indicate developing dystrophy of the radiocarpal nerve. Another problem is also possible - compression of the nerves in the elbow joint. Along with these reasons, paresthesia on the ring finger may indicate problems with the heart and blood vessels.
Pinky. Most often, this is a "bell" that heart failure is present. Treatment of numbness of the little finger of the left hand requires a serious approach and examination,. It is also necessary to pay attention to other symptoms characteristic of heart disease, these may be jumps in blood pressure.

Simultaneous numbness of the leg and arm on the left side
Often there is simultaneous numbness of the left arm and leg. The reasons mainly lie in the field of malfunctions with the nervous system, perhaps the vessels are affected or there are systemic pathologies.
The root cause of both arm and leg numbness is a stroke or brain tumor. With a stroke, there is a violation of cerebral circulation, in parallel with paresthesia, there is a violationmotor activity in the entire left side of the body.
If paresthesia is observed in the area of the foot and fingers, then most likely there is an intervertebral hernia in the lumbar region. Another characteristic symptom is tingling. Often, leg numbness occurs against the background of varicose veins or thrombosis. For radiculoneuritis, numbness of the toes is characteristic, it is possible that tuberculosis of the spine or osteochondrosis develops. Malignant neoplasms in the spinal cord can also give complications to the legs, which begin with paresthesia.
Simultaneous numbness of the left arm and leg can occur against the background of a traumatic brain injury. Such a symptom may not appear immediately, and it is associated with the development of a hematoma, or indicates the onset of a hemorrhage.
Migraine sufferers often have a headache accompanied by numbness. The reason may be a nervous state, this is typical for overly emotional people. Treatment in this case involves the use of sedatives, and perhaps even a course of treatment with a psychotherapist will be enough.
Loss of sensation in the leg and arm can occur against the background of encephalitis, that is, an inflammatory process in the brain. Numbness is common in patients with multiple sclerosis.

When to go to the doctor?
The logical question is when to start treatment for numbness of the left hand, at what point should you see a doctor? Of course, if the discomfort is caused by fatigue or overwork, then you should not worry. If the state persists forfor a long time, worsens, and the pain only intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor. If there is a complete numbness of the hand that arose spontaneously, then you should immediately go to a nearby medical facility.

There are as many ways to treat numbness of the left hand as there are causes of this disease. In any case, the doctor will be forced to prescribe a series of examinations. As a rule, these are MRI, blood and urine tests, x-rays and ultrasound. Treatment begins only after an accurate diagnosis is made. Most likely, the course of treatment will consist of immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. The main thing is not to neglect such an alarming symptom.
Regardless of the causes of numbness in the left arm, treatment involves quitting smoking completely. In the presence of such a problem, nicotine causes spasm of blood vessels. For the same reason, you will have to give up alcohol and strong coffee, tea.
Folk remedies
There are several ways to alleviate the condition in traditional medicine. You can do contrast baths. It will take two containers, warm, almost hot water is poured into one, cold water into the second. The left hand is alternately lowered into one, then into another bath. The procedure should be repeated at least 5 times, then it is recommended to smear the hand with turpentine ointment and put on a mitten. Do the procedure for 10 days.
Can be used for wrapping honey or camphor ointment. You should rub your handand put on a glove at night. You can also use swamp wild rosemary, which is poured with apple cider vinegar (1 to 3). The hand is rubbed with tincture for 1 week, 3 times a day.

Regardless of the causes of numbness in the left hand, one should never forget about exercise and proper nutrition. It is necessary to reduce to a minimum the consumption of foods high in s alt, spicy dishes. It is better to eat more fruits and vegetables, greens. Freezing should not be allowed, things made from natural materials should be worn. If you work in an office, be sure to take breaks and stretch your limbs to prevent swelling.
In the presence of osteochondrosis, in addition to taking anti-inflammatory drugs, it is recommended to take a course of massage. At home, you should do a warm-up, head tilts to the sides to reduce the load on the cervical region.
As a preventive measure, it is recommended to use sprouted grains, eat more hot dishes. The diet should include more foods containing iron. Do not forget about physical activity, you can do light jogging or skiing.
If numbness occurs against a background of nervous strain, then you can do yoga and try to always be a cheerful person.