Oddly enough, but most often inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs suddenly, so the disease is acute and is called acute rhinitis. The disease can proceed independently, and may be the result of the penetration of microbes into the body. Naturally, a runny nose begins to appear as a result of the action of microbes and infection, but the factors that help them develop rapidly depend on various other reasons, for example, it can be hypothermia or exposure from the environment.

A large number of people do not take the disease seriously, believing that it will go away on its own, but it should be noted that such an attitude can only provoke serious complications.
What does ICD 10 mean
If we carefully consider the classification, then when acute rhinitis is diagnosed, ICD code 10, this means that the inflammatory process is not specific and may be accompanied by complications. In this case, the patient may notice abundant discharge from the nasal passages. When the sinuses are also involved in the whole process, doctors can diagnose KSD - J00.
What changes are happening
Given the fact thataccording to ICD 10, acute rhinitis affects the nasal mucosa, then the epithelium in the nasal passages begins to suffer first. Gradually, a person may notice that it becomes difficult for him to breathe, swelling of the nose appears. When the extreme stage occurs, the appearance of erosions on the mucous membrane, as well as in deep tissues, can be distinguished. Rarely, but still, doctors diagnose that in severely advanced stages of rhinitis, even bone tissue can be affected. A sick person may notice changes not only in their appearance, but also note that the nasal septum is significantly deformed. When such changes occur, the disease is assigned a new ICD code. Acute rhinitis in such cases cannot be caused by allergies, most likely, we are talking about viruses and bacteria.
Types of rhinitis
There are several types of acute rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis can only appear in certain seasons and last for a certain amount of time. In this case, the patient may notice a clear discharge from the nose, constant sneezing, watery eyes and a tickle in the nasopharynx.

Vasomotor rhinitis may be related to allergies, but it occurs at the same time, for example, the patient may note that nasal discharge actively begins during flowering or cold can act as an irritant.
Viral rhinitis is caused by a virus, which means that a sick person may notice other symptoms of a cold.
Hypertrophic rhinitis begins to appear when it growstissue in the sinuses, which is what causes the patient to breathe heavily.
Atrophic rhinitis is associated with thin walls of the nasal sinuses and degeneration of bone tissue, often the patient can observe purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor.
Bacterial rhinitis is associated with the action of bacteria and fungus, which also produce unpleasant secretions and pus.
If the disease is not treated in time, one type of rhinitis can easily turn into another.
Causes of rhinitis
Acute rhinitis can occur for many reasons, which are worth considering in more detail.
- Long living in an area that is considered unfavorable for various reasons.
- The work of a person in a workplace with harmful conditions.
- Problems with vascular dystonia.
- Diseases of the endocrine system.
- Polyps or cysts in the nose.
- Diseases of the kidneys and lungs.
- Burn of the nasal mucosa.
- Allergies due to various causes, such as cold, exposure to gas, pollen, or drug reactions.
- Disorders of the nasopharynx, such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis.
Sometimes allergic reactions can occur due to the structure of the nasal membrane in some categories of people.
Rhinitis stages
Despite the fact that the disease is called acute rhinitis, yet it develops gradually. Doctors identify several stages that you should pay attention to.
The first stage is dry rhinitis, it itself resemblescommon cold. At this time, the viruses have not yet had time to exert their detrimental effect on the body, so the person feels only a slight burning sensation in the nose, dryness and swelling appear. This stage can last up to two days.
The second stage is already associated with serous discharge from the nose, it can last three days and seriously interfere with a person's free breathing due to nasal congestion. At this stage, a lot of mucus from the nose begins to stand out, the sense of smell disappears. If a person does not take any measures to treat rhinitis, then gradually the disease begins to spread to the tonsils and larynx.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by purulent discharge. The mucus becomes very thick, pus is present, and an unpleasant odor appears.
Rhinitis must be treated, and then a sick person will be able to note a decrease in swelling and inflammation in the sinuses. As a rule, full recovery can occur within a week.
Disease symptoms
Of course, the symptoms can be very diverse, this is influenced by the type of disease and the stage at which it is located. If coryza is suspected, symptoms may include:
- The person loses the ability to breathe freely through the nose.
- There is constant sneezing.
- Stuffing up ears and nose.
- Tears begin to flow for no reason.
- The mucous membrane is very dry.
- Crusts form in the nasal passages.
- Headache.
- Selectionstransparent from the nose, sometimes with purulent and blood inclusions.
- Loss of smell.

You should definitely pay attention to the symptoms, otherwise the acute form of the disease can become chronic, and then the treatment will be much more difficult.
Diagnosis of rhinitis
In order to accurately diagnose, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:
- It is mandatory to be examined by a therapist, if acute rhinitis is observed in children, then by a pediatrician.
- The ENT can diagnose the disease.
- Be sure to take a general blood test, as the level of leukocytes can tell a lot.
- Rhinoscopy separately for rent.
Special attention should be paid if the disease is protracted. In this case, the disease can become chronic, and then it will be possible to diagnose other diseases: otitis media, inflammation of the lacrimal ducts, dermatitis.
Is it necessary to treat rhinitis?
If rhinitis does not have any complications, then it can be safely cured at home. Which therapy will be recommended by the doctor depends on the inflammatory process. The most commonly used medications are to treat the symptoms. In the case when rhinitis is considered an independent disease, treatment begins with a series of actions.
First of all, the nasal cavity is washed with a special solution, which is done in this way: 1 teaspoon of edible s alt is dissolved in 200 milliliters of boiling water, the solution is cooledto room temperature and buried in the nose.

When nasal congestion is severe, mustard foot baths can help.
It is important to remember that when acute rhinitis is diagnosed, ICD 10 means that the disease is complex, so treatment is required more effective, and this requires the use of drugs.
Treatment with drugs
Most doctors use drugs to treat rhinitis.
First of all, vasoconstrictor drugs are used, which relieve swelling and reduce the amount of mucus. The drug is available in the form of nasal drops, so treatment with these drugs can last no more than a week.
If coryza occurs in children, treatment may include emollient ointments.
Sometimes treatment is impossible without antihistamines, so Claritin, Suprastin or Tavegil are used.
When rhinitis occurs with serious complications, the treatment is carried out with antibiotics.
Vitamins may be prescribed by a doctor to support the body.

In case of a severe exacerbation, additional funds are prescribed, for each person all drugs are selected separately.
When acute rhinitis is diagnosed, physiotherapy can also be treated. The fact is that the effectiveness of these procedures is quite high, andthere are practically no contraindications. Physiotherapy includes:
- Electrophoresis with minerals.
- UHF heating.
- Phototherapy.
- Inhalations with various oils or s alts.
- Special breathing exercises.
It is this kind of treatment that can make it possible to improve your he alth and reduce the period of rehabilitation after the disease.
Treatment by stages
No matter what disease the code is, acute rhinitis cannot be ignored. Despite the fact that the treatment takes place on an outpatient basis, sometimes patients with a high temperature are still required to adhere to bed rest. If the treatment prescribed by the doctor is started on time, the patient will be able to feel relief from the second day. Consider what measures need to be applied in stages.
Be sure to start the treatment of rhinitis in the early stages. If there are headaches, then you should take a drug that reduces them, and also drip special drops into your nose to relieve swelling.
When the disease passes into the second stage and the inflammatory processes become pronounced, one should switch to antibiotics.
The third stage requires special attention, because during this period the disease can be accompanied by serious complications, therefore it is recommended by doctors to use a 5% Protargol solution, the patient is recommended to take mandatory physiotherapy and taking vitamins. In total, such treatment can last more than ten days.

When a person manifestsacute rhinitis, the treatment should be systematic, it should be treated for at least a week, the only way to not heal the disease.
Folk remedies
Along with medications, folk methods are also good. Of course, they should be used only after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate your condition. The most famous folk ways are:
- Treatment with laundry soap. A sick person lathers his finger and lubricates the sinuses with the resulting solution. Due to the properties of soap, this method can get rid of some germs.
- Calendula infusion is considered effective. It is this herb that has an antibacterial effect and relieves inflammation. A teaspoon of herbs is poured with boiling water and infused for about an hour, the nasal cavity is washed with the resulting solution.
- In the pharmacy you can buy menthol oil, which disinfects the inflamed mucous membrane. It is enough to drip twice a day, two drops in each nostril.
It should be remembered that folk methods of treatment can be exclusively auxiliary, not basic.
Acute rhinitis can be prevented by doing the following.
- A person can protect himself as much as possible if he prevents any colds.
- At the first signs and symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if your child is sick.
- Proper nutrition and regimen will help strengthen the body to fight various viral and bacterial diseases. It is advisable to eat more fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C.
- The room in which the person is located should be ventilated frequently, and wet cleaning should be carried out systematically.
- You should carefully monitor the temperature regime, for example, you cannot immediately move from a warm room to a cold one.
- Tempering procedures help the body to endure diseases more easily, so it is necessary to harden gradually, and it is additionally recommended to also play sports.
Basically, all prevention is aimed at strengthening the body, so that later it would be easier to fight some viruses. At the first symptoms, it is worth starting treatment immediately in order to prevent complications, otherwise it may drag on indefinitely, which will only worsen the general condition of the person.