Skin diseases are not only an aesthetic problem, but also seriously affect the patient's quality of life. Among such ailments, perioral dermatitis can be noted. The disease is not so common, but requires a special approach in treatment.
What is pathology
This disease has many names: perioral dermatitis, rosacea-like, flight attendant's disease. Perioral dermatitis on the face is an inflammatory process that constantly recurs, which most often captures the area around the mouth.

A distinctive feature of the disease is the presence of an unaffected strip of skin adjacent to the lips. The disease was first diagnosed in the 50s of the twentieth century, now about 1% of the population is affected by this disease.
Varieties of dermatitis
Based on the symptoms, doctors distinguish several forms of the disease:
- The first variety appears as diffuse erythema around the mouth opening and small reddened areas of the skin.
- Second formcharacterized not only by the formation of papules, but also by vesicles filled with liquid.
- The third form is accompanied by the formation of purulent vesicles.
Causes of disease development
Doctors still cannot name the exact causes of perioral dermatitis. But there are some factors that can serve as provocative for the development of the disease. Among them, the following should be noted:
Use of low-quality or inappropriate cosmetics for skin type. This leads first to irritation, and gradually to the formation of dermatitis

- Infectious diseases of the skin of a bacterial nature. Various bacteria constantly live on the face, for unknown reasons they can begin to multiply uncontrollably.
- Some varieties of perioral dermatitis develop due to the presence of parasites on the skin, such as Demodex folliculorum. They cause inflammation and irritation of the skin.
- Stressful situations can indirectly provoke the development of the disease. They negatively affect the entire body and the immune system, including, which is not able to resist bacteria.
- Constant exposure to cold temperatures, especially when combined with wind, dries out the skin and makes it more vulnerable to attack by pathogens.
- If there are problems with the immune system, some fungi, such as those from the genus Candida albicans, can cause illness.
- Perioral dermatitis inan adult may be allergic and manifest after contact with an allergen.
- The predisposition to the formation of pathology increases in people who have problems in the digestive tract, suffering from gastritis.
- Perioral dermatitis in an infant can develop from frequent and prolonged pacifier sucking.
- Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays can cause skin irritation or aggravate dermatitis.
- Regular use of fluoride toothpaste for dental care. This element is irritating to the skin.
- The use of creams, ointments based on cortisone at the first stages of therapy weakens the symptoms, and then causes a relapse of the disease.
- Among the causes of perioral dermatitis are hormonal disruptions, for example, during pregnancy, menopause.
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals, especially A and E.
- Neurological disorders.
- Eating certain foods may increase the chance of developing dermatitis, such as cinnamon.
The disease can occur with periodic exacerbations and remissions. Pathology activity can be maintained by:
Frequent visits to the solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun

- Using oral contraceptives.
- Chronic foci of infection in the body: caries, sinusitis.
- Period of bearing a baby.
- Tuberculosis.
- Hormonal disorders.
When several triggers are combined, the likelihood of developing perioral dermatitis increases. At the slightest suspicion, you should consult a doctor.
Signs of disease
The symptoms of perioral dermatitis are very similar to those of other diseases, such as eczema or rosacea, so the diagnosis should be made by a doctor and effective therapy prescribed.
But the most striking manifestations of the disease can be noted:
- Redness and burning sensation appear in the area of the lips.
- Small erythema appears on the skin of the face, which can turn into vesicles and pustules.
- Itching of affected areas.
- Peeling and redness are observed on the pathological areas of the face.
- Single formations gradually increase and merge with each other, forming continuous spots.
- Rashes are usually localized symmetrically on both sides.

- Skin feels sore.
- Swelling appears.
- Gradually, the affected areas of the skin become covered with scales, crusts, which eventually disappear. If you rip them off yourself, then pigment spots remain, which are difficult to remove.
The disease often leads to neurological disorders, especially in women due to their appearance. They become withdrawn, some even quit their jobs, conflicts arise in the family.
Is perioral dermatitis contagious?
Pathogenic microorganisms causing developmentdiseases can be transmitted from a sick person to a he althy one. But with a strong immune system and the absence of other provoking factors, the pathology is unlikely to manifest itself.
But we must remember that with the development of the disease under the influence of fungi and bacteria, infection is still possible.
Features of the disease in childhood
Manifestations of the disease in children have their own characteristics. Before puberty, most often rashes differ little in color from the skin. They are usually flesh-colored, but may be slightly pink. There are almost no other symptoms, sometimes the child may complain of burning of the affected areas of the skin.
The rash can be single or form clusters in the form of spots. Not only the area near the mouth can be affected, but also near the ears, eyes, skin on the head, on the hands, in the genital area.
With the onset of puberty, the manifestations of the disease practically do not differ from those in an adult.
Diagnosis of disease
Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis, it is important to differentiate the disease from other similar pathologies. To recognize dermatitis appoint:
- Examination of a patient by a dermatologist.
- Skin examination using dermatoscopy. The doctor examines the pathological areas with a device that gives a 10-fold increase.
- The microflora is sown from the affected areas of the skin.
- A blood test may show a slight increase in ESR, which is due to the presence of a focus of inflammation or infection in the body.
After uthe doctor has no doubts about the presence of perioral dermatitis, treatment is prescribed.
Main areas of treatment
Any skin pathology requires an integrated approach, it will not be possible to get rid of the disease using only external means. A treatment regimen for perioral dermatitis might look like this:
Medication taking. Only a doctor prescribes them. The main remedy for perioral dermatitis is Metronidazole. If the pathology proceeds without complications, then the patient is prescribed 500 mg per day for 3-6 weeks. In severe cases, treatment begins with taking 1 gram of the drug for at least 3 weeks, and then, when a therapeutic effect is obtained, the dosage is reduced to 500 mg and taken for another 1-1.5 months

- If you are allergic to "Metronidazole", then the drug can be replaced by "Ornidazole". It can be taken in shorter courses.
- Severe forms of dermatitis have to be treated with drugs from the tetracycline group: Unidox, Solutab. If a woman is in position, then "Tetracycline" is forbidden to use. It can be replaced with "Erythromycin".
- Long-term antibacterial treatment negatively affects the intestinal microflora, so it is advisable to take probiotics at the same time.
In addition to drugs for internal use, external agents must be prescribed, among them the following ointments are effective for perioral dermatitis:
- Ointment "Doxycycline". Destroysmany pathogenic microorganisms. Apply to affected areas 2 times a day.
- 1% metronidazole cream. Apply to affected skin twice a day in a thin layer for 2 months.
- Metrogyl gel. Medication based on metronidazole. It is well tolerated, quickly absorbed, a good therapeutic effect is observed. But it is not recommended for women in position, as well as for kidney failure.
- Pimecrolimus ointment is an immunosuppressant and is often prescribed if the disease was provoked by corticosteroids. The tool removes inflammation well.
If the patient has intolerance to metronidazole, then use a cream or ointment with azelaic acid. The preparations must be applied to the skin twice a day. Among the external products containing this acid, one can name: "Skinoren", "Aziks Derm", "Azogel".

If during the treatment of the patient's disease, dry skin and irritation began to bother, the doctor prescribes the Skin-cap cream. It softens the skin well, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. In the presence of purulent rashes, retinoic ointment will help, its components contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin. You can use Bepanten.
The answer to the question of how long perioral dermatitis is treated depends on the severity of the pathology. But usually it takes at least 3-6 weeks.
Other treatments
Often, doctors prescribe laser therapy or pulsed light to a patient, but the confirmations are 100%procedures are not effective. Prescription is based on the therapeutic effect of such treatments for rosacea.
Folk treatment of dermatitis
Therapy of skin diseases can be supplemented with the use of folk remedies. To reduce symptoms on the skin, traditional healers recommend using the following remedies:
Compresses with linseed oil. To do this, mix flax oil and honey in equal proportions and heat in a water bath. Then add onion juice. In the resulting composition, moisten a napkin and apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Repeat 2-3 times a day

- Make a puree of raw pumpkin pulp and apply it on the skin.
- Prepare a decoction of the string: pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Moisten a tissue and wipe the affected areas.
- It is useful to wash with decoctions of birch buds, oak bark or diluted aloe juice, and then leave the skin to dry naturally.
- Beekeeping products will help to cope with the manifestations of the disease. They have bactericidal properties. You can prepare an ointment from propolis: combine 1 part of the product with 4 parts of any oil and heat until dissolved in a water bath. Use to lubricate diseased areas. But keep in mind that there is a possibility of developing an allergy, so initially try the product on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
Before using folk remedies, it is better to consult a doctor.
Diet during disease therapy
Importantwith perioral dermatitis diet. It is important to remove from the diet all foods that can become potential provocateurs of the disease. Will have to exclude:
- Milk.
- Sweets.
- Limit fried and fatty foods.
- Don't eat exotic fruits.
- Reduce s alt intake.
- Reduce the amount of fish in the diet.
- Restrict consumption of caviar and mushrooms.
- Keep hydrated and drink enough fluids.
No need to starve yourself, nutrition should be balanced in terms of vitamins and minerals. It is better to prefer homemade dishes with a high content of fiber.
Disease prevention
If there is a predisposition to skin diseases, then special attention should be paid to preventive measures. Among them are the following:
- Timely treat any infectious diseases in the body, prevent them from becoming chronic.
- Do not use skin care ointments and creams containing corticosteroids without a doctor's prescription.
- Use only proven and safe skin care products.
- Buy quality cosmetics.
- Don't use fluoride toothpaste all the time.
- Adjust the diet and stick to the principle of he althy eating.
- Keep personal hygiene.
Perioral dermatitis is not a dangerous pathology for he alth, but it causes a lot of trouble for patients. Don't overdo your skin careexpose it to excessive exposure to cold and wind, then you will not have to look for means to combat the disease. If the diagnosis has already been made, then follow all the recommendations of a specialist. Self-medication with dubious means will only aggravate the situation.