Amblyopia, or McKusick-Kaufman syndrome, is a persistent decrease in vision. This is not associated with organic disorders of the analyzer and is not amenable to optical correction. In this article, we will consider the disease in more detail.

Kaufman syndrome symptoms
The course of this syndrome may be asymptomatic, or it may be impossible to steadily fix the gaze. The perception of color is also disturbed, there are problems with orientation in space. In general, visual acuity is reduced. Diagnosis of the disease includes the establishment of visual acuity and color perception. Doctors also examine the fundus, conduct tonometry, and so on. Treatment of the syndrome is aimed at eliminating the causes that cause its development. In this case, surgical or conservative treatment is possible. More details about the options for diagnosing Kaufman syndrome, as well as treatment methods, will be discussed below.
More about the disease
This pathology is also called the syndrome of "dumb", or in other words, "lazy" eye, which is characterized by inactivity, as well as a lack of participation in the process of vision. In ophthalmology, thisthe disease is considered as one of the main causes of unilateral deterioration of human vision.
Kaufmann's syndrome is caused by intrauterine and subsequent developmental and growth retardation.
Worldwide, this pathology affects about two percent of the population. The disease is an illness mainly of childhood. It is for this reason that such an important aspect receives the need for its early detection and correction.

Syndrome Diagnosis
To detect Kauffman's syndrome, an ophthalmological examination of the patient is required. As part of the initial eye examination, the ophthalmologist turns his attention primarily to the eyelids, and, in addition, to the palpebral fissure. In addition, one should also take into account the position of the eyeball and determine the reaction of the pupils to light. A general picture of the state of vision can be obtained through ophthalmological tests:
- The sharpness is checked without correction, as well as against its background.
- Color testing in progress.
- Perimetry in progress, which is a refraction test.
Depending on the overall decrease in visual acuity in a patient, the degree of severity of Kaufman's syndrome is determined. Diagnosis should be timely.
To examine the structures of the eye, ophthalmoscopy and biomicroscopy are performed, in addition, the study of the bottom of the visual organ using a Goldman lens. In order to establish the transparency of refractive media, which are the lens and the vitreous, useexamination of the eyes in transmitted light. Against the background of the opacity of the media, their condition requires examination with an ultrasound examination of the eye.

Among the biometric options for research, the most important role is played by the establishment of the angle of strabismus according to Hirshberg along with the measurement of this indicator on the synaptophore. In order to exclude the refractive, as well as anisometropic type of amblyopia, such refraction studies are prescribed, such as skiascopy and refractometry. As part of a comprehensive examination of patients suffering from this disease, tonometry or electroretinography can be included. If necessary, with Kauffman's syndrome, you should consult a neurologist.
Techniques and treatment options
Only early, individually selected, in addition, persistent treatment of the syndrome can give positive results. Correction is best done before the age of six to seven years. In children who are older than eleven to twelve years, Kaufman's syndrome is practically not treatable.
The success of ophthalmic correction of pathology is directly related to the elimination of its causes. So, with the obscurative type of amblyopia, the following treatment methods are required:
- Cataract removal.
- Surgery to correct ptosis.
- Performing absorbable treatment.
- Performing vitrectomy for hemophthalmos.

Surgical correction
In situationsdysbinocular type of amblyopia, surgical correction of strabismus is performed. Therapy of the refractive or anisometropic form of the disease is carried out by conservative methods. At the very beginning, as a rule, an optimal vision correction is prescribed. At the same time, a careful selection of glasses and lenses is made. Against the background of anisometropia, laser correction is performed.
About three weeks later, pleoptic treatment begins, which aims to eliminate the dominant role of the better seeing visual organ. It is also important to activate the function of the amblyopic eye. For the treatment of Kaufman's syndrome, active, in addition, passive pleoptics are used.
Passive involves sealing and occlusion of the leading eye. The active type, in turn, combines the occlusion of the leading visual organ with the performance of retinal stimulation of the defective eye. Stimulation is produced by light as well as electrical impulses. Special computer programs are also used.
Hardware methods
Among the hardware techniques, the most common treatment for this disease is training on the Amblyocore, as well as the following treatment methods:

- Performing laser stimulation.
- Implementation of light-color stimulation and electrical stimulation.
- Performing electromagnetic stimulation.
- Vibration stimulation along with reflex stimulation.
- Different types of computer stimulation.
Pleoptic courses need to be repeated three to four times a year. In childrenyounger children, who are not more than four years old, are treated with the help of penalization, which is a targeted deterioration in the vision of the dominant organ due to the appointment of hypercorrection. Atropine solution may also be prescribed. In this situation, the visual acuity of the leading eye is significantly reduced, which automatically causes the activation of the underdeveloped organ. With this syndrome, physiotherapy methods are especially effective. Therefore, treatment options such as reflexology are especially suitable, along with vibration massages and drug electrophoresis.

Vision restoration
After the pleoptic stage of therapy, as a rule, they proceed to the restoration of binocular vision. For this, orthodontic treatment is used. It is advisable to perform this stage when the same visual acuity is achieved in both eyes. In this case, the age of the child should not be less than four years. Usually, for these purposes, an apparatus is used - a synoptophore, through the eyepieces of which the patient manages to see separate parts of the whole picture, they need to be visually combined into one image.
Kaufman's syndrome is treated until approximately the same degree of sharpness appears in both visual organs. Patients can also be prescribed sedatives, and psychotherapy will not be superfluous.