Health 2024, October

How to liquefy snot in adults and children: the best remedies and preparations

How to liquefy snot in adults and children: the best remedies and preparations

If you start a cold or use inappropriate medications to combat it, the snot can become thicker, as a result of which they will come out much worse. If at the same time the child or adult has poor immunity, then the formations can acquire an even more viscous consistency. How to thin the snot in this case?

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis

Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis is an infectious disease caused by various pathogens, most often streptococci and staphylococci. A distinctive feature of the pathology is purulent-necrotic lesions of bone tissues, including the periosteum and medulla. Late treatment of chronic osteomyelitis does not always bring a positive result - often the disease leads to disability

Why does acne itch on the face: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Why does acne itch on the face: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, prevention

Why do pimples itch on my face? Usually itching is always associated with allergies. However, this is just one of the possible causes of skin irritation. Itching may be a sign of skin infection or a symptom of another pathology. It is impossible to self-diagnose, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. Usually, after the cause is eliminated, acne gradually disappears and the itching stops

Leukemia - is it scary? Signs of the disease and causes

Leukemia - is it scary? Signs of the disease and causes

The diagnosis of leukemia sounds frightening. Doctors learned to overcome this disease at the end of the 20th century. Despite the unclear causes of leukemia, the detection of the disease is not difficult

Chronic myeloid leukemia: symptoms of the development of the disease

Chronic myeloid leukemia: symptoms of the development of the disease

Chronic myelogenous leukemia is a serious disease in which certain cells in the human bone marrow degenerate and become malignant. At the same time, a huge amount of pathologically altered granulocytes is produced in the blood. This dangerous disease can affect people of absolutely any age. But according to official statistics, the disease is rarely recorded in children under 10 years old

What does tracheal cancer look like? Symptoms, treatment of tracheal cancer

What does tracheal cancer look like? Symptoms, treatment of tracheal cancer

The structure of the trachea. Varieties of tumors, provoking factors of their appearance. Symptoms and stages of cancer. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of tracheal cancer

Radiation sickness: signs, symptoms and consequences

Radiation sickness: signs, symptoms and consequences

Each disease is dangerous and insidious in its own way. Unpleasant symptoms, along with poor he alth, make us think that the disease has already begun. Such a phenomenon as radiation sickness is a prominent representative of such ailments. Many have heard about the existence of radiation pathologies and the severity of such consequences for humans

Where do rabid dogs come from and what do they look like?

Where do rabid dogs come from and what do they look like?

Rabies is a terrible and deadly disease caused by a virus. If a dog is showing signs of rabies, it is likely that it has been bitten by another carrier. The virus is usually localized in saliva, so a light touch is enough to transmit it

How and how to treat a cat bite

How and how to treat a cat bite

Why can a cat bite? Features and consequences of cat bites. How to properly treat a wound? Complications that may occur after a bite

Salicylic lotion - an effective remedy for acne and comedones

Salicylic lotion - an effective remedy for acne and comedones

Salicylic lotion is an inexpensive and simple acne treatment that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and exfoliating effect. It is able to effectively eliminate the effects of acne, get rid of clogged pores and red bumps. In addition, salicylic lotion is ideal for those who suffer from pigmentation and increased sebum secretion

Diarrhea: treatment with folk remedies

Diarrhea: treatment with folk remedies

Diarrhea is an intestinal disease associated with an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. That is why, with the diagnosis of "diarrhea", the treatment consists in taking drugs that help restore this balance

How to treat constipation in infants?

How to treat constipation in infants?

New parents face various problems that arise during the growth of a newborn. One such situation is constipation in infants. Why does it occur and how should parents react to it?

How to treat nail fungus at home?

How to treat nail fungus at home?

Nail fungus is a very common dermatological disease. As a rule, tissue damage by infection does not pose a particular he alth hazard. However, the spread of the fungus causes considerable discomfort. The vital activity of pathogenic organisms leads to tissue poisoning with toxic toxins. Such substances are carried throughout the body by blood, which negatively affects metabolic processes and is fraught with consequences in the form of the development of other infectious diseases

High hemoglobin: causes and treatment

High hemoglobin: causes and treatment

Many patients know that a decrease in hemoglobin (anemia) leads to serious he alth problems. At the same time, a person feels weakness, lethargy, dizziness. However, high hemoglobin is also a he alth hazard. This disorder is much less common than anemia. In medicine, an excessive increase in hemoglobin is called hyperhemoglobinemia. It occurs when, due to certain pathologies, the body experiences a lack of oxygen

Crusts in the nose: causes and features of treatment

Crusts in the nose: causes and features of treatment

The nose is an organ that performs many important functions. It is responsible for the recognition of odors, prevents the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, and also heats the air to a comfortable temperature. Unfortunately, its mucous membrane is a very vulnerable structure. Nose crusts are a problem that adults and children face. Where do they come from and how to get rid of them? The answers to these questions are offered in the article

Hepatitis C symptoms. How to protect yourself and your family from hepatitis

Hepatitis C symptoms. How to protect yourself and your family from hepatitis

The main cause of hepatitis C virus transmission is drug addiction. People who use drugs and use the same syringe are at risk for contracting hepatitis C

Pestilence - what is it?

Pestilence - what is it?

For a long time people have known about pestilence. What it is was described in all medieval publications devoted to medicine. However, nowadays such a phrase is found less and less, except perhaps in remote parts of the country. Most people know this disease as the plague. So what is it?

Prevention of tuberculosis: basic methods, tips, recommendations

Prevention of tuberculosis: basic methods, tips, recommendations

Most often, tuberculosis affects the bronchopulmonary system of a person, but there is tuberculosis of the skin, bones, nervous system, and even the whole organism. In the place of the body of a sick person where the mycobacterium settled, foci of inflammation are formed, which are small tubercles

Hypoacid gastritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Hypoacid gastritis: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Everyone knows about the existence of such a disease as gastritis. But few people know that there are several types of it. Consider a form such as hypoacid gastritis: the symptoms of the disease, methods of treatment and preventive measures will be discussed in detail further

Fungus on the feet: symptoms, treatment

Fungus on the feet: symptoms, treatment

According to statistics, every tenth inhabitant of our planet suffers from foot fungus or, as it is also called, epidermophytosis

Treatment of the fungus on the hands: step by step instructions

Treatment of the fungus on the hands: step by step instructions

Fungus on the hands is a very common problem today. And people of all ages face it. Men most often suffer from dermatophytes, and women most often suffer from lesions of the skin integument with yeast-like candida fungi

Fungal infection: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fungal infection: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Fungi are microorganisms that cause quite serious diseases. In nature, there are more than 50 thousand species. 200 of them are capable of harming a person

Severe coughs: types and causes

Severe coughs: types and causes

Cough is a complex reflex process, during which there is a frequent and sharp contraction of the muscle tissue of the respiratory tract, as well as a strong and jerky release of air from the pulmonary arteries. This phenomenon is formed due to irritation of sensitive receptors located in the larynx, trachea, pleura and large bronchi

Melanocytic nevus, papillomatous nevus (photo). Borderline melanocytic nevus is

Melanocytic nevus, papillomatous nevus (photo). Borderline melanocytic nevus is

Melanocytic nevus, or mole, is on the skin of every person. Basically, they are benign formations and do not pose a danger, but sometimes they can degenerate into malignant melanomas

Silicosis of the lung: causes, symptoms, treatment

Silicosis of the lung: causes, symptoms, treatment

Silicosis of the lungs is a disease that occurs as a result of professional activity. It is usually found in people in the metallurgical, porcelain-faience, machine-building, mining industries. The disease occurs when a worker breathes air containing dust for a long time

Remission - is it a temporary lull in illness or healing?

Remission - is it a temporary lull in illness or healing?

Remission of a disease is a medical concept that implies a reduction or disappearance of signs of an existing disease. The presence of such a condition is characteristic of peptic ulcer, various types of allergies, psoriasis, tuberculosis, mental disorders, cancer, etc

Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment

Paronychia is Inflammation of the periungual fold: causes and treatment

Paronychia is an inflammation of the nail fold of the finger. The main cause of this disease is a manicure, which was performed with non-sterile instruments. Less commonly, paronychia can be caused by a scratch or a prick. It is worth noting that the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity suffer from this defect five times more often than the stronger sex

Hydrogen peroxide: treatment of nail fungus. Will hydrogen peroxide help with nail fungus?

Hydrogen peroxide: treatment of nail fungus. Will hydrogen peroxide help with nail fungus?

One of the universal remedies is hydrogen peroxide. Treatment of nail fungus is quite successfully carried out with the help of this remedy. True, it can sometimes take several months to get rid of problems

Diseases of the nails on the hands and feet: a photo with a description, treatment

Diseases of the nails on the hands and feet: a photo with a description, treatment

There is a huge variety of nail diseases. All of them are divided into two large groups - fungal and non-fungal. As a rule, the disease leads to deformation of the nail plate, a change in its color, shape, size. Such a problem brings discomfort, makes you feel insecure

Laser fungus treatment: description and principle of the procedure, contraindications, reviews

Laser fungus treatment: description and principle of the procedure, contraindications, reviews

Laser treatment of nail fungus is a relatively new method, the effectiveness of which has already been proven. Tangible results can be achieved even in the treatment of severe cases. One of the advantages of laser fungus treatment is the absence of side effects. The same cannot be said for other methods. For example, with drug therapy, taking various drugs can cause damage to the liver

Poor nose breathing: causes, symptoms, signs of possible diseases, doctor's advice and necessary treatment

Poor nose breathing: causes, symptoms, signs of possible diseases, doctor's advice and necessary treatment

Bad nose breathing? Many people face this problem. If the nose is stuffy, but there is no runny nose, there are no manifestations of the disease and this condition lasts for several days, then the help of a physician is required. This situation has a negative impact on the functioning of vital organs and systems, provokes the development of infectious and inflammatory diseases

Transverse colon: its structure and types of disease

Transverse colon: its structure and types of disease

The transverse colon is part of the digestive tract. Its length can be more than 50 cm. This section of the intestine is subject to various pathological conditions. As a result, the absorption of water and vitamins is disturbed, pain syndrome is noted

Fractures of the zygomatic bone with displacement

Fractures of the zygomatic bone with displacement

Fracture of the zygomatic bone and arch occurs in 20% of cases of damage to the facial bones. The cause may be a blow, a fall, a car accident, an injury received at work or during a sports activity

Lymph node: inflammation, its causes and treatment

Lymph node: inflammation, its causes and treatment

Swollen lymph nodes can be extremely uncomfortable. Why do they swell and how to deal with such a condition?

Fainting: causes and first aid

Fainting: causes and first aid

Fasco is not a disease. It is expressed in a short-term loss of consciousness. This condition is caused by an acute decrease in cerebral blood supply, accompanied by a violation of cardiovascular activity. Its scientific name is syncope

Liquorodynamic disorders of the brain: signs, treatment

Liquorodynamic disorders of the brain: signs, treatment

Liquorodynamic disturbances in the brain can lead to serious complications. It is necessary to detect pathology as early as possible and start therapy

Melanoma treatment: basic methods

Melanoma treatment: basic methods

The article describes what melanoma is and how this malignant disease is treated

Types of ulcers, what they look like, symptoms, causes, treatments

Types of ulcers, what they look like, symptoms, causes, treatments

In the article, we will consider what an ulcer of the skin and mucous membranes looks like, which develops in different organs. The presented photos will help to recognize the onset of the disease in order to begin treatment procedures as soon as possible. You will learn the causes of their occurrence on the integument of the body, the main symptoms by which they can be recognized, how ulcers are treated

Why do moles appear? Do you need to fight them?

Why do moles appear? Do you need to fight them?

Moles, they are nevi, every person has. They can "settle" both on the face and on any other part of the body. Nevi are large and small, brown and red (and some other colors), flat and hanging, with and without a hair growing from them. I wonder why moles appear? Are they safe for human he alth? Is it worth getting rid of them? Let's try to find answers to all these questions

Vitiligo disease: causes, symptoms and treatments

Vitiligo disease: causes, symptoms and treatments

Vitiligo disease is a relatively common pathology. According to the latest data, about 40 million people suffer from this disease, and in the past few years, cases of the disease have increased significantly. The disease is associated with the destruction of cells - melanocytes and the formation of discolored areas on the skin that do not contain the dark pigment melanin