Cramp - what is it? It is a muscle contraction that occurs involuntarily and is paroxysmal in nature. Seizures may appear suddenly and usually do not last long. After a certain period, a repetition of the state is possible. Muscle contractions are accompanied by sharp pain.
Pain sensations are most often observed in the muscles of the calves, sometimes in the hips, abdomen and cover both one muscle and several. Cramping - what is it and why can it occur?

Physical overexertion
One of the factors provoking a convulsive state may be slow blood flow in the muscles, which occurs due to physical exertion or overwork. In the process of tension, metabolic products accumulate, causing spasms.
A properly distributed load can alleviate the condition and reduce the intensity of convulsive contractions. That is, physical activity should be moderate and regular.
Influence of external factors
Why are seizures so common? They result from the impactexternal factors, from a sharp unexpected sound to regular uncontrolled drinking. Convulsive contractions are also observed with fatigue of a certain muscle group. This problem often occurs in people who have to work standing up. Work involving repetition of the same movements for a long time can also cause seizures.
In some cases, it causes muscle cramps in the presence of nervous disorders.
When this disease occurs in athletes, we can talk about an insufficient amount of s alt, the loss of which occurs due to increased sweating during exercise.

Baby cramps
Cramp - what is it and can it disturb children? Yes, and this may indicate that the nerve fibers and the brain are not sufficiently formed. Provocateurs can be the wrong lifestyle of a pregnant woman, difficult childbirth or violations of the postpartum period. During pregnancy, toxicosis, medication, and the presence of infectious diseases negatively affect the he alth of the baby.
Seizures in the elderly
A disease such as a cramp is very unpleasant. What is convulsive muscle contraction, you do not need to tell the elderly, as they often have to deal with them due to a decrease in muscle mass. Basically, this is a period of forty years. Over time, with a sedentary lifestyle, muscle mass disappears faster. Aging causes shortening of the tendons, leading to cramps.
Exitthe situation will be regular exercise and a balanced diet that would help build muscle mass.
Metabolic disorders. When metabolism slows down, changes in blood vessels and blood viscosity occur, as well as muscle fatigue, which leads to seizures.
About febrile convulsions. Due to an increase in body temperature to +39° C and +40° C, which occur during infectious diseases, febrile convulsions are observed caused by poisoning of the body by harmful bacteria.
About affective-respiratory convulsions. The cause of such muscle contractions is stress. There is an increase in breathing, the level of carbon dioxide decreases, and muscle contractions occur.

Cramps the legs and with clubfoot. The heel tilted inside the foot, over time, provokes the curvature of the ankle joint. After some time, the legs get tired, uncomfortable sensations arise. As time passes, blood circulation in the limbs deteriorates, and cramps occur.
Convulsions in diseases
If a person is sick with polyneuritis, at night there are usually cramps in the muscles of the legs, goosebumps, accompanied by numbness of the limb.
Also, the appearance of discomfort is accompanied by varicose veins, in which the blood can stagnate. It is advisable to wear compression stockings and tights. A phlebologist will help you choose the right product.
Sedentary lifestyle and constant constipation provoke dilated veins in the straight linegut. The situation arises against the background of a lack of a number of vitamins. Particular attention should be paid to magnesium, vitamins P, C and K.

Night cramps
Night cramps are most prone to people over the age of thirty.
Causes of cramps at night:
- Physical activity, accompanied by overstrain of a certain muscle group.
- The appearance of that problem is primarily due to stress and poor circulation.
- Sitting in one place is just as bad as standing all the time. Especially if the person has a habit of crossing their legs, putting pressure on the veins, disrupting blood flow.
- Specialists in this field say that a dehydrated body is more likely to suffer from night cramps. A visit to the bath or sauna, intense training or summer heat can become provocateurs. Therefore, it is important to monitor the water balance and drink enough water.
- The presence of a number of different diseases in the body also provokes night cramps. This category includes Parkinson's disease, diabetes and others.
- Impaired thyroid function.
- Night cramps may occur while taking certain medications that lower blood pressure or are needed for heart disease. Often, diuretic drugs are also their cause, since in the process of treatment the body loses a number of trace elements necessary for muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses.
- During the course of pregnancy, there are oftennocturnal convulsive contractions caused by stress on the limbs and a lack of calcium.
If convulsions occur regularly at night, you should seek the advice of a specialist. He will be able to adequately assess the situation and prescribe treatment.

Cramps in arms and legs
Sometimes a person may experience contractions of the muscles of only the arms and legs. There are a number of reasons for this, which you need to familiarize yourself with and take measures to eliminate them.
The most common cause of cramps in women is high heels or tight shoes. If you experience discomfort, you should immediately change your shoes. The optimal heel height is no more than 5 cm.
If a person suffers from flat feet, cramps will be a frequent companion. Therefore, you should contact an orthopedist who will prescribe special shoes and massage.
Sometimes cramps in the arms and legs can occur during sleep. You can just change your position, because often an uncomfortable position is a provocateur.
Convulsions can be caused by coffee and smoking. Frequent use of this drink leaches valuable calcium from the body.

The influence of the profession on the appearance of cramps in the hands
Convulsions are a fairly common disease. It can affect people in certain professions. Hand cramps are most susceptible to people whose professional activities are related to the computer. The brushes are constantly at the same level for a long period of time.
To deal with cramps,you can do gymnastics, which consists in moving your fingers, as well as clenching and unclenching fists.
Massage is also an integral part of the fight against involuntary muscle contractions. Often a cramp occurs in one limb. Therefore, with a free hand, you can massage painful areas.

How to deal with cramps in arms and legs
In case of sudden convulsions, the diseased area can be pinched and rubbed intensively. If pain occurs in the foot, it is important to gently pull it back.
If the problem occurs regularly, a warming ointment can be applied at night, which will positively affect the condition of the joints.
When cramps appear at night, it is worth doing baths in cool water before going to bed, and then feasible exercises that increase blood circulation.
After you managed to cope with the pain, you need to put a roller under your leg and lie down in this state for a while. Thus, the blood flow will improve, which means that the threat of a second spasm will pass.
Prevention of seizures
Incorrectly formulated diet and junk food, absorbed day after day, also contribute to the occurrence of seizures. The content of essential trace elements in the blood decreases, over time there is a deficiency (in particular magnesium). With a lack of magnesium, severe hair loss, forgetfulness, constant irritability and gastrointestinal disturbances can occur.
Every day it is important to include foods containing calcium, magnesium and potassium in the menu. Market cottage cheese, milk, greens (fresh), bananas can be considered suitable.
Oddly enough, but the lack of proper sleep can also lead to the appearance of convulsive muscle contractions. Normalization of sleep contributes to the restoration of he alth, cramps cease to bother.
Hypothermia is also negatively reflected in a person's condition and can provoke a convulsive state. Therefore, in the cold season it is better to wear warm mittens.
When taking a bath, you should add a small amount of sea s alt to it in advance, which helps to strengthen the skeletal system and improve the body as a whole.