Polio is a viral disease that affects the brain and spinal cord, causing paralysis. Its complications are very serious and unpleasant - among them are muscle atrophy, lung atelectasis, perforation, curvature of the arms and legs, ulcers, myocarditis and others. Poliomyelitis is transmitted both by contact with the patient (airborne infection), and by using his things. Most common in children under the age of ten.

Unfortunately, today there is no effective treatment for this disease, and therefore it is better not to risk the he alth of the child and resort to vaccination. Provided that it is carried out correctly, it almost completely eliminates the possibility of infection. Another thing is that the consequences of polio vaccination can be as dangerous as the disease itself. So what do you do to keep your baby safe?
What vaccinations are given to children?
There are two types of vaccine against this disease. Solution forinjection contains an inactivated (dead pathogen), it is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. This vaccine is very effective, immunity is formed in at least 90% of cases. Relatively safe.
The second type of vaccine is oral. It is a drop from poliomyelitis containing a live, albeit weakened pathogen. It is instilled into the child's mouth, and he develops local immunity in the intestines. It is less effective and has a higher risk of side effects.
From the above information, it should be concluded that in order for the consequences of polio vaccination not to ruin a child's life, his parents should not show pity, protecting the baby from injections. The inactivated vaccine, injected into muscle tissue or subcutaneously, is more effective and safer.

The effects of the polio vaccine: allergies
This is one of the most common body reactions to a vaccine. Its manifestations can be different, and therefore, immediately after vaccination, it is better not to leave the clinic, but to remain under the supervision of a doctor for at least half an hour. And, of course, upon arrival home, it is unacceptable to leave the baby alone - you need to constantly monitor his condition.
The effects of the polio vaccine: convulsions and paralysis
In the first days after vaccination, convulsions may develop against the background of high temperature or its absence. In the first case, the problem arises due to the underdevelopment of the child's brain, in the second - due to an unidentified lesion of the nervous system. To avoid suchtrouble, no need to rush to vaccinate - it is better if the child is older, and a thorough examination by a good doctor is necessary.

One of the rarest, but at the same time the most dangerous consequences of taking drops is vaccine-associated poliomyelitis, the main manifestation of which is paralysis. The risk group includes unvaccinated children who have been in contact with a vaccinated child. Thus, if there are several children living in the house, at least one of whom cannot be vaccinated, it is unacceptable to use drops with a live pathogen for all the others.
Better play it safe
Similar effects of the polio vaccine never occur with an inactivated vaccine. We must not forget about this - it is better for a child to endure several injections than after being treated for many months.