Acne is perhaps the most unpleasant thing that can happen to a person. After all, they always appear at the wrong time and in the wrong place. And we, because of our impatience and haste, are in a hurry to get rid of them as soon as possible and quite often exacerbate the situation even more. Probably, everyone had such that a pimple appeared on the forehead or on the nose, and at the most inopportune moment. And what are the actions of man? Squeeze it out immediately. But instead of the desired clear skin, we get inflammation. In the article, we will study the main types of acne and how to deal with them without consequences.
How does acne appear on the body or face?
Literally under every pore that is on human skin, there are sebaceous glands. They moisturize our skin and also provide it with protection from various external irritants. But sometimes it happens that the production of sebum increases greatly, and as a result of this, the poresclogged. The pore may be completely clogged or not. In the first case, we can observe the usual pimple on our skin. Since bacteria find themselves in the so-called closed space, where their active reproduction takes place. Because of this, an inflammatory process begins, which initially manifests itself in the form of redness, and later pus forms there. Here is the pimple. And in the second case, the air still penetrates the pore, and blackheads or black dots appear in this place.
Most often, acne occurs in those places where the largest human sebaceous glands are located. This is:
- Different areas of the face.
- Chest.
- shoulders.
- Neck.
- Upper back.
Now there are even several classifications of acne types, which we will discuss in more detail later.

Two types of acne
For starters, all our acne can be divided into just two groups:
- Inflammatory. It is difficult not to notice them, since a red purulent pimple immediately catches the eye. If touched or pressed, the person will feel pain or discomfort.
- No inflammatory process. These pimples are quite difficult to notice, since they almost completely match the color of the skin and look like small bumps. But you need to be more careful with them, because you can bring an infection that will quickly begin to develop, and the inflammatory process will begin with all possible consequences. Such acne is also called comedones, and they have their ownclassification.
Non-inflammatory acne
Comedones can occur due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are clogged with ducts. This is due to excessive secretion of sebum or due to the presence of dead epithelial cells. So comedones:
- Open - have the appearance of a regular dot of brown or black. They can occur in cases where the blockage of the pore occurs on the upper side, i.e. closer to the surface of the skin. This is not a very large pimple, from one to two millimeters. Its formation begins with the fact that a transparent mass appears under the skin, which darkens over time and eventually becomes completely black. No special action is required to deal with them. The main thing is to monitor the pimple so that the infection does not get into it, otherwise the inflammatory process will begin. And squeezing black pimples or other attempts to get rid of them can lead to infection.
- Closed are small bumps on the skin that are white in color. In this case, there is a blockage of the lower part of the pore. Closed comedones are slightly larger and can be up to three millimeters in diameter. Sometimes it is simply impossible to notice them, and you can only detect them by feeling. They are "based" exclusively on the face and bring practically no discomfort to a person. It would seem, what harmless acne, but it is not. Because closed comedones are often combined with nearby inflammatory acne. Together they create a whole subcutaneous cavity, which over time is completely filled with pus. Better notmake attempts to get rid of such a pimple on your own, since there is a high risk of infection. It is better to spare no time and money and turn to a professional beautician.

Inflammatory acne
The following classification of acne in adults and adolescents also requires special attention. This includes those within which an inflammatory process occurs:
- Papules - they appear from the fact that an infection gets into the comedones. These are pink or red balls that are devoid of a white head. They can be small, only one millimeter, and can reach the size of one centimeter. If the papule is the result of an open comedone, then inside it it will be possible to see the black center. Usually these pimples go away without any consequences and do not leave scars. A dark spot may remain on the skin for only a short time.
- Pustules - these pimples are purulent. In size, they are the same as papules, but inside they contain pus, and there is also a white head. Around such a pimple, the skin becomes very inflamed and reddens. Pustules are most often the result of papules, but they can also form by themselves. It is necessary to control the color of such inflammation. Since in the event that it begins to differ from white, this is a signal of the presence of a secondary infection. And this is a serious reason to consult a dermatologist. They are dangerous because if you start treating yourself or, even worse, squeeze out such a pimple, there is a risk of infection getting right intoblood.
- Nodes are also papules, but much deeper and larger in diameter. They can be bright red and even purple. When touched, they hurt and after recovery they leave marks in the form of age spots.
- Cysts are pus that is found under the skin. If several of these pimples are located close to each other, then they can merge together and form a whole chain. It is quite difficult to cure them, and the traces after the disappearance cannot be avoided.

Baby acne
The norm is the appearance of white comedones on the face in newborns. This is a normal result of the baby leaving the mother's womb, changing hormonal effects. A few weeks after birth, they go away on their own and do not leave any marks on the baby's skin. However, such pimples can also occur in older children. Here is already a reason to go to see a dermatologist.

Teenage acne
Teenage acne appears on the body of boys and girls during puberty. This is due to the fact that the work of the sebaceous glands is changing, especially among the fair sex. Usually this type of acne on the body goes away on its own and leaves no marks. This occurs simultaneously with the completion of the so-called transitional age. In some cases, acne remains after twenty years. This is already a signal to go to a specialist in this field.
Adult acne
They can only bother five percentpeople who have already reached the age of twenty years. There are several types of acne on the face and body in an adult:
- Late acne. These are the same teenage acne that did not have time to disappear from the body in a timely manner. Most often they appear in the axillary sinuses and in the groin area.
- "Bodybuilder Acne". These are small balls with pus inside. They are more likely to bother athletes, and arise due to the fact that they take various hormonal drugs or steroids.
- Exogenous acne. External factors influence the appearance of these acne. For example, skin care cosmetics or washing powder was chosen incorrectly. And they can also act as a reaction to the sun's rays or to a too hot climate. Often occur during summer holidays.
- Pimples from mechanical impact. Often people have a bad habit - to rub the same place on the body, and that's where pimples can occur. They also appear in people who are forced to wear bandages or casts for a long time.

Additional classification
There are several more types of acne on the body that cannot be ignored.
Acne can occur during stress, because at this point the body releases additional hormones. Thus, you can even console yourself a little about the fact that you are a loser if you popped a pimple before prom or a date. It's just excitement that has affected your immunity and hormones.
Hormonal acne is usually known to every woman during the menstrual cycle. But they can also be the result of various disorders in the field of endocrinology. Treatment of hormonal acne is possible only if you get rid of the underlying disease that caused them.
Acne can occur not only due to contamination of the skin, but also because of its excessive cleanliness. Since antibacterial agents greatly dry it out and make it vulnerable. Therefore, you need to know the measure in everything.

Pimp on the tongue
It would seem such a trifle, but to study the nature of this neoplasm, you need to write a separate article. In short, a pimple on the tongue is not a pimple. It's just a sore, which is the result of an infection. Most often it is herpes, candidiasis or stomatitis. Depending on the origin, treatment is also prescribed. Ignore such "pimples" is not recommended. It will be better if you consult a specialist.
Acne treatment
The main rule is don't push yourself. After all, blood poisoning, the spread of acne can go, and serious scars remain, which are almost impossible to remove even with the help of modern methods. Acne treatment takes place in several stages and only under the supervision of specialists.
First of all, a full check is made of what could have influenced their appearance. Pay attention to cosmetics, household chemicals, medications that you take. After that, the face is cleaned from existing pimples. ForThis is used by various means recommended by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Also, a certain group of drugs is prescribed in order to reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat. Horny skin and other types of cleaning should be carried out only with the use of special preparations, which are now equipped with any beauty parlor.

There is a small set of rules that will help avoid relapses and the appearance of rashes on the skin:
- It is necessary to cleanse the skin in the morning and in the evening, choosing special products that are right for your skin.
- Be sure to remove your makeup before bed and don't trust your pillow.
- Don't wash your face with hot or cold water.
- It is necessary to periodically exfoliate dead skin cells. Now you can choose a scrub that will suit your skin type.
- During the summer holidays, do not neglect the means that protect the skin from the sun.
- Change bedding, towels and clothes in a timely manner.
Carrying out such a simple prevention, you can avoid the appearance of all types of acne on your face and make your life much easier.