In the article, we will consider the signs of intoxication of the body in oncology.
Cancerous intoxication is a symptom complex that develops in the human body against the background of malignant decay of tumor cells and causes dysfunction of various organs and systems. Most often, intoxication occurs in people with a malignant tumor that is at stages 3-4 of development. Its development is facilitated by products that are released during the metabolism of the neoplasm and enter the bloodstream. In some cases, intoxication phenomena can occur during antitumor chemotherapy, as well as in the fight against metastases.

Symptoms and treatment of body intoxication in oncology are interrelated.
This pathology is characterized by a sharp decrease in the functionality of the immune system and the defeat of almost all internal organs of the patient. ATAs a result, the condition of the cancer patient worsens greatly, in the absence of the necessary therapy, a fatal outcome may occur. It should be noted that therapy for oncological intoxication is exclusively symptomatic, that is, it only alleviates the manifestations, but does not affect the course of the underlying (oncological) disease.
We will tell about the signs of intoxication of the body in oncology below.
Causes for the development of pathology
Cells of a malignant neoplasm constantly need to be fed with proteins, fats, saccharides. With intensive growth of the tumor, the vessels are not able to provide its full nutrition, due to which some part of the formation cells begins to die. As a result, the lymph flow and bloodstream are filled with products resulting from the decay of the tumor.
Signs of intoxication of the body with oncology of the intestine most often occur, as well as with cancer of the blood, brain, lungs, liver, and breast. As a result of chemotherapeutic effects, poisoning of the body occurs, as cancer cells begin to die, while releasing large amounts of potassium, phosphates, and uric acid into the blood. This can lead to kidney failure and other dangerous complications. An excessive concentration of phosphates leads to a decrease in the concentration of potassium, which disrupts the functionality of the kidneys and the vascular system and the patient's heart. Poisoning, as a rule, occurs in the last stages of cancer, and therefore, such a complication often causes death.

Varieties of poisoning
According to localization, tumor intoxication is classified into several types:
- General. In this case, the toxins released by the tumor affect a variety of organs and systems that are located in different parts of the body.
- Local. Intoxication affects the organ or part of the body that is affected by the toxins.
Also, intoxication is classified by severity:
- Easy. Such intoxication is well treated, it can pass on its own a few days after the onset.
- Average. It is characterized by a long-term effect on organs and systems, often accompanied by complications.
- Heavy. It is a dangerous form of intoxication. In this case, all systems and organs are affected. The neoplasm begins to rapidly disintegrate, causing the death of the patient.
As a rule, in the last stages of the development of an oncological disease, severe general poisoning develops with damage to the whole organism.
Stages of development
At the fourth stage of oncopathology, intoxication develops as follows:
- The neoplasm begins to grow rapidly.
- The blood supply is deteriorating due to the rapid growth of the tumor.
- Some of the tumor cells begin to die due to a lack of nutrients for it.
- The metabolic products of the neoplasm begin to enter the bloodstream.
- Mechanical processes begin to break down.
- Penetrates into the renal canalsuric acid, resulting in kidney failure.
- The body develops dehydration.
- Due to impaired metabolism, the concentration of potassium increases and the content of calcium decreases, which worsens the activity of the nervous and cardiac systems.
- Severe anemia develops.
- Infection of the body occurs, sepsis develops, vital organs cease to function.
- Death ensues.
After chemotherapeutic exposure, intoxication develops somewhat differently. Aggressive anticancer drugs cause the death of the neoplasm, which leads to the release of decay products into the blood. This is the reason for the intoxication of the body. Eliminating poisoning resulting from therapeutic effects is much easier than treating intoxication that develops during the natural decay of the tumor.
Signs of body intoxication in oncology
Cancer poisoning is characterized by a variety of symptoms, but they do not differ in specificity.
Asthenia appears as:
- Strong, growing weakness.
- Fatigue that occurs even with light exertion.
- Mental disorders, such as irritability, depression, apathy, other similar disorders.

How does intoxication of the body manifest itself in oncology? It may differ in external changes:
- Loss of body weight, development of a strongexhaustion.
- Increased sweating, especially at night.
- Paleness of the skin, their blue, yellowing.
- Dry skin, mucous membranes.
The disease is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, among them:
- Constipation.
- Persistent vomiting.
- Bouts of nausea.
- Disgusted with food that used to be a favorite.
What other symptoms of intoxication of the body with oncology are there? Other signs, depending on the location of the tumor process, may be:
- Thrombosis.
- Arrhythmic phenomena.
- Iron deficiency anemia.
- Permanent infections due to severe immune suppression.
- Pain in musculoskeletal structures.
- Hyperthermia.
If there are signs of cancer poisoning, you should consult a doctor to be examined for serious pathologies, including cancer.

Diagnosis of cancer intoxication
As a rule, a person is diagnosed with cancer even before intoxication begins to develop. But in some situations, such a complication may become unexpected for the patient, since with rapidly growing and aggressive neoplasms, fatal poisoning can occur even before the neoplasm is detected. In such cases, the patient visits the doctor for the first time, having an already advanced oncopathology.
To establish a diagnosis, oncologists uselaboratory and instrumental research methods:
- Laboratory studies of blood and urine samples (general clinical, biochemical, to identify tumor markers).
- X-ray examination.
- Ultrasound.
- MRI, CT.
- Biopsy, subsequent histology of the obtained material.
Depending on where the neoplasm is located, the doctor may recommend other measures to diagnose the pathology.
How to deal with intoxication of the body in oncology?
The therapeutic effect in oncological poisoning is primarily aimed at eliminating the tumor and stopping the process of decay of the neoplasm. If possible, the patient is prescribed a surgical intervention, during which the surgeon eliminates the foci of poisoning and metastases. In cases where surgical treatment is contraindicated, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are used. Treatment of cancer intoxication is aimed primarily at removing toxic substances from the body, reducing the severity of negative manifestations after chemotherapy, and correcting metabolism.

To stop the symptoms, the following pharmacological agents are allowed:
- Psychiatric medications.
- Painkillers.
- Vitamin complexes.
- Antiemetic drugs.
- Means contributing to the normalization of activitiesintestines.
- Iron-based preparations.
- Enterosorbents.
In case of intoxication, it is recommended to adhere to a dairy-vegetarian diet.
Forced diuresis
This treatment is used to thin the blood. The patient is injected intravenously with large amounts of glucose, albumin, sodium bicarbonate. After the body is sufficiently filled with fluid, the patient is prescribed the use of diuretics. During such therapy, the specialist must monitor the functionality of the heart and lungs of the cancer patient.
Peritoneal Dialysis
Small incisions are made in the patient's abdomen, through which drains are installed in order to cleanse the body of toxins. On the first day of peritoneal dialysis, the patient is flushed with drainage using at least 20 liters of water.
To eliminate the toxic factor in cancer poisoning, the patient is prescribed large doses of adsorbents. This therapy lasts five days. In this case, dosages calculated based on 1 g / 1 kg of the patient's body weight should be used.
What else is used to treat the symptoms and signs of cancer intoxication?
Detoxification is carried out if a person is in critical condition. Detoxification therapy for cancer involves the introduction of "Reamberin" to the patient. The active substance of this medication helps to eliminate signs of poisoning and tissue hypoxia. In addition, the drug allows you to restore water-electrolytic and acidbalance.
Indirect Blood Oxidation Method
In the case when a neoplasm affects several organs in the patient's body at once, he is shown intravenous administration of sodium hypochlorite. The method of indirect blood oxidation allows you to get a good effect if the formation or its metastases have affected the liver, kidneys, pancreas.
Filtration methods, hemodialysis
This technique is used quite rarely, as it is contraindicated in the last stages of the development of oncopathology. In addition, this therapeutic method can only be used if the patient has a severely reduced bicarbonate concentration in the blood. Therapy for signs of intoxication of the body in oncology involves connecting the patient to an artificial kidney apparatus. Thus, toxins are flushed out of the body and the lack of fluid is replenished.

This therapeutic method involves filtering the patient's blood using a special device with a sorbent. The result of this effect is blood purification. The purified blood is then reintroduced into the human body by intravenous route. This technique is contraindicated in case of impaired functionality of the vascular system and the heart, multiple organ failure, severe degree of hypotension, dehydration, bleeding.
How long do they live with intoxication of the body with oncology?
Prevention and forecasts
Due to the fact that cancer intoxication, as a rule, develops in the laststages of cancer, its prognosis in almost every case is not comforting. Cancer patients often wonder how long they live with cancer intoxication. If the therapy of this complication is carried out in time, then the patient's life can be increased by several months, and sometimes even years. In no case should a person neglect the advice of a doctor and become depressed.
Be sure to be treated in a hospital, follow the recommended diet, a rational schedule of rest and work.

In order to prevent signs of intoxication of the body in oncology of the intestine, it is recommended to control the content of electrolytes in the blood plasma, monitor the functionality of the kidneys and liver, periodically donate blood samples for clotting and hemoglobin testing. In case of oncological disease, it is possible to slow down the development of cancer poisoning by good nutrition, drinking sufficient amounts of water, and timely emptying of the intestines. Such recommendations are especially important in the treatment of chemical drugs.
When intoxicated, death can be provoked by complications such as sepsis, infections, thrombosis, cardiac arrest, rapidly developing kidney failure. Early diagnosis of the causes and symptoms of cancer intoxication and adequate therapy can not only prolong, but also save the patient's life.