Dermatitis on the face, the symptoms and treatment (photo below) of which are of a heterogeneous-allergic orientation, is a common inflammatory process of the skin. The causative agents of a rash on the face can be food, pet hair, drugs, plant pollen, and so on. Itching, or pruritus, can occur on almost any part of the skin, especially on the face. The rash most commonly occurs on the lips, cheeks, and behind the ears.

Types, causes and signs
Dermatitis, prurigo prurigo or strophulus is the common name for an inflammatory process that causes itchy rashes on the face. The term is a collective name for heterogeneous allergic skin inflammation. There are several types of inflammatory skin lesions, caused by exposure to damagingfactors as a result of physical and / or biochemical damage to the skin:
- Seborrheic dermatitis caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands, developing under the influence of a chemical change in the subcutaneous fat layer. As a rule, pruritus affects the main facial areas: the bridge of the nose, nasolabial folds, eyelashes, eyebrows and chin. Often, seborrheic inflammation of the skin is noted behind the ears or in the area of the auricle. The causative agent of seborrheic dermatitis is a yeast-like fungus of the species Malassezia restricta and / or Malassezia globosa.
- Allergic contact dermatitis on the face is a sensitive reaction of the skin after interaction with an allergen, which is captured by the cells of the epidermis and forms a rash on the face. The causes of inflammation, as a rule, are the genetic predisposition of the body to a particular allergen, that is, it is inherited. Therefore, dermatitis is very often observed in children (babies), which have an allergic nature of occurrence.
- Atopic dermatitis on the face is a chronic form of allergic dermatitis, which is based on a hereditary predisposition to various allergen pathogens. The recurrent course of atopic eczema has various clinical manifestations depending on the age characteristics of a person. The disease has clear seasonal characteristics, when exacerbation or incomplete remission occurs in winter, and partial or complete disappearance of symptoms is observed in summer.

Factors of skin inflammation on the face
Treatment of dermatitis on the face (photo of inflammation above) is determined depending on the stage of the disease. So, the following forms of inflammation of the skin are distinguished:
- spicy;
- subacute;
- generalized.
Symptomatic signs of acute dermatitis
The acute stage of a skin rash is characterized by a sudden course of the disease after contact with allergens after a short period of time. As a rule, symptomatic signs and pain sensations stop after drug intervention, provided that the allergen is correctly identified. Symptomatic signs of acute dermatitis on the face:
- Severe reddening of the skin due to vasodilation.
- Skin rash forms a pronounced itch.
- Papular nodules appear filled with serous content.
- Dryness and/or peeling of the epidermis layer is noted.
Such dermatitis on the face (photo below) is not contagious, and, as a rule, after an appropriate medical response, the rash disappears without a trace.

The chronic stage of skin inflammation has more pronounced symptoms due to prolonged exposure to an allergic irritant. The appearance of pinkish or purple hyperemic spots in certain areas of the face is due to prolonged combing of the damaged areas. The inflammatory process is complicated by the possible infection. Treatment and symptoms of dermatitis on the face (photo presentedbelow) in this case are complicated and require a longer therapeutic effect. The terms of treatment are determined in the course of the treatment itself. Drug therapy involves the use of various gels and/or ointments for treatment and oral administration of pharmacological drugs. Ointment from contact dermatitis is prescribed strictly by a doctor. During procedural treatment, a specialist may prescribe several types of ointments. In the process of treatment, it is also necessary to take breaks in the use of ointments, especially in the case of children.
Heavy forms
Subacute dermatitis on the face requires special attention from medical professionals, as the rash on the skin becomes bluish, accompanied by possible allergic complications, hay fever or asthma.

The most severe form is generalized dermatitis on the face. The causes of clinical pathology lie in the neglect of the allergic condition. Patients have swelling of the skin, severe peeling and dryness of the dermis, sometimes accompanied by a coarsened thickening of the affected area. On the part of the skin, microtraumas and venous hyperemia are noted.
Oral dermatitis
This type of disease is extremely rare. The number of such patients for all cases of the disease with a group of dermatitis is 1 percent. The onset of the disease is accompanied by high sensitivity to cosmetics and ointments, which cause acne on the face. Frequent and prolonged use of corticosteroid ointments andthe use of fluoride toothpastes can lead to oral dermatitis on the face. Reviews and the composition of the cosmetics you buy must be studied before use. In some cases, oral dermatitis can occur due to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, or during a period of hormonal imbalance. Treatment of this type of disease is determined strictly by a dermatologist.
Treatment of facial dermatitis in adults and children
Before starting therapeutic actions, it is necessary to clearly define the type of causative agent of an allergic reaction, that is, to identify the allergen. This will help the diagnosis of dermatitis on the face. Based on the results of a visual examination of the patient and the data of a laboratory biochemical study, the attending dermatologist determines the severity of the condition and methods of therapeutic treatment. The most effective complex therapy, which includes:
- drug treatment with pharmacological groups of drugs;
- physiotherapeutic procedures;
- strictest hypoallergenic diet.
Drug treatment: antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids
For the treatment of skin diseases from the group of dermatitis on the face, antihistamines and glucocorticosteroids are used. Such pharmacological groups have an operational and effective effect on the clinical conditions of the skin. Among the pharmacological treatments, the following antihistamines can be distinguished:
- "Suprastin" is an effective remedy foratopic dermatitis seasonal and / or chronic form of allergic skin inflammation.
- "Claridol" is a pharmacological preparation against various conditions of allergic origin.
- "LoraGeksal" is an effective drug for various pseudo-allergic reactions, contact dermatosis, Quincke's edema and other conditions.
- "Kestin" is a pharmacological combination that blocks histamine receptors.

Attention! The dosage and course of treatment is determined by a consulting specialist dermatologist or local therapist.
Physiotherapy treatment
An effective way to cure dermatitis on the face is a physiotherapeutic effect through low-frequency laser radiation on damaged skin. Laser exposure in dermatological diseases is limited to 3-5 minutes of radiation. With daily disposable physiotherapeutic procedures, the course of treatment is designed for 10-15 sessions, with repeated laser exposure to the body after 1-3 months.
If a food allergen is identified, there is an urgent need to follow a strict diet that excludes the food that causes an allergic reaction.
The risk that causes such a clinic may be caused by certain foods, which are divided into three groups depending on the severity of their allergic effects.
The strongest stimuli contain:
- milk;
- high-fat meat;
- seafood, including fish;
- citrus;
- nuts;
- honey;
- all kinds of chocolate products;
- tomatoes;
- wheat;
- strawberries, etc.

Medium-risk allergens include:
- potato;
- pork;
- turkey meat;
- apricot, peach, currant;
- rice, corn;
- all kinds of red peppers.

The least allergic pathogen is found in products such as:
- mutton;
- apples, plums;
- zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin and squash.
This is just a short list of possible foods that cause an allergic reaction in the human body.
Important! Before formulating a dietary diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist.
Folk remedies
In addition to the traditional means and methods of treating itching with dermatitis on the face, there are folk ways to get rid of this disease. Subject to the therapeutic measures prescribed by the consulting specialist, the use of traditional medicine will be effective in the case when the allergic reaction has not acquired a chronic and / or generalized course of the disease. Consider effective ways to cure folk remedies for dermatitis on the face:
- Recipe number 1. Compress frompotatoes. Peeled medium-sized potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting healing mass is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin for 1.5-2 hours.
- Recipe number 2. St. John's wort ointment. Freshly picked grass (250 g) is mixed with 500 ml of vegetable oil and infused for 7-10 days in a dry and dark place. After straining, the home remedy is ready. St. John's wort ointment has a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, calms the nervous system, eliminates itching and burning on the affected skin.
- Recipe number 3. Nettle decoction. The crushed grass of the plant (2 tablespoons) is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 1.5-2 hours. After cooling to a comfortable temperature, the medicinal decoction is used in the form of healing, soothing itching lotions.
- Recipe number 4. Dandelion tea. For 100 g of dandelion leaves, 500 ml of boiling water is needed. A home remedy for itching on the face is brewed like regular tea, and after 5-7 minutes of infusion, it is ready for use. The healing mass is intended both for a compress on the affected areas, and in the form of a drink that will have a calming effect on the irritated receptors of the nervous system.
- Recipe number 5. Thyme ointment. Thyme acts on the affected skin as an antiseptic. A teaspoon of dried herb powder is mixed with a tablespoon of quality butter. Healing ointment smears allergic defects in various parts of the skin.
Facial dermatitis in adults and children, what's the difference?
Due to unstableof the immune system, infants and children under three often develop dermatitis in cold weather (mostly below zero). At this moment, the child has a violation of the innervation of the skin (providing organs and tissues with nerve cells), and the level of refractory fatty acids in the body also increases. The combination of all these factors leads to the appearance of contact dermatosis. The affected area falls on the cheeks, nose, ears and fingertips. Contact dermatitis in adults is based on a completely different symptomatology. This is due to the more stable immune system of an adult, unlike a child.
Precautions for children under one year old
Here's what to look out for:
- A one-year-old child should avoid contact with chlorine. Chlorinated water always flows in our pipelines, so bathing a child can result in his illness. Such water should be boiled or left for 6-8 hours in open containers so that all the chlorine evaporates. For bathing small children, it is recommended to install a filter cleaner on the faucet.
- Baby hygiene products (soaps, shampoos and gels) should be used no more than once or twice a week. The fact is that all hygiene products (regardless of the mark "Children's / Children's") contain surfactants that neutralize and sometimes destroy the protective fatty layer of the child's skin.
- Children's toys and other items that a child comes into contact with should not be washed with chlorine. In general, household chemicals should be kept away from your baby.
Alternative andadditional treatment options
In addition to various ointments, lotions and compresses, it is no less effective to use he alth masks with a high content of sea s alt. If dermatitis has affected not only the face, but also other parts of the body, then it is recommended to take therapeutic baths that will relieve skin inflammation, soothe itching and burning.

For a therapeutic effect, pine buds and / or coniferous needles are added to the water. Equally effective is the treatment of dermatitis with a weak solution of sea s alt, which has a calming effect on the inflamed body. All of these methods are also used in the prevention of contact dermatitis.