Skin cancer is most common in people with gray and blue eyes, as well as fair skin tone. This is because they burn easily and are more prone to freckles. To this list should be added those who have white, red hair. Men and women get sick equally often. Black people hardly suffer from skin cancer.

Causes of pathology
One of the common causes of cancer is various types of radiation. It can be ultraviolet or radioactive exposure. The first type appears on open areas of the skin, including on the legs. Some drugs and substances that have carcinogenic properties cause skin cancer. Injuries that contribute to the appearance of scars can be one of the causes of this disease. Sometimes it happens that skin cancer on the leg is transmitted at the genetic level. Chemicals that regularly affect the skin can cause tumors. Hormonal homeostasis, which undergoeschanges resulting from any cause, is also capable of causing cancer.
Clinical classification of skin cancer
Malignant tumors are divided into several types depending on what cells they consist of and how they manifest.
Clinical classification implies division into: superficial, infiltrative, papillary skin cancer. All three types can form on the leg.
Superficial cancer has clear signs. White nodules appear. They are flush with the skin, but sometimes protrude. Their surface is either smooth or slightly rough. After a while, the tumor begins to get wet and an ulcer appears. The surrounding skin is pink, there are signs of an inflammatory process.
How to recognize skin cancer on the leg of the infiltrative type? The very first sign is nodules with small humps. They are dense, do not affect the condition of the skin in the initial stage. This form is considered dangerous, since this type of tumor develops rapidly and metastasizes.
Papillary cancer also has humped outgrowths. They grow into internal tissues and can affect the superficial layers of the skin.

Morphological classification
There is basal cell skin cancer, which is divided into subspecies, squamous cell and melanoma.
The first type most often occurs in old age and affects the skin of the face. Distinguish between exophytic (solid nodule developing on the surface of the dermis), superficial (plaque with the most clear edges), ulcerative (has either an irregular shape, orrounded outlines), cicatricial (a flat scar located on the surface of the skin) cancer.
Squamous cell skin cancer on the leg is a nodule that has a yellow tint. Under it develops an ulcer. Most often, the inflammation is so severe that infection occurs. This causes pain.
Melanoma is considered one of the most dangerous tumors. Able to affect not only the surface of the skin, but also the inner layers.
Cancer stages
The process of tumor development is divided into 4 phases:
- If the tumor does not have a diameter of 2 cm, then the disease is still in the initial stage. As a rule, such a formation does not go into the deeper layers of the skin and does not allow metastases.
- The second phase of the disease is accompanied by the development of a tumor, the diameter of which is 4 cm. But it still does not affect the lymphatic connections. At this stage, pain and the first signs of the disease may appear.
- The third stage is already more serious. The lymphatic system begins to transmit cancer cells and they settle in the lymph nodes.
- The fourth stage is considered the most dangerous, as the tumor begins to reach the bones, penetrating into all layers of the skin. In addition, the development of oncology begins to affect even distant organs and tissues.
Signs of cancer
In the initial stages, skin cancer on the leg appears with minimal symptoms. But there are certain signs by which you can suspect the development of the problem.
Some strange seals may appear on the skin, which were not there before. Sometimes near the neoplasm appearwounds or cracks. In addition, the tumor can bring discomfort, for example, a little pain or severe itching. The mole, which has become the "base" for education, begins to change size (increase) and shape. The contours are asymmetrical. Color may change, bumps, spots, crusts or even papillomas may appear. On palpation, seals are felt that are fixed in the tissues.

To confirm the development of skin cancer on the leg, it is necessary to carry out some diagnostic measures. There are quite a few of them, the doctor himself selects the most effective method for a particular patient.
The specialist necessarily examines the tumor externally, with the help of special magnifying glasses. Measures temperature. Takes a swab. To do this, you need to attach a glass slide to the skin, which is not affected by the disease. They do this in several places. The slides are then examined under a microscope. In some cases, scraping is performed. With a wooden spatula, the skin is taken for examination in the affected areas and then examined under a microscope.
To find out the nature of the neoplasm, a biopsy is done. A needle is used with a syringe. To clarify the diagnosis and treatment, tomography, screening and other diagnostic methods are performed. What the doctor says to do depends on the developing signs of skin cancer on the leg.
If the pathology is melanoma, then biopsy is prohibited, as there is a risk of transferring cancer cells to he althy tissues.

Treatment of disease
Skin cancer is treated with radiotherapy, chemicals and surgery.
There are several manipulations among the operational methods. Which one to carry out will be chosen by the doctor, depending on the stage of the disease and the type of tumor.
With the help of liquid nitrogen, a stain on the leg with skin cancer is removed only if it is at an early stage of development. This method is called cryotherapy. Electroknife is used in electroexcision. You can remove the formation with a laser, which affects only the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. The last method is excision. It is used only in the later stages of the disease. It involves excision of the skin with a scalpel.
Prognosis in the treatment of skin cancer on the leg in most cases is favorable, but only if the treatment is timely and correct, and the tumor does not allow metastases. 80-90% of patients are completely cured. But the more advanced the disease, the lower the chances of recovery.

Cancer Prevention
You can use preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of developing skin cancer. Close-fitting clothing should be worn so that the legs are not exposed to the sun for too long. This is especially true during the daytime in the summer. Protect the skin with special creams or gels if it is not possible to wear closed clothing.
In order not to miss the foci of inflammation, you need to periodically examine the skin. If you have any suspicions or any signs, you should immediately contactdermatologist. It must be remembered that with timely treatment, the outcome is almost always favorable.

Without a doubt, the immune defense plays an important role in the prevention of any disease. And to increase it, do not forget about vitamins and minerals.
And, of course, you should be regularly examined by a specialist in order to detect problems in time.