Very often, parents are faced with such a problem as red eyes in a child. Redness can be both in the morning and in the evening. The most common causes of this phenomenon are long computer games, chronic lack of sleep and tears. Also, the eyes may turn red if the child often rubs them with his hands. There can be many reasons. Let's see why the eyes turn red, how to eliminate redness and how to prevent this phenomenon.

Red eyes in a child with mechanical irritation
Factors affecting redness of the eyes are varied. In addition to the above reasons, there may be mechanical irritation of the eyes due to the ingress of specks and dust into them. A foreign body can usually be found on its own under the upper or lower eyelid. The eye must be rinsed with plenty of water, adhering to the rule: from the outside to the inside. You can also remove the mote with a clean handkerchief or cotton swab according to the same rule. If a large foreign body or the above procedures did not help, you should contact an ophthalmologist in a clinic or hospital. Red eyes in an infant are most often due to blockage of the tear duct. A specialist should prescribe treatment and procedures for such a crumb.
Red eyes in a child with conjunctivitis
The most common cause of red eyes is conjunctivitis. It is caused by microorganisms that enter the eye. It is enough to rub your eyes with dirty hands or swim on the beach in germ-infected water. Redness of the eyes in a child with conjunctivitis may be accompanied by lacrimation and various kinds of discharge from the eyes, including purulent ones. The discharge can be white, yellow or green. In this case, the optometrist prescribes topical drugs depending on the cause of the disease: antihistamine, antiviral or antibacterial.
Allergic conjunctivitis in a child
When a child is allergic to any component of food, the eyes can not only redden, but also itch, be accompanied by watery or clear discharge. With an allergic reaction to dust, pollen and cat hair, the eyes turn red if the above gets into them. If you remove the allergen and prescribe an antihistamine, everything goes away.

Eye injuries
In a child, red eyes can be the result of various injuries to the face and eyes. For example, he may fall and hitfront part on a solid object: floor, table, bed, doors, etc. Or the ball, stick during the game can get in the face. In case of injuries of the face and eyes, it is recommended to immediately show the child to an ophthalmologist. Also, the eyes turn red as a result of chemicals entering them: shampoo and soap in the process of bathing. In this case, it is sufficient to rinse the eyes with plenty of water.

Prevention of eye redness in a child
In case of frequent cases of redness of the eyes as a result of prolonged sitting at the computer and TV, it is necessary to limit this pastime. Do not abruptly change the lighting from dark to bright and vice versa. Lotions with chamomile or sugar-free tea leaves on the red eye of a child in a slightly warm form for 5-10 minutes will help relieve redness. You can use cold compresses for 3 minutes, but not more than 1 time in two hours. If the above methods did not give a positive result, or redness is associated with injuries and diseases of the eyes, it is strongly recommended to show the child to an ophthalmologist.