Incorrect movement, excessive exercise or heavy lifting can result in unbearable back pain. A similar phenomenon is called a breakdown of the lumbar spine. At the same time, it becomes not only difficult to perform even elementary tasks - discomfort makes itself felt in a sitting or lying position. Each person can face the fact that he tore his back. What to do at home to relieve pain? Let's try to figure out what medical and alternative methods of treatment exist.
General information

First of all, let's look at what the concept of "broke your back" means from a medical point of view. As a rule, the reason for this condition is too much physical stress on the spine. If a breakdown occurs, then the person instantly experiences acute pain, which can be localized in the lumbar region orspread all over the back. This is due to the fact that at the time of tearing, a rupture of muscle tissue occurs. In this case, the displacement of the vertebral discs or any other injuries do not occur.
Pathology develops due to the fact that the muscular corset, which is responsible for keeping the spine in the correct position, ceases to perform its functions normally. As a result of this, even with the slightest physical exertion, it begins to sag. Injured muscle fibers are unable to return the spine to its original position, which is why the cartilage creates pressure on the nerves, which causes a pronounced pain syndrome. Thus, if a person tore his back in the lower back (what to do - we will consider in detail later), then it becomes difficult for him to perform his usual daily tasks, since the physical load on the spine is uneven.
Classification of pathology
If a person has broken his back, it is very important to determine the type of injury received, since the methods of therapy also depend on this. As mentioned above, the breakdown of the lumbar spine is based on stretching of the muscle fibers, but it can be different.
In modern medicine there is the following classification:
- muscle strain;
- breaking ligaments;
- damage to intervertebral discs;
- protrusion;
- deformation of fibrocartilaginous formations;
- vertebral hernia;
- vertebral instability.
If a person tore his back, what to do in this case? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally, since specific actions depend onon the type of injury received. In each specific case mentioned above, a special treatment is required, so it is recommended that you first consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Only on the basis of the results of the x-ray, the doctor will be able to choose the appropriate therapy program.
Types of pain syndrome
If an adult or child has broken their back, the symptoms may vary. The degree and intensity of their manifestation depends on the severity and type of stretching of the muscle fibers.
In this case, discomfort can be of the following types:
- Muscular. Symptoms are localized in the area of direct rupture of muscle tissue.
- Vertebrate. Pathology arose as a result of the inflammatory process.
- Disk. The pain appears due to pinched nerves between the intervertebral discs.
- Neurogenic. Caused by deterioration in the conduction of electronic impulses along neuronal processes.
Each variety has certain nuances and different intensity of clinical manifestations.
Main causes of pathology

Every person who hurt their back wonders why this happens.
Among the most common factors profiled experts identify the following:
- lifting too large and heavy objects;
- wrong movement of goods;
- hard physical work;
- jumping;
- sitting in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
- falling on your back;
- failed jumps;
- participating in certain sports with a high risk of injury;
- careless body turns or leans.
These are the main reasons that most often lead to stretching of the muscles of the lumbar. However, the reasons can be very different. It all depends on each specific case.
Provoking factors

A very common problem that many patients face is: "I broke my back. What should I do?"
Further in this article, medical and traditional methods of treatment will be discussed in detail, but for now we will list the main reasons that significantly increase the risk of injury and stretching of the muscle tissue of the lumbar region. This is very important, because such a pathology is faced not only by people who play sports or work in difficult physical conditions, but also by ordinary managers who spend all day at the computer.
The following factors increase the likelihood of tearing:
- Individual characteristics of the organism. Some people are more prone to injury than others, so they are more likely to experience sprains. As a rule, adolescents and adults who have a poorly developed muscular corset are at an increased risk.
- The presence of diseases of the spinal column. With curvature, protrusion, hernia and other ailments, the likelihood of developing comorbidities is very high.
- Sharpness of movements. It is because of them that mostcases and sprains and other types of injuries occur. They may be related to domestic conditions, an accident or a normal street brawl.
- Seasonality. As medical statistics show, most of the calls to doctors with the problem that a person has tore his back come in the cold season. This is due to the fact that when performing any physical activity, the muscles do not warm up normally.
- Neurological diseases.
- Stressed all the time.
- Various ailments occurring in acute or chronic form.
- Sedentary lifestyle.
All of the above factors greatly increase the risk of stretching and tearing of muscle tissue in the lumbar spine, so if you are associated with at least some of them, then try to reconsider your life and eliminate them. And if, nevertheless, you are injured, then in this case it is recommended to start treating the torn back as soon as possible, since the pathology will take a very long time to pass on its own. In addition, in the absence of proper therapy, the likelihood of developing various serious complications is high.
Who is at increased risk?

Probably, you will not find such a person who has not experienced a back strain at least once in his life. At the same time, gender, age category and occupation do not matter at all. But some people experience this pathology regularly, while others almost never suffer from it.
As noteddoctors, the following categories of citizens are at increased risk:
- girls and women of all ages;
- old men;
- obese people;
- smokers, alcoholics and drug addicts.
If you want to minimize the likelihood of spinal sprain, it is recommended to maintain a he althy lifestyle, give up any bad habits, and also try to play some kind of sports or at least do exercises in the morning.
Clinical manifestations
It's worth noting right away that each person's sprain or rupture of the ligaments of the lumbar spine may manifest itself differently. The intensity and severity of manifestations is affected by the degree of the injury, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases.
If a person has broken his back, the symptoms are always the same for both men and women. You can independently diagnose a pathology by the following signs:
- Sharp piercing pain in the lumbar region. It occurs directly at the moment of back strain and manifests itself with any physical exertion or movement.
- Hematomas and swelling in the damaged area.
- Severe involuntary muscle tension that cannot be relaxed.
- Numbness and tingling in the lower back.
- Noticeable protrusion of the vertebrae, which is easily felt on palpation.
- Limited movement.
- Deterioration of reflex activity.
- Feeling of weakness in the lower limbs.
In addition to all of the above, in some cases, a person maybouts of nausea and vomiting are observed.
Basic diagnostic methods

If a woman tore her back from gravity, as, in principle, a man, then you should immediately go to the hospital for an examination. A vertebrologist deals with such issues, but if he is not in your hospital, then you can make an appointment with a traumatologist. The doctor will examine you and send you for a complete blood count.
In addition, the following laboratory tests may be ordered if necessary:
- x-ray;
- MRI;
- myelography;
- computed tomography;
- ultrasound;
- thermography.
Only after the results of the tests are in the hands of the doctor, he will be able to determine the real state of the patient's he alth and the severity of the injury, as well as select the most appropriate therapy program.
First stretching steps
Many women (men are less prone to injury due to their higher physical characteristics) are interested in the question: "I tore my back from gravity. What should I do?" Undoubtedly, the best solution would be to go to the hospital, but this is not always possible at a particular point in time. Therefore, the fair sex should have an idea about the basics of first aid.
If you or someone close to you lifted a heavy weight or turned around in a wrong way, resulting in severe back pain, you should take the following actions:
- The victim must be placed in a vertical position on a hard surface, limiting his mobility.
- Under the lower back, you can put a pillow that is not too soft (provided that there is no discomfort).
- Take the patient to the hospital or call an emergency ambulance if the person cannot move independently.
- It is strictly forbidden to give any medication without first consulting a doctor.
- If possible, you should apply a cold compress to the damaged area of the body, which will reduce pain.
- Put a tight bandage around your lower back to reduce stress on your spine.
If a person has broken his back, how to treat him will be described in detail later, but the best option is to consult a doctor. Sometimes you can try to cope with the pathology yourself with the help of traditional medicine.
Medicated treatment
The spine is the backbone of the human body, because most of the nerves pass through it. Therefore, with any back injuries, it is better to contact a specialist. At the same time, it is better not to delay the visit, since any delay can be fraught with serious consequences.
As a rule, the course of therapy lasts no more than one month, and it is based on the use of drugs.
Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs to their patients:
- Analgesics - to eliminate pain. It is best used by injection as it works best.
- Anti-inflammatory - allow not only to remove puffiness, but also to make the symptoms less pronounced.
- Muscle relaxants - allow you to relieve tension in muscle fibers.
- If a person has broken his back, ointment is one of the main types of medications that are used to treat pathology. Rubbing their lower back should begin approximately on the third day after the injury. Many doctors recommend drugs such as Fastum Gel, Menovazin and Diclofenac.
- Chondroprotectors - activate and accelerate regenerative processes, so torn muscle fibers grow together faster.
- Vitamin complexes - necessary to maintain the body and replenish its supply of vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
If the gap is very strong and conventional painkillers do not help, lidocaine blockades are prescribed. This is especially true in cases where the fair sex tore her back. Symptoms in women due to anatomical and physiological characteristics are always more intense and pronounced, and conventional analgesics are very often ineffective.
Drug treatment is also combined with a course of physiotherapy.

The best among them are the following:
- massage;
- therapeutic gymnastics;
- warming up;
- electrophoresis;
- UHT;
- laser therapy;
- acupuncture;
- manual therapy.
In very severe cases, when conventional treatment does not bring the expected result, surgery may be required. However, as medical practice shows, such radical methods are required only in isolated cases.
Alternative medicine
People have always had back injuries, and this was especially common in the Middle Ages, when there were very difficult physical conditions of life. Therefore, traditional healers have discovered many effective methods and recipes to help with sprains or ruptures of the muscles of the lumbar.
Here are some very good treatments:
- Mix in one container 1 tsp. fresh aloe juice and honey. In another bowl, combine 100 grams of Cambrian clay with three tablespoons of water heated to 40 degrees, and mix everything well, then add the contents of the first container. The resulting remedy is applied to the damaged area (on the lower back) three times a day for 5-20 days.
- Finely chop or grate a fresh horseradish root, wrap it in a thin cotton towel and apply in compresses for 10-20 minutes.
- Mix 100 g of s alt and mustard powder, add a little purified kerosene to them and stir. The consistency should resemble a not too liquid slurry. Use the mixture to rub on the affected area of the back.

It is worth noting: if self-treatment will not bring any result over a long period of time, then in this case it is recommended to turn todoctor, as some pathologies of the spinal column require professional medical attention.