Tumors can be benign or malignant. The first type moderately affects a person's life. It does not appear for years, but it still causes imperceptible harm. Malignant tumors develop quite quickly and are able to move not only to nearby organs, but also to those that are far enough away. This happens due to metastasis. If not treated, the person may die.
When a tumor forms on the jaw, the main thing is to identify in time what kind of tumor it is. In 4% of all cases of a similar problem, osteoma of the jaw is diagnosed. Such education is of good quality. It is considered a complex pathology. To be cured? it is necessary to resort to complex therapy. Usually the patient is assigned immediately to several doctors of different specializations. The intervention of a dentist, oncologist, surgeon is required. In case of complications, it is necessary to resort to the help of a neurosurgeon,otolaryngologist and eye specialist.

Problem description
This problem does not apply to odontogenic pathology. In other words, it is not a complication of dental diseases. A neoplasm can form on the jaw tissue. It can affect both one and the second bone. Most often, osteoma of the jaw is diagnosed in adults.
The problem is divided into several types depending on the nature.
- There is a central osteoma. It is located deep in the bone tissue.
- Peripheral is also known. Usually located on the edge. In a different way, such formations are called exostases.
Tumor grows slowly. It does not cause pain in almost all patients. If education is in the center, then the patient has no complaints associated with it. As a rule, in such cases, an osteoma of the jaw is found quite by accident. For example, during a routine examination or in the treatment of other diseases.
Osteoma is formed on mature tissues. The structure of education can be both compact and spongy. Over time, the tumor grows to a decent size. Because of this, various neurological problems arise. If the tumor is located on the condylar process, then among the consequences one can single out a violation of the functions of the lower jaw. Also, sometimes the problem leads to complications from the eye and nose. If the tumor has grown to a large size, then the face may be deformed.
Varieties of pathology
Osteoma of the jaw differs in structure, as well as inhow it develops. Therefore, we will single out several types of tumors.
- Compact. Has a large base or leg. The education width is quite large.
- Tubular. The tumor is spherical. The tissue is no different in structure from he althy jawbones.
- Intraosseous. It has clear borders, so it is easy to see against the background of the bones.

Reasons for appearance
To date, doctors have not been able to identify the exact causes and provoking factors of this problem. However, some patterns of its occurrence have been established. For example, those people who have an osteoma have previously had jaw injuries. With constant trauma to the oral cavity, the chance of developing a tumor increases. In addition, the problem is caused by tartar, irregular shape of dentures, residual fragments of teeth, poorly placed fillings, and so on.
Inflammatory processes are referred to provoking factors. We are talking about sinusitis, periostitis, chronic periodontitis and so on.
It should be noted that although osteoma of the jaw, the photo of which is given in the article, is not a problem arising from the progression of dental diseases, nevertheless, such aspects are referred to as provoking factors. Sometimes a tumor is provoked by foreign bodies in the maxillary sinuses.

The tumor itself does not bring discomfort until it reaches a large size. Because of the size, there is pressure on the nerves. It intensifies over time asneoplasm continues to grow. Jaw movement problems are another manifestation.
A large formation not only causes problems with the functionality of the bones, but also leads to their deformation, malocclusion and noticeable facial symmetry.
If an osteoma located on the lower jaw begins to put pressure on the coronary or condylar junction, it will be difficult for the patient to open his mouth. The tumor does not affect the color of the mucous membranes in any way, and also does not grow together with he althy soft tissues. Abscesses and suppurations do not form on the osteoma, which facilitates its course.

With an external examination and palpation, it is impossible to get a complete picture of the neoplasm. Therefore, the patient is asked to take an x-ray. Often a referral for computed tomography is issued.
In the picture, the osteoma looks like a darkened round or elliptical spot. Sometimes in the picture you can see the imposition of the root on the tumor. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease can be confused with odontoma. If the formation is spongy, then the darkening is heterogeneous. The peripheral tumor has a clear shape.
When diagnosing, you need to understand if the following pathologies are present:
- hyperostosis;
- saliva stone deposits;
- odontoma.
Osteoid can sometimes occur. Osteoma of the jaw can cause side diseases with which it is easy to confuse the described ailment.

Tumor treatment
Shouldnote the fact that the tumor is treated only by surgery. After the diagnosis, during which the location of the problem is identified, an operation is assigned. It is simple and fast.
After removing the osteoma of the jaw, a person may experience cosmetic defects. Therefore, plastic surgery may be required. In the process, those tissues that were removed during the treatment of the tumor will be restored.
Often the operation is performed through the oral cavity. It is necessary to make an incision that will allow access to education. After that, pinholes are made and the tumor is removed using a special tool. Next, you need to grind the bone and sew up the incision.
If the osteoma is in advanced form, then it will lead to constant pain, problems with the face and will require long-term rehabilitation after treatment. The most effective therapy will be the one given immediately after the first symptoms appear.

Osteoid osteoma
May occur due to some causes of osteoma of the jaw of the osteoid type. However, this problem rarely occurs. It is most often diagnosed between the ages of 5 and 35. Men are at risk. The tumor has a loose structure. Its fabric is red or red-gray. Over time, the fibers that make up the formation turn into bone plastics. Due to the structure of the tumor, it is clearly visible on the x-ray. Her bezel is quite dense. As the disease progresses, its thickness begins to increase. There are no fat or other cells inside the tumor. However, white blood cells are found in some patients.
Similar osteoma of the lower jaw, the photo of which is available in the article, is manifested by paroxysmal pains. Sometimes the discomfort doesn't subside. It only intensifies at night. In the event that the tumor is located under the periosteum, then periostitis occurs.
In order to diagnose this type of tumor, an x-ray is needed. During the history taking, a number of additional studies should be carried out to distinguish this problem from ordinary osteoma and sarcoma.
Treatment is carried out only by surgery. In advanced cases, the doctor has to remove part of the affected bone. If the tumor is not removed completely, then it can recur. Therefore, it is important to get rid of all pathological tissues.

Several times a year it is necessary to undergo a routine examination at the dentist. Be sure to do x-rays and treat various diseases. Then you can prevent the development of the problem in time and eliminate it without any complications.