Inflammation of the epiglottis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the epiglottis: causes, symptoms and treatment
Inflammation of the epiglottis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Epiglottitis is a common condition. This is an inflammation of the epiglottis and nearby tissues of the laryngopharynx. With it, the patency of the airways is disturbed and their obstruction appears. The disease occurs in both children and adults, but usually in boys 2-5 years old. The symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the epiglottis are described in the article.

What is this?

Inflammation of the epiglottis is called epiglottitis. In this process, obstruction of the airways and impaired airflow are provoked. The disease manifests itself in the form of dysphagia, dysphonia, fever, sore throat, stridor breathing.

epiglottis inflammation
epiglottis inflammation

Such a disease is dangerous because there is swelling of the epiglottis and nearby tissues, which narrows the airways - until they are completely closed. Air does not enter the lungs, which provokes acute respiratory failure and, as a result, death.

The form of the course of the disease is acute. The chronic form also occurs ifthe disease was not the first time. Inflammation of the epiglottis happens:

  • edematous;
  • abscessing;
  • infiltrative.

There are common symptoms of forms of inflammation, but some may differ. In any case, the patient needs emergency care, and then diagnosis and treatment. With timely medical assistance, complications can be avoided.


Why does inflammation of the epiglottis develop? The cause is considered to be Haemophilus influenzae, which is constantly present in the nose and sinuses in a passive state. Transmission occurs by airborne droplets, which is why the disease is epidemic.

inflammation of the epiglottis symptoms
inflammation of the epiglottis symptoms

In addition to Haemophilus influenzae, pathogens include pneumococci, Candida fungus, Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, as well as those that provoke the development of parainfluenza, herpes, lichen, chickenpox. These microorganisms are not able to penetrate the epiglottis if there are no favorable factors for this.

Epiglottitis also appears due to:

  • trauma of the larynx - wounds, blows, breaks;
  • chemical burns with alkalis or acids;
  • thermal burn with very hot food;
  • smoking abuse;
  • addiction.

For any reason, the disease causes discomfort. Only medical methods can alleviate the condition. Higher risk of inflammation in:

  • men (boys);
  • African American persons;
  • people who are in a large team;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • residentsmetropolitan areas;
  • people with reduced immunity or immunodeficiency;
  • persons with lymphogranulomatosis - a blood disease;
  • children with perinatal encephalopathy;
  • face after spleen removal.

How does it manifest?

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the epiglottis? First comes the common cold and rhinitis: fever, nasal congestion, sneezing. Then the occurrence is likely:

  • sore throat like tonsillitis;
  • throat hyperemia;
  • breathing difficulties, as in tracheitis or bronchitis;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • difficulty swallowing due to swollen epiglottis;
  • increased salivation;
  • muffled voice;
  • hoarse, whistling, noisy breathing;
  • blue lips and fingertips;
  • fear, irritability, anxiety, as in acute respiratory failure;
  • forced posture - stretched neck, open mouth, protruding tongue.

You should not diagnose the disease yourself. This can lead to suffocation. Timely medical care can quickly improve the patient's condition.

inflammation of the epiglottis in adults
inflammation of the epiglottis in adults

In children

The disease usually occurs in children, especially in boys 2-5 years old. It starts with a common sore throat or SARS. There are difficulties in breathing, pain during swallowing, strong salivation. This disease is rapidly progressing.

In a few hours, all symptoms occur - up to absolute obstruction of the respiratory tract. Hererevealed high mortality due to acute oxygen deficiency, hypoxic coma, aspiration of masses during vomiting.

inflammation symptoms in adults
inflammation symptoms in adults


Inflammation of the epiglottis in adults is rare. If the disease appears, then more often in men. The reason for this is the structure of the laryngeal region in men, as well as bad habits that may not be in all women. Symptoms of inflammation of the epiglottis in adults appear the same as in everyone.

In women, the disease develops due to the abuse of alcohol or drugs. You can detect the disease by the above symptoms. Treatment of inflammation of the epiglottis in adults should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.


As can be seen from the photo, inflammation of the epiglottis manifests itself in the form of unpleasant symptoms. But it is necessary to perform diagnostics only after the restoration of the patient's condition, which is being resuscitated by eliminating the obstruction.

symptoms in adults treatment
symptoms in adults treatment

An ENT doctor collects complaints and anamnesis, examines the epiglottis, and then tests and procedures are prescribed. Diagnosis can be made using:

  • fibrolaryngoscopy;
  • radiography;
  • laryngoscopy;
  • blood test;
  • pharyngoscopy;
  • microbiological examination of discharge from the pharynx.

Diagnosis nuances

Caution is needed during clinical examination, because even with normal pressure with a spatula on the root of the tongue, a reflexlaryngospasm. Therefore, the procedures must be performed in a hospital where there is an intensive care unit. It is desirable that instrumental methods be used - fibrolaryngoscopy is considered informative and safe. The study will reveal an increase and hyperemia of the epiglottis, swelling of the arytenoid cartilage and ligaments. The abscess is presented as a yellow spot that is visible through the mucous membrane.

You can also get information with the help of radiography. The picture will show an enlarged epiglottis. But its absence does not indicate that there is no epiglottitis. To determine the causative agent of the infection, swabs are taken from the laryngopharynx, after which a bacteriological study is carried out. The nature of the process is also revealed by a blood test.

It is necessary to differentiate the disease in a child with false croup, foreign bodies, pharyngeal abscess, stridor, whooping cough and other conditions in which similar symptoms are detected. Thanks to the clinical picture and additional examination, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis.

epiglottis inflammation treatment
epiglottis inflammation treatment

First Aid

When symptoms of the disease occur, you need to call an ambulance to hospitalize the patient. Before the arrival of doctors intramuscularly injected medicine that relieves swelling. These are Ceftriaxone, Ceftazidime. Antipyretic drugs are also used.

It is important that the person is in a seated position. It is required to provide an influx of fresh air, eliminate tight clothing. Hospitalization is a mandatory event. In hospital conditions, the doctor takesdecision on treatment methods, taking into account the results of the diagnosis.

How to treat?

Treatment of inflammation of the epiglottis is performed in a hospital. In this case, folk remedies and diet are ineffective. Home treatment can only lead to death. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, an ambulance should be called to transport the patient in a sitting position.

Doctors before arriving at the hospital will relieve respiratory obstruction. How to treat the disease at this stage? Moist oxygen inhalation, oxygen mask, tracheal intubation, percutaneous puncture tracheostomy.

After arrival at the hospital, the same procedures are performed as before the elimination of air obstruction. What else is used to treat epiglottitis? Medicines are prescribed by the resuscitator and otolaryngologist:

  1. Antibiotics – Cefotaxime, Ceftazidime, Cefuroxime.
  2. Immunocorrectors - "Bronchomunal", "Likopid", "Polyoxidonium".
  3. Infusion saline solutions - "Disol", "Laktosol", "Ringer".
  4. Sedatives.
  5. Inhalations with glucocorticoids.
  6. Compresses based on Dimexide on the neck.

When infiltrative epiglottitis occurs, incisions are made on the epiglottis in areas of greater swelling. With an abscess, the epiglottis is opened.

Surgical method

In difficult cases, when the respiratory lumen of the larynx is severely narrowed, an emergency surgical operation is required. Treatment in such a situation is performed by introducing a special tube into the larynx and trachea, with the help of which artificial expansion is carried out.respiratory lumen. This normalizes breathing and protects against the development of asphyxia. After the operation, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.


It is about vaccination. There are vaccines for children under 5 years of age, older and for adults who have reduced immunity. Another prevention is:

  • hand washing;
  • doing sports;
  • hardening;
  • balanced diet;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • quitting smoking;
  • not eating hot food to avoid burns;
  • lack of self-treatment when symptoms of illness occur.
  • inflammation of the epiglottis photo
    inflammation of the epiglottis photo


How long do they live with such an ailment? Life expectancy is affected by whether medical care was provided. Cases of death in advanced disease are 30-40%. With timely treatment, deaths are 1%. It is important to call an ambulance in a timely manner when symptoms appear so that the condition cannot worsen from oxygen deficiency.


The most serious complication is acute asphyxia, when the airways are blocked by an edematous epiglottis. A dangerous complication is pulmonary edema, which appears with an acute lack of oxygen. The spread of infection leads to pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis. If you see a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis is usually positive.
