How to cure cough in children and prevent complications

How to cure cough in children and prevent complications
How to cure cough in children and prevent complications

By far, the most common causes of cough in children are acute respiratory infections, bronchitis or pneumonia. But in recent years, allergic lesions of the respiratory system have spread, especially against the background of a chronic viral infection (the so-called Epstein-Barr virus). These conditions produce a prolonged, debilitating, spasmodic cough, which easily develops into pneumonia. In a word, in order to know how to cure a cough in children, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis, which is impossible to do on your own (without the participation of doctors). For example, despite the prevalence of banal bronchitis, one should not forget about childhood infections (for example, whooping cough). By the way, tuberculosis is often found in childhood.

how to cure cough in children
how to cure cough in children

General principles for treating cough in children

Still, there are general approaches to the treatment of this disease:

- peace, comfortable posture, warmth and fresh air (no draft);

- plentiful warmth and good nutrition;

- use of expectorants(especially those based on natural plant ingredients).

cure a cough in a child with folk remedies
cure a cough in a child with folk remedies

It is not recommended to use exactly antitussive medicines, since it is impossible to cure a cough in children by simply stopping it. Coughing is a protective reaction, thanks to which phlegm and mucus, bacteria and toxins are removed from the respiratory tract. If we just stop it, then all this "cocktail" will remain in the lungs of the child. Therefore, preference should be given to expectorant and mucolytic (thinning) agents that provide quick and easy sputum excretion. The drug "Doctor Mom" (in the form of ointment, lozenges or syrup) has a very good effect on children of any age, it is effective and easy to use. With a hacking dry cough, the Codelac Phyto remedy, which also actively thins sputum, will help.

How to cure a cough for a baby? This is quite a difficult task. Firstly, inhalation is categorically contraindicated for newborns due to an increased risk of airway spasm. Due to the constant horizontal position, the infection, along with sputum, easily spreads through the bronchi and stagnates, eventually causing pneumonia. Self-medication of cough is contraindicated, and even in infants it is simply prohibited. In any case, provide the baby with peace, plenty of fluids, fresh air (but not a draft).

how to cure a cough in a baby
how to cure a cough in a baby

New technologies. Nebulizers

Recently, a very effective alternative to inhalation has appeared - the so-called nebulizers. This isdevices that convert liquid medicinal substances into the smallest air suspension. Their main advantages are: targeted delivery of the pharmaceutical to the lesion, which provides a very fast therapeutic effect, there are no risks of burns and damage to the mucous membrane (typical for steam and oil inhalers), there is no need to synchronize pressing the dispenser with breathing, so nebulizers are very easy to use even for newborns. Also, this method of treatment allows for a more accurate dosing of drugs. But the nebulizer itself does not cure, with what and how to cure cough in children with it, that is, the pediatrician should choose the medicines and their doses.


If you want to take a chance and cure a child's cough with folk remedies, then use inhalation (but only if the baby does not have a temperature). Pour boiling water over 2-3 tablespoons of crushed coltsfoot leaves, add 2 teaspoons of soda or 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil. You can also make homemade medicine - chop the onion very finely, mix with two tablespoons of sugar or honey, leave to brew for a day. Drink the resulting juice in a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. But remember that traditional medicine will never overcome infection and tuberculosis, do not risk the life of your child, seek help from a pediatrician.

It is necessary not only to know how to cure a cough in children, but also to be able to prevent the complications associated with it. Therefore, pay attention to the development of symptoms of respiratory failure in the child: pallor or cyanosisnasolabial triangle, shortness of breath, retraction of the intercostal spaces on inspiration. If they appear, call an ambulance immediately!
