Many are interested in the question of how to treat lichen in a cat. Practice shows that almost every owner of a fluffy treasure has to deal with this trouble. It doesn’t matter if your cat walks by itself or spends most of his life in a comfortable chair and is only occasionally taken out to the country. Lichen in domestic cats is considered to be the most common disease. This disease affects the skin and hairline of the animal. Veterinarians note that under the familiar term “ringworm”, two of its varieties are hidden at once: microsporia and trichophytosis. Combine their similar symptoms. The same group includes favus, commonly referred to as scab.

Before telling how to treat lichen in a cat, it must be emphasized that this disease has earned notoriety, primarily because of its contagiousness. You can easily get lichen by petting a street kitten, not washing your hands after contact with an animal, and even having been in a room where a sick animal lives. By the way, pathogens are very stable in the external environment - their lifespan can be several years.
Who is in the grouprisk
The question of how to treat lichen in a cat is very relevant for you if your pet:
- kept in adverse conditions;
- suffers from dandruff, spends a lot of time among dust and dirt (whether at home or outside);

- constantly combing the skin, as a result of which they are covered with minor injuries;
- is immunocompromised;
- is in contact with rodents (for example, you specifically brought a cat in the country to catch rats and mice).
Of course, homeless animals are most often exposed to this disease. However, pet pampered pussies also have a chance to get infected.
If you are a good, responsible owner, you should know how to treat lichen in a cat. How can she get infected if she doesn't go outside at all? Easier than you think. Do not forget that on the soles of your shoes you bring into the apartment not only dirt, but also, possibly, spores of the fungus that causes lichen. And a rare cat will miss the opportunity to be curious and spin around the master's shoes.

Signs of lichen in cats include symptoms such as hairless patches covering the entire body. At first they are relatively small, but gradually increase in size and become covered with scabs. At first, areas such as the muzzle, ears, tail and paws are affected. Veterinarians note that the disease can take different forms and be deep, superficial and atypical. the most dangerousis a deep form - it is usually diagnosed in young kittens and immunocompromised adults. Superficial lichen is not always visible to the naked eye, especially if your pet has a thick, fluffy coat. As for the atypical form, it is characterized by the appearance of rare hairless areas - bald spots.
So, how to treat lichen in cats? Unfortunately, this can take quite a long time. Show the cat to the veterinarian, and he will prescribe antibiotics (usually they are administered intramuscularly) and antiseptics (the affected areas are washed with them). Do not forget that the animal must be isolated for the duration of treatment. After the course is completed, the room where the cat was will need to be disinfected.