What is an abscess? Diagnosis and treatment

What is an abscess? Diagnosis and treatment
What is an abscess? Diagnosis and treatment

What is an abscess or an abscess, almost every person who has observed suppuration on the body at least once in his life knows. A local infection that destroys tissues in the focus of inflammation usually develops after a violation of the integrity of the skin.

what is an abscess
what is an abscess

What is an abscess?

Next to the abscess, nearby tissues create a membrane that separates the abscess from the he althy area. Its symptoms are as follows: the occurrence of a purulent process and the subsequent death of he althy tissues. This is a normal reaction of the body. Considering this process at the cellular level will give a clear understanding of what an abscess is. It can be of several types depending on the location: soft tissues, pulmonary, paratonsillar, post-injection and others. All of them are painful and capable of delivering a lot of inconvenience to the patient. In order to understand what an abscess is, you need to have a good idea of how a focal bacterial infection occurs. The latter is often staphylococcal. This microorganism weakens general and local immunity. It can enter the body through damage to the skin, due to an extensive and neglected hematoma.

abscess photo
abscess photo

Also, infection can occur due to the fact that boils and fistulas have not been effectively treated. As a result of incorrectly performed medical manipulations, such as injections and punctures, a post-injection abscess may occur. To prevent it, you must strictly follow the rules of asepsis.

Abscess. Photos and symptoms

This process can occur both on the skin and in the thickness of the connective tissue, as well as in any organ. Abscesses in the viscera are difficult to diagnose. To do this, conduct an ultrasound examination. Abscesses visible on the surface of the body are located in the thickness of the skin, muscles or in the subcutaneous connective tissue. The first signs of suppuration are the appearance of a node that is hard to the touch and soreness around it. The skin becomes reddish and swollen. This is a sign that a pus-filled capsule is forming underneath. The general condition is also worsening - fever, weakness, malaise are possible.

abscess symptoms
abscess symptoms

However, if the body is strong and he althy, then the appearance of suppuration may go unnoticed. Having finally formed, the purulent capsule breaks through to the surface of the skin or into one of the body cavities (if the abscess is in the internal organs). In the first case, after this, the abscess heals. In the second, infection of the cavity with pus and the development of pathological processes can occur.

Diagnosis and treatment

Recovery will be faster and more painless if the abscess is found early. Wherever it is located, itit is necessary to open, clean the capsule from the contents and treat the resulting wound with antibiotics. In order to carry out these procedures, a short-term hospitalization is necessary. With advanced abscesses of the internal organs, an operation may be required to remove the organ. In order to recover as soon as possible, the patient must fully eat, observe bed rest. Antibiotics are prescribed after a sensitivity test.
